Runaway to the Stars: Page 12

Quantum computers have denser storage capacity and faster computing speed than "classical" computers, and are also much more expensive to manufacture. Having one quantum phone is an unnecessary flex, having several hundred when you aren't a freight shipping vessel for a luxury goods company is sus. Ironically the thing that identifies these as quantum phones at a glance is the minimalist look (much like our modern phones); handheld computers in RttS are typically cobbled together from the user's choice of modular interchangeable parts.

Transcript Mel: How was the reclamation run?
Talita: Nothing special, just prepping scrap for the automated night cycle. But you know that fusion ship that just came down the launch loop?
Mel: Oh yes! Nice ship, isn’t it? Most of it we can just dismantle and resell.
Talita: Check out what I found in the habitat capsule.
She pulls over a cart with some large boxes in it.
Mel: Eight boxes— Of quantum phones?? These are... worth a LOT of money.
Talita: Yeeeah.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 12

Quantum computers have denser storage capacity and faster computing speed than "classical" computers, and are also much more expensive to manufacture. Having one quantum phone is an unnecessary flex, having several hundred when you aren't a freight shipping vessel for a luxury goods company is sus. Ironically the thing that identifies these as quantum phones at a glance is the minimalist look (much like our modern phones); handheld computers in RttS are typically cobbled together from the user's choice of modular interchangeable parts.

Transcript Mel: How was the reclamation run?
Talita: Nothing special, just prepping scrap for the automated night cycle. But you know that fusion ship that just came down the launch loop?
Mel: Oh yes! Nice ship, isn’t it? Most of it we can just dismantle and resell.
Talita: Check out what I found in the habitat capsule.
She pulls over a cart with some large boxes in it.
Mel: Eight boxes— Of quantum phones?? These are... worth a LOT of money.
Talita: Yeeeah.

16 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 12

  1. Since it sounds like you’ll print this eventually; something’s up with the kerning on the word “isn’t” in the second panel. There’s like an extra space.

  2. I’d probably go for an ‘all the buttons and dials’ approach to a modular portable computer. Especially if I was going to be in space or inhospitable planetary environments a lot.
    It’s way easier to clean dust from a mechanical button than deal with a cracked touch screen after all.

  3. Oh boy how I just love Talita in different poses bending her weird centaur body this and that. And mouth-trunk oh my.

  4. My brain is just absolutely loving the character designs, Talita is a a treat of a character and I can’t wait to learn more about this world

    1. I feel the exact same way! Talita is such a cool creature! Whee!

  5. Oooh, this is about when I stopped being able to see the pages on Patreon when I had to cut back on expenses. I wanna see one of these modular handheld computer phones now, I don’t think the main cast has been seen with any? Do they only work for same-planet contact?

    1. yes – interstellar comms is more like forums than chat, done in periodic update bursts over a smaller wormhole radio portal (ships take a full-sized portal)

      1. Oh cool, thanks! That makes a lot of sense. Good ol’ forums still being relevant.

  6. Eight boxes minus a couple.

  7. Ahhh, so that’s the kind of goods Bip often transports.

    1. Steals, you mean. Im pretty sure Bip is a pirate, which is why their, uh, parent unit doesnt really communicate with them.

      1. ‘… Bip is a pirate…’
        Oh no. I hope this doesn’t permanently change how I imaging Bip’s accent.
        Avast, ye!

  8. I wonder what might be stored on those phones, could be anything, could be nothing

  9. Centaur smuggling ship? 👀 Hey! It’s hard making a living out in space, okay?

    1. IKR, the comic and blog posts make me yearn for details on the past crew.

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