Runaway to the Stars: Page 4

Adam's got a deathwish.

Transcript Talita: Hey! Adam! Don’t walk within 3 meters of the grinder blade!
She is yelling at a human worker in an exosuit, who is carrying something near the operating rotary blade arm of a utility vehicle.
Adam: I’m not in front of it.
Talita: Shrapnel can fly out at any angle!
Adam: Isn’t that what the suit is for?
Talita: Your suit is for breathing. You don’t want to find out what happens if you blow a hole in it!
Adam: Fine.
He walks further away.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 4

Adam's got a deathwish.

Transcript Talita: Hey! Adam! Don’t walk within 3 meters of the grinder blade!
She is yelling at a human worker in an exosuit, who is carrying something near the operating rotary blade arm of a utility vehicle.
Adam: I’m not in front of it.
Talita: Shrapnel can fly out at any angle!
Adam: Isn’t that what the suit is for?
Talita: Your suit is for breathing. You don’t want to find out what happens if you blow a hole in it!
Adam: Fine.
He walks further away.

10 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 4

  1. I’m doing a re-read for the new chapter, and I ADORE the details you’ve put in that I’m catching now. Talita looks so grumpy, it’s a perfectly readable expression without being human

  2. i love the motion lines around talita’s hand gesture in the third panel!

  3. Having been “tapped” by a chunk of concrete cutter blade at 90 degrees to the blade spin 30 feet away, this is not some silly dialog point.

    1. Yep… plus minimal air friction to slow particles, no sound for environmental awareness, and a just couple of layers of fabric, plastic, and glass between you and death by decompression…

  4. absolutely eating up the machinery detail here. I love how in the last panel, the blade hovers ominously over adam, and its always clear just how massive it is. spooky.

  5. Many workplace safety rules are written in the blood of morons.

    1. And the merely unlucky.

  6. Do the Darwin Awards still exist in this future?

  7. See, this is why Talita is my favorite.

  8. Me with the co-op students at my work who looooove to stand in the kickback-danger-zone

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