Runaway to the Stars: Page 117

Guys I think she noticed


Idrisah: (ASL) Gillie, the farmers got me on the way home again. Could you stand another loaf of zucchini bread, or—

She looks up and is confused to see Talita is in the room, cringing guiltily. Gillie reaches over surreptitiously and presses a button to retract the scroll monitor that's displaying Bip's avatar. Idrisah's look of surprise transforms into a glare. She storms over angrily and yanks the monitor screen back down.


Bip: I’m not in your house, this is just a weirdly formatted video call–

Idrisah: Don’t get prescriptivist with me, you souped up malware!

Gillie glances over her shoulder at Talita, who is attempting to quietly leave.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 117

Guys I think she noticed


Idrisah: (ASL) Gillie, the farmers got me on the way home again. Could you stand another loaf of zucchini bread, or—

She looks up and is confused to see Talita is in the room, cringing guiltily. Gillie reaches over surreptitiously and presses a button to retract the scroll monitor that's displaying Bip's avatar. Idrisah's look of surprise transforms into a glare. She storms over angrily and yanks the monitor screen back down.


Bip: I’m not in your house, this is just a weirdly formatted video call–

Idrisah: Don’t get prescriptivist with me, you souped up malware!

Gillie glances over her shoulder at Talita, who is attempting to quietly leave.

90 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 117

  1. Is this an english world I dont reckognise or it she swering in Tilitian…🤔

    1. ‘souped up’ = improved (often applied in the context of high-performance cars)
      ‘malware’, from ‘malicious software’ is any computer program designed to do bad things, e.g. viruses, scam programs, and ransomware.
      She is calling Bip a computer virus, which I imagine is pretty rude against an AI.

      1. And “prescriptivist” refers to the fact that Bip is using the definition of “in” in a prescriptive sense, as opposed to a descriptive one (that is, they’re getting semantic instead of recognizing that in a colloquial sense they *are* in her house)

  2. THEE funniest page so far, got a real giggle out of me even though i was feeling down

  3. love talita’s big steppy in panel 6

  4. A+ faces here from everyone

  5. Talita is just too adorable and relatable.

  6. The first panel is so enjoyable. It has such slice-of-life, mundane dialogue that gives the audience a really endearing peak into the married life of Gillie and Idrisah.

  7. Despite this not being how technology works, I’m imagining Bip getting rolled up and their view being restricted to the inside of the roll.

    1. Imagining Bip all ‘rolled up’, tapping fingers, and silently thought cloud bubbling “This happens more often than I’d like…”

      Because would totally commit to the bit, even if there was no chance anyone as watching.

      1. Oh, gad, yes! Notice that Bip is, in fact, emoting surprise when Idrisah pulls the screen back down, despite being an AI with reactions far too fast for that… and look at the little mouth-line in their emote on the next panel!

  8. This page is FULL of incredible faces. Shoutout to Talita’s big googly eyes

  9. WAIT, their monitors are a thin flexible material that you can pull up and down like blinds?
    Thats fucking cool and I want it!

  10. In this case Idrisah is blaming the wrong person. Gillie chose to take the call, and Talita being there makes it look like they’re all conspiring to “be gay and commit crimes” behind her back… which, well… Idrisah isn’t anyone’s Mom here and they’re all adults, so she is being more than a tadbit controlling…

    But I’m still siding with Idrisah at this point. I mean, without the crimes there’d be no story so it’s good Idrisah does not get her way, but… still poor Idrisah, getting drug down into a life of crime “against her will”.

    1. > I’m still siding with Idrisah at this point.

      Well, I don’t … not entirely, at least. She has two clear options here: Allow her friends to help Bip out, standing aside if she can’t bring herself to take an active role in it, if need be; or to inform the authorities, if she’s really convinced that the situation needs to be escalated to them. The logical conclusion of her doing *neither*, which is what she’s been busy doing so far, is to have Bip – an actual person – die by sheer inaction, an outcome clearly *worse* than either of the original two options. She needs to make a choice, *her* choice; the chances of anyone else making it for her (without that backfiring itself) are slim.

      1. There is a clear third choice… and it’s the one she’s been making: Not help the criminal and actively try to convince friends and spouse not to commit crimes. It’s the …. basically bullying level she’s taking the “convince people not to be criminal” that I disagree with.

        Also, she should just side with Gillie, be gay and do crimes. Just dive into the Gillie side without reservations, she’ll have less stress and be happier… but “possess less stress” is not a natural state for Idrisah. She needs to be drug into that kicking and screaming the whole way.

        Also, I’m pretty sure that Bip will survive fine without Talita and Gillie’s help… there’d be difficulties, lots of them, but Bip is a capable hacker and pirate, I’m sure Bip would be perfectly capable of taking care of business by their ownself now that their servers are powered back up. They only time they were truly in jeopardy was while the phones were powered off, once Talita unknowingly assisted by recharging all of them, Bip was back up and could have handled everything else on their own… slowly, with difficulty and many, many pitfalls to hurdle, but I’m confident Bip could have handled it.

    2. I kind of like the fact that Idrisah seems only to be mad at Bip, it seems she’s focusing on the ringleader… I’m pretty sure at this point that Idrisah sees Bip as a nasty little con artist who’s manipulating her wife and friend. While to some degree that’s true, it also shows that she’s unwilling to place much blame on Gillie or Talita (although she and Gillie seemed pretty heated that morning).

  11. This is too funny.

  12. God I love the expressions here X’DDD

    And poor Talita tryin to sneak away. She has nothing to do with this, I swear!

  13. I love how it’s “The farmers got me AGAIN”. How many times has this happened, I wonder XD

    Also oh, dear, Talita, honey, you’re not gonna sneak out XD

    1. Well, it seems that Idrisah has eight? zucchini in that net, as opposed to the ten Rasheed insisted for Tod to take. Clemency in action …

  14. You can tell Bip is in trouble because they’re not doing speech to text. Not that Gillie would actually need it for *this* conversation I’d imagine

  15. Ooh. Are Talita’s nictitating membranes fully across her eyes in the last panel there?

    It is kind of cartooning convention to draw eyes like that, with just the irises, or with empty circles for pupils for someone panicked and embarrassed like that. But, we imagine that it could look a lot like that with her nictitating membranes closed. You could still see her pupils maybe, but they’d be clouded over, if the membrane is translucent rather than transparent.

    1. I think it’s just a cartoonish expression- there’s a panel on page 25 with her pupils styled similarly and nicitating membrane visibly being used for expression. Also, at least based on this couple years old Tumblr post, you would see the nicitating membrane closed- it isn’t just a single bit of membrane, but a bit more like a secondary set of eyelids in how it moves over the eyes.

  16. Fear the angry Idrisha. She’ll take your “technically correct” and throw it back in your face.

  17. Also, comparing the screen content on page 116 panel 4 to panel 2 here, it seems that Bip has continued to transcribe (Idrisah’s ASL from panel 1), but has stopped (and removed the lingering CCbubbles) in panel 4. They *expected* some profanity filter overload from Idrisah, apparently.

  18. “Souped up malware” reminds me of Doctor Smith’s epithets for the Robot in the original “Lost in Space”

  19. “Farmer*S*,” plural. Rasheed’s got a *team* to block all (three?) pathes between offices and homes and hawk the surplus. No wonder home office is so popular among Dirtballers! X-D

    Moral of the page: A sci-fi work-from-home setting doesn’t mean there aren’t still TBIC key( combo)s for good reason. 😛

  20. Poor Talita, trying to exit the room when there’s an argument going on is already awkward enough, but having to do it on all [s]fours[/s] sixes just compounds the awkwardness…

    1. Poor Talita having to crawl out and taking up so much space in the room she’ll never be able to just sneak out…

  21. idrisah racism moment???

    1. Dunno, she’s specifically berating *Bip* here, for very personal reasons. Her relation to Calcery seems to have been OK (judging by the fact that Calcery told Talita to meet with her and Gillie more often, ).

      1. True, but I think it’s fair to wonder whether it might be construed as bigoted to refer to a machine intelligence as “malware”, however badly they may be behaving in the moment. I don’t know if they have all the same legal rights as biologicals, but AI seem to be regarded as full persons from what we’ve seen so far, so comparing them to dumb software might well be taken as a slur.

        1. That’s assuming that *their* definition of “malware” is still consistent with ours (which is limited to “dumb software” because calling any of our software “smart” – yes, I’m including current-day “AI”s with that – is dubitable).

          But let’s assume, for the sake of the argument, that that’s the case. If so, “malware” would at least imply “innocent”, because “dumb software” does what it’s been programmed to do … I’d consider “delinquent” a stronger insult, *if* it were an insult, rather than a truth that Bip has already admitted to (“pirate”) …

  22. talita darling you are far too large to sneak out

    1. Large enough to panic and make her own door on the way out, then? 😛

      (At the very least, that *possibility* should give Idrisah pause before she tries yelling at the angst-ridden stampedosaur in the room as well …)

      1. I will be impressed of she manages to.

        1. Note that she *did* happily volunteer as “brute force” for housing remodeling on page 81 f. …

  23. 4th panel bip is giving me ‘you just caught the cat eating your important documents’ vibe

  24. If Bip had time to render an image of their avatar looking surprised, then there was also time to hide the avatar or blank the screen or throw up something innocuous. Bip definitely wanted this confrontation to happen.

    1. Still missed out on the “ow, bonked my head when you released the roll-up screen, Gillie” joke, though.

    2. Yeah, this is what I came back to point out… except I hadn’t gotten to the “Bip could have boss-buttoned themself before Idrisah came back” part, excellent point!
      I think Bip knows that Idrisah and Gillie are a package deal, and that it’s necessary to bring Idrisah around… somehow.

  25. i wonder what Gillie’s desktop icons are

  26. The comedic timing on this page is absolutely fantastic.


  28. trying to decide what my favorite part of this page is and i think I’ve settled on bip’s stance in the second panel, it’s just so good

    1. Gillie’s face on the third panel

    2. Jay said that any alterations to Bip’s avatar are completely conscious decisions. So Bip had like a half-second to decide “do I want to do the helpful thing and hide my avatar, or the funny thing and pose myself like a startled and guilty cat?” and since Bip is Bip they chose the latter

      1. Oop replied to the wrong comment lol, was supposed to be for @JJA

        1. No prob, I got it. : )
          Bip’s just helping the organics to work through the emotional component of their thinking processes so they can all get down to the brass tacks.

  29. Yes Gillie, rolling up the monitor is definitely going to solve the problem, good job.

  30. Calling an AI “malware” seems a bit racist.

    1. Bip is being intrusive and unwanted… so… (it kinda fits)

      Still very rude at the least, but…

  31. Lmao 🤣

    Talita discreetly trying to leave like the “holdup” SpongeBob meme is not helping either 😂

  32. Time is so hard to depict in comics, and _comedic_ timing is an order of magnitude more difficult, but you’ve completely nailed it here! Still funny on the third read-through!

  33. The expressions are killing me this is so good :’D

  34. This is my new favorite page! I am really hoping Idrisah WHIPS around to point at and scold Talita next before she escapes.

    1. Even if she manages to just escape – someone will hear Idrisah yelling “get out” and see Talita getting out. Some misunderstandings are about to happen.

      1. Especially when, from an outside perspective, it looked like Gillie was sneaking Talita inside.

  35. gillie’s computer background… beans??

  36. Talita’s face is priceless

  37. Hopes that Talita could stand up and block view of the screen with her massive body… dashed

    1. oh that would have been a great idea, if only she hadnt immediately begun panicking and froze up x3 ah well, rip the bandaid off i guess hahaha

      1. And the comments section has figured out that that is exactly what Bip is trying to do, here

  38. I am *howling,* every panel here is flawless XD


    “souped up malware” oh Idrisah’s bringing out the AI racial epithets now

    also I love Talita trying to leave the house quietly like CLIP CLOP CLIP CLOP

    1. Idrisah’s time with skimmer avians has rubbed off on her

      1. Well, with Ohwitiil, at least

  40. And exit stage right for Talita

  41. Run Talita run!

  42. Guestie McGuestor

    “YOU! You digital homewrecker!” XD

    1. Guestie McGuestor

      Also? Loving Talita trying to slink away in the back. XD

  43. Bruce Mickelson

    This is comedy gold!

  44. The artstyle suddenly got a bit more cartooney woaah (unless I am misreading somehow fhdhdhs) but gjfjdhs all the reactions and talita trying to sneak off… incredible….. Big Fan Of These Drawings In Particular

  45. Talita’s little pinchy scared hands… and then “I’ll see myself out 🫥”

  46. TALITA TRYING TO SNEAK OUT …. very inconspicuous I’m sure this will go so very well. GOD I love this comic

  47. Rad Internet Stranger

    I don’t think im ever going to get over the expressions you do

    1. Rad Internet Stranger

      Side note, I wonder, can Gillie hear the faintest noises if it’s loud enough or can she not hear anything at all?? I’m curious because I know deafness isn’t always as cut and dry as cannot pick up any kind of sound no matter how loud it is

      1. Like, how well could Gillie pick up the ‘groaning’ infrasonic noises Talita makes when she’s really upset? if it’s loud enough to shake the walls …

        1. Looking forward to some far off date when Talita uses infrasonics to communicate with Gillie in Morse Code, because Gillie is the only one likely to notice the infrasonic, and both them are the right kinda ‘nerd’ to maybe know Morse Code…

      2. I think totally. Being off-model means surgical options are too risky, but if she had partial hearing that opens up non-invasive options to amplify sound like the hearing aids we have today – I bet she would have liked that better than caption glasses.

        1. if i remember correctly, gillie doesn’t have any hearing at all (medically it’s called profound deafness but i’m not sure if that’s the term preferred by the community). when she ‘heard’ talita’s groaning, it was more like how sounds that are loud or deep enough can be felt, since (ALSO if i remember correctly) sound IS a physical force or at least one capable of being felt. if you’ve ever been near a road and had a large semi-truck pass by, the odd pressure you feel as it goes is your body “feeling” the sound.

          fun fact: it’s actually not uncommon for deaf folks to use very loud sounds as ways to alert themselves, even if they have no hearing at all, especially when living alone, BECAUSE sound can be felt

        2. I am thinking it might be worth going thru the comic again and watching Gillie’s ears. They’re mostly hidden, but I fully expect to find that Gillie’s ears don’t track sounds, they just vibe and sometimes emote. I would totally forget about that if I was drawing this, but it seems like the kind of detail Jay would be very conscientious about.

        3. As Vinemaple has put me in mind of Gillie’s ears emoting, now I’m rather surprised they aren’t in “airplane ear” flat mode in the last panel as Idrisah hurls the full force of her anger at Bip. Sure, she can’t actually HEAR the words, but she can probably read her wife’s lips and in any case the expression alone would be enough to send me into flat-ears mode if I were a cat.

  48. It looks like Talita is standing up now and in the process of walking out.

    1. Considering that she’s turned away from Gillie’s desk in panel 2, I doubt that she’s still loafing on the ground there. Already jumped to her feet when Idrisah opened the door, I guess …

  49. Absolutely fantastic insult/retort by Idrisah in the last panel.

  50. gods, Gillie and Talita’s faces in that last panel, they’re great!!

  51. PHENOMENAL expressions on display! Gillie releasing the screen to hide Bip, Idrisah pulling it back down like she’s grabbing them by the shirt, Talita’s crumpled-trunk grimace, ARG! All SO GOOD!!!!

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