Runaway to the Stars: Page 102

...Feeling rebellious, Talita?


Idrisah: Don't feel sorry for them! They only want back on that ship because it's more inconvenient to remove!!
Ohwitiil: Idrisah! I told you to be here by 9!

Idrisah jolts in fear and jogs over to them.

Idrisah: Sorry Ohwitiil! Had a slow start this morning!

She turns around to glare at Talita.

Idrisah: (ASL) DON'T DO IT!

Talita watches her walk off into the admin wing and then looks thoughtfully in the direction of the airlock. The next panel is a large birds-eye view shot of the junkyard. Lit spots show where yardwork is happening.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 102

...Feeling rebellious, Talita?


Idrisah: Don't feel sorry for them! They only want back on that ship because it's more inconvenient to remove!!
Ohwitiil: Idrisah! I told you to be here by 9!

Idrisah jolts in fear and jogs over to them.

Idrisah: Sorry Ohwitiil! Had a slow start this morning!

She turns around to glare at Talita.

Idrisah: (ASL) DON'T DO IT!

Talita watches her walk off into the admin wing and then looks thoughtfully in the direction of the airlock. The next panel is a large birds-eye view shot of the junkyard. Lit spots show where yardwork is happening.

28 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 102

  1. Sorry Idrisah, you are not her mom

  2. Luna Rose (Whirligig Girl)

    yaaay overhead view of an industrial railway!!!

  3. I wonder what racism the interns are going to throw out today.

    1. “See that *centaur* writing on the ship she’s now tinkering with all the time? I *knew* that she wouldn’t be able to keep up with *real* spacefaring technology!”
      (Nevermind that IIRC the Runaway is *avian* built.)

  4. Gloriousskivvies

    Oh man, can’t tell you how often I got that sign and exact face growing up lol. Mom wasn’t hoh or anything but learned from a college buddy whose family was, and found so many uses for silent communication with my adhd gremlin butt.

  5. I think the avian boss yells because she’s old and deaf.

    1. Please go and convince *Talita* of that. I’ll be shopping for a centaur-sized bullhorn and join you later, handing it to her “to make Ohwitiils life easier”.

  6. The Hollymonster

    Talita, in that last panel: How ’bout I do anyway?~♫

  7. ohwitiil you are such a delightful little froofy fop to look at

  8. Sparky Lurkdragon

    Talita: Mmmm I think I will, actually.

    1. she’s gonna do it

  9. Idrisah‘s faces so good!

  10. Idrisah,
    You can’t just tell an engineer to NOT fix something.

  11. Tyrone the Miner

    This looks like its going to test the bond of the Girls friendship.

    Also Owhitiil is bossy, screechy , annoying and a little b*tch.
    I would embed my size 47 (UK) right shoe so deep into his little cloaca , it will take the surgeons 4 hours just to
    loosen the laces.

    1. If you really wear shoes in a *UK* “size 47”, rather than EU size 47, you’d need to try with Calcerys ventilation duct instead. X-D

      1. Tyrone the Miner

        correct, EU. Looked at the wrong list =)
        a pair of shoes in 47 UK would have to be build at the dockyards….

        1. Naaah, a 23-inches-and-a-bit-long foot could be pen-traced onto an A2 sheet, and clad, with a good deal of room to spare, in a FRAKTA. ;-P

          (No medical photographic films to have it *x-rayed* in one piece, though.)

    2. AS a 13 6E/47M I don’t want to try to wedge my clownboot up Ohwitiil’s backside, but I wouldn’t mind booting them into orbit…

  12. Ok right now my theory is that Idrisah is going to continue to be against Bip until *something* happens that causes her to realize that Talita, and maybe Gillie too, need to leave Dirtball. At which point she’ll reluctantly go along with Bip since they’re the quickest way out

  13. I feel like Idrisah has been burned by her kindness in the past, and is trying to prevent her friend from being taken advantage of. Great expressions on this page, also!

  14. Hahaha Idrisah’s change of expression when talking to Ohwitiil XD.
    Typical customer service masking.

  15. > Lit spots show where yardwork is happening.

    … including the pit the Runaway was lowered into. (With the torch engines pointing *toward* the habitat, by the way.)

    Are there *several* teams working in the yard, or are the lights to the *left* of the habitat RC vehicles (like the crane we’ve seen lift the Runaway)?

    1. Fortunately the torch engines won’t be activated until they reach orbit.

      1. Also, they’re a good 15+ km away (and also angled a good bit away) from the habitat, don’t think it can do anything to the habitat.

        1. > Fortunately the torch engines won’t be activated until they reach orbit.

          *We* know that, because there wouldn’t be an upcoming comic otherwise. As far as crane-preprogramming *Talita* knows right now, pokerface Bip might actually be so desperate to get away from the authorities that, once the girls refuse to bring the Runaway to orbit (or Idrisah calls the cops on her own), he’ll take a 1% chance of the ship wiggling out of the pit under its own irresponsibly high power *without* destroying itself in the process. Once their mainframe is reconnected and *can* control the ship, of course.

          > Also, they’re a good 15+ km away […] don’t think it can do anything to the habitat.

          Remember that an actual torch drive necessarily has an energy budget rivaling that of our nukes – while releasing that energy only in a specific direction.

          If the Runaway manages to wiggle out of the pit, 15 km are *nothing*.
          If the blast of its torch drive erodes the pit wall and blows radioactive fallout up and in the direction of the habitat, 15 km won’t do much against that, either.
          And if the escape attempt fails and the drive goes boom … *still* not sure that 15 km will be enough. (How NEMP-hardened are the habitat’s life support systems? Or is Shivakiils magnetic field so weak that no pulse would be generated?)

  16. It’s not your call, Idrisah. You can advise, you can cajole, you can argue, but you can’t decide for Talita what she wants to do with the 841 phones in her room or their resident. It’s down to her.

  17. GO TALITA, GO!

  18. Fantastic Idrisah expressions on this page, lol

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