Runaway to the Stars: Page 10

Her face is just as strange as the rest of her.

Transcript Talita starts to take of her suit in front of the staff lockers. She twists off the air hoses to her helmet, undoes the latches at the base of her neck, twists the neck seal open. Human crew members walk by, their heads barely taller than her lower torso. She pulls off the helmet to reveal her face. Her neck is tiger-striped with an integument somewhere in between fur and feathers. Her owlish face tapers into a short slender trunk with lips at the end, and a larger mouth in a more predictable place has two round, dark patches of skin on either side of the lower jaw. She picks up a pair of rectangular glasses on top of the lockers.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 10

Her face is just as strange as the rest of her.

Transcript Talita starts to take of her suit in front of the staff lockers. She twists off the air hoses to her helmet, undoes the latches at the base of her neck, twists the neck seal open. Human crew members walk by, their heads barely taller than her lower torso. She pulls off the helmet to reveal her face. Her neck is tiger-striped with an integument somewhere in between fur and feathers. Her owlish face tapers into a short slender trunk with lips at the end, and a larger mouth in a more predictable place has two round, dark patches of skin on either side of the lower jaw. She picks up a pair of rectangular glasses on top of the lockers.

26 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 10

  1. Oh, my word, Talita had a fandom before the comic? Damn, I’ve really been missing out.

  2. I’ve been following Jay Eaton’s work since they collabed with Ewa U for worldbuilding notes so the author’s note about Talita’s face looking odd had me like “?” for a moment because I’ve been familiar with it for years. I remember when rtts centaurs didn’t have scale teeth haha

    1. right?? I’m so used to her face that when I read this, I went back over a few pages and tried to imagine I wasn’t yet.

  3. Still can’t get over how Talita has that proboscis like mouth

    1. not a mouth, nose

      1. I mean, it is kinda both. She speaks through it after all I’m pretty sure.

        1. Vocal Nose. Mouth is for eating with

        2. I’m aware of the fact that the nose is only for speaking, which is why I had said “Kinda both”.

  4. The woman, the myth, the legend

  5. I wonder if her helmet lens is prescription

    1. Yeah, she doesn’t need to wear her glasses in it because the helmet viewport assists her close-range vision.

  6. Hello Talita!
    (ha! she puts her glasses on top of the lockers because she’s the only one who can reach them. :D)

  7. Yay! We can finally see her gorgeous (and spec-bio-wise fascinating) face!

  8. taking in each page absolutely scarfing down the details. I never noticed that talita’s vertical eyestripes leading down to nostrils were concave.
    I enjoy how softly rendered the humans are in the second-to-last panel indicating their proximity.

    Also, I love the tiny detail of her needing to press with two fingers on either side of the snaps on the helmet to undo them. So if something like, hits her in the neck it’s not going to accidentally pop a corner of her helmet off. Safety!

  10. she!!

    I’m so happy to see this project coming so far, I’ve loved your worldbuilding and characters for years.


  12. Viashino_wizard

    *audience applause*

  13. Talita!! Also, love the careful details put into her suit.

  14. Talita!!! Also, as a huge spaceflight nerd, seeing a non-humanoid take off a spacesuit realistically is so so cool.

  15. Talita!!!!

  16. God she’s gorgeous

  17. Wahoo it’s the her!

  18. Woot! unobscured Talita Face

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