Runaway to the Stars: Page 140

Here it is, the set that made me hate tower cranes. Also reminder that the Runaway is considered "small" for an interstellar vessel, a dinky 200 meters long.


The building foundation pit hiding the Runaway is abuzz with activity. RC front loaders and dump trucks mill around processing and carrying scrap material. Two tower cranes have been erected next to the Runaway; one holding a vehicle hoist with an RC front loader in it welding part of the spine. Talita is up on a large scaffolding platform that has been erected along the radiator wings, welding near the extension joint. One of the front loaders is on the ground next to the scaffolding, gesticulating excitedly.

Bip: It feels SO GOOD to be back in my servers!

Runaway to the Stars: Page 140

Here it is, the set that made me hate tower cranes. Also reminder that the Runaway is considered "small" for an interstellar vessel, a dinky 200 meters long.


The building foundation pit hiding the Runaway is abuzz with activity. RC front loaders and dump trucks mill around processing and carrying scrap material. Two tower cranes have been erected next to the Runaway; one holding a vehicle hoist with an RC front loader in it welding part of the spine. Talita is up on a large scaffolding platform that has been erected along the radiator wings, welding near the extension joint. One of the front loaders is on the ground next to the scaffolding, gesticulating excitedly.

Bip: It feels SO GOOD to be back in my servers!

48 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 140

  1. Bip and their little stretched arm pose of freedom, you deserve it girlie
    Also, detailed image of the runaway.. going to eat the art

  2. It is hard to find words for this gorgeous page. This is like scifi nerd erotica. So much to look at! Great work!

    I really wanna know how they can get off planet though, since I don’t think this ship can just lift off on its own. Maybe a deal can be made with the company that is profitable for all involved parties?

    1. it doesn’t need to lift off on its own, they have that “launch loop” which afaict is just a roller coaster that ends in space and is in continuous operation; you just plunk stuff onto the track and wait. The way the stars have aligned in their favor, a bunch of outgoing schedule slots on the loop have opened, and in fact having significantly more incoming than outgoing shipments creates a problem for the skyhook at the other end, because it’ll gradually get flung backwards and need heavy course correction. Therefore, finding extra things to shove into the outgoing slots is in fact beneficial for all parties.

  3. Wait, when did they flip it? All tgs previous times we saw the Runaway it was laying with engines over-under and raduators hirizontal, now the engines are side by side and radiators are vertical.

    1. … correct, in particular, she was still oriented the previous way after being lowered into the pit (page 106). But on the other hand, extensive work *has* been done on her (as witnessed by the not-crumpled-anymore radiators) and the cranes that lowered her into pit should also be capable of turning her around as needed. The struts and stairs of the launch loop slide she sits on are quite adaptable to boot.
      (The Runaway must also sit a lot *higher* on the telescopic struts now, otherwise the tips of the pair of radiators now *underneath* the ship would be sticking into the regolith.)

  4. Please note: This isn’t an actual critique, just someone being a nerd.

    I wonder what those engine bells are for? Real world rockets they tend to serve two fold purpose to take the brunt of the fuel exploding to push the spaceship forward, and often to heat up the incoming fuel to make it more reactive at the same time. With the open ‘air’ design though, does it just heat fuel? Purely a safety bracket to keep anything out of the engines main blast radius? Hmmm, last guess is a sensor array to scan the engine output to detect if anything is wrong with the emissions.

    1. I believe it’s some sort of magnetic… Thing? I don’t know how they work exactly but I’ve seen this setup on some fusion engines in various works I’ve seen

    2. To cut a long story short, the Runaway is said to be “a torch ship”, which is shorthand for saying that its engines essentially are high-powered nuclear fusion reactors (and their exhaust shines as bright as a star, including the downright harmful parts of the EM spectrum). Like with the fusion reactors we’re developing today, there *is no* ordinary material that you can have actual *contact* with that, it needs to be kept enveloped with magnetic fields – including the exhaust nozzles. So, the structure you see essentially is the coils of the electromagnet generating the *actual* nozzle within.

      1. Huh, here I figured that would be pure internal reaction. Then again it does make sense that spending some electric power to get an extra fraction of percent of power from raw fuel is well worth it in space.

        1. Depending on, you wouldn’t want the reaction to really be internal at all. A torch drive is like setting off nukes inside yourself… continuously. The more material you place between that energy and Everywhere Else, the more that material needs to withstand the energy flux and also be cooled.

          This is the kind of engineering where a free path to space means you have a percent less problems to deal with.

  5. I love the details on the solar panels with those upward sweeps, as always great work! The Runaway is so prettttttttty…

  6. “One of the front loaders is on the ground next to the scaffolding, gesticulating excitedly.”

    I am so glad you have these transcripts XD Never would’ve caught that otherwise

  7. Athelind Llewellyn Long

    Wow, finding Talita in this page was like playing Where’s Waldo?

  8. IncompleteMachine

    shes got about 78 metres on the USS Discovery (2001: space odyssey) but shes 98 metres short of the TOS USS Enterprise. Nostromo has 134 metres on her, but shes longer than the Millenium Falcon by about 166 metres. honestly though the fairest of those comparisons is the first one since the others have magical handwavium technology in them. compared to IRL spacecraft designs, shes about 89 metres longer than the Saturn V and about twice the length of the Project Orion Battleship design.

  9. Bloody hell, I can’t wait till large scale, manned space flight is commercially viable. I can’t wait until the day where we have purpose built space ship scrapyards because we’ve built so many.

    1. This comment brought to mind one of the notes on the XKCD What-If about “Space Burial” ( ): Weird that “lots of corpses floating around” is somehow an *optimistic* prediction about the future of space travel.

      1. Lots of corpses means lots of life!

  10. Is all of this activity visible from the orbital station? Would grandma polycule find it odd if they saw it or would they assume everything is kosher?

    1. Hmmm, the polycule’s aboard the *orbital station*, not the skyhook:
      The station’s orbit isn’t known (yet?), but given its distance from Dirtball, I’d be surprised if it went out of the system’s ecliptic plane. Which would imply that it never passes *directly above* Dirtball’s poles, and thus Shikaviil Port.
      Of course, since the polycule apparently fine-controls the skyhook’s orbit, too, chances are that they have camera feeds from there, but.

  11. Ah, space scale. The ship is the length of two football fields but it’s “small”.

    1. Well, she *is* smaller than some of my neighbors’ rides. 😛

  12. Is Bip rebuilding themself with the automated vehicles or are the temps around? I always wonder how Bip avoids getting into their frequencies
    Did Bip always know how to put themself back together?

    1. Nevermind I just remembered the temps are probably not around because of Idrisah’s schedule, but I’m still interested on Bip’s aerospace engineer knowledge. Is Talita directing them?

      1. I’m not sure that with the procession of RVs bringing parts from the Vspear vessels and the illumination of the Runaway’s lair
        the temps could be anywhere near at the same time and still fail to notice something odd/different going on – short of having put their helmets on rotated 180°. 😉
        (And while *most* of them have questionable qualification, at least Clayton *does* seem able to live up to the “appropriate level of competence” mentioned in his character bio.)

    2. Talita made a plan about how to make the Runaway spaceworthy again a few comics ago, when her antlers first started growing in

      1. (Page 129.) Also, Bip seems to agree that Talita knows better than themself:

  13. I saw a big background and immediately started looking for a secret rat… I have not found it. :,3

  14. As someone who works in the construction industry, seeing that vehicle, suspended from a crane, welding using its manipulators is a real “you should not be doing that, that violates practically all possible health and safety legislation”.

    But then again, the contractor is a rogue AI, the employees are the same rogue AI and its associates, the equipment is all stolen and it’s being used to repair a space ship in a dubious legal state…

    1. [“Shake Hands With Danger” riff plays]

      1. gnome_artificer

        Ah, a fellow Safety Third enjoyer.

    2. And *then* there’s the fact that, at least until Talita joined the fun, the only on-site individual whose “health” and safety legislation could possibly be concerned about was Bip, who is unlikely to suffer much damage even if that front loader were to suicide-jump into the Runaway’s spine from as high as the cranes can get it. :-3
      … thanks to the lack of an (oxygenated) atmosphere and the elaborateness of getting nuclear fusion started, not even if it were to plow into those *fuel tanks* (more or less full of hydrogen/deuterium). =8-U
      I *do* wonder, though, what the difficulty prompting Bip to ask Talita for help could be. Those hinges are obviously within the reach of the cranes, the spot Talita’s currently working on in particular even has a *scaffolding* leading to it, and we’re certainly not talking about fine mechanics that require tweezers and a watchmaker’s magnifier …
      [… he said, fearing that the next page’ll show Talita holding up the radiator’s weight with one hand while welding with the other]

      1. Could be she was called to help with a different part, and this is more of a “since I’m already here, what else needs welding” situation.

        1. Or its a “the remote controlled vehicles have no welding equipment of the particular type needed for this particular seam” situation or the part that needs welded is not accessible if you do not have sufficiently mobile arms or…

          And I don’t think Talita would hold something up with one hand while welding it with the other. Sounds extremely unsafe, especially in the (mostly) vacuum of Dirtball’s atmosphere. If she drops the thingy she’s holding up and gets injured enough to need help getting back into the dome, her space suit may also spring a leak and it is extremely doubtful that anybody could reach her before her oxygen runs out.

  15. I love a good contraption. And the Runaway’s extensible solar sails are excellent examples. One imagines them going whirrr-chunk, but of course in the vacuum of space they won’t make a sound at all. Love that you gave the telescope extenders those little stepwise reductions in diameter. Generally, all those details are *chef’s kiss* superb.

    1. > in the vacuum of space they won’t make a sound at all
      I’m afraid that you’re underestimating how well *solid*-borne sounds travel. :-3
      (As events ranging from some neighbor of mine firing up their percussion drill to my region’s invention of “eggs”
      will happily demonstrate.)

      1. Dat jute kölsche Ei.
        This wasn’t the place I expected to learn something about Cologne’s history tbh.

        1. Wammer esu vill Tellere op dr Stroß hät

          bruch mer och jet ze müffele für drop ze dun. >;->
          (Though one has to admire how the (singular) *Niehler* Ei tries to solve the problem by sheer scale … 😉 )

        2. Huh. Today I learned where the dampening doohickeys for the tram come from. Neat!

      2. Yes, but I’m looking at the spaceship from outside, aren’t I? I can’t hear *shit* when those solar sails (or panels? Can’t tell) extend. Can’t hear the Fzzt of electric welding either. Oh, and I imagine electric welding just got harder: no atmosphere, no visible arcing. Just invisible electrons, zipping around. Well, I suppose the welded material glows, at least.

        1. They’re actually radiator panels, they dump waste heat from the fusion drive into space via infrared radiation so it doesn’t melt itself

        2. I’d guess (not having seen any welding being done in space) that the metal getting welded would not just glow (effect extending an inch or so from where the arc hits) but also send send sparks flying (material having minuscule glowing bits cracked off in an even smaller area) … at least in the RttSverse, even a circular saw did so back on page 4:

          Yes, *we* certainly wouldn’t hear much of either. (Remember, Dirtball has a *minimal* atmosphere; also, regolith isn’t a solid conducting sounds well/far.) Since the panels aren’t getting extended here and now (the lower ones would crack as they hit the ground, wouldn’t they?), I thought you were referring to normal operation (with the ship in space, and a crew *inside*) …

        3. > They’re actually radiator panels
          The triangular thingies Talita’s working on are radiators (supposedly new ones:

          sure good that the Vspear ships are “small” as well, eh? 😉 ), but with the reference to “telescope extenders” / “when [they] extend”, I’d guess that Enai *was* talking about the (currently folded) solar panels.

        4. @JoB: I was actually referring to a scene that hasn’t happened yet but I’m sure will, and in movies goes like this:
          We see the spaceship from some distance away, *hear* the hum of her engines and see her extending/retracting some appendage or other with metallic sounds. I love those SFX! I hate that in space you wouldn’t actually hear them from the vantage point of the camera. So the SFX that I love take me out of the immersion right that instant and unceremoniously dump me in the reality that movie people don’t know anything about physics and operate by the Rule Of Cool.
          I was clumsily expressing that I appreciate that this comic goes to great lengths to avoid this, as evidenced by the lack of sound effects on this page, which would be quite a noisy scene in a denser atmosphere.

  16. Hats off to you Jay for making such backgrounds in your comic

  17. The little raised arms on the RC unit is so good lol

    1. [snaps fingers like to say “hey! Look here! That’s *me* talking!”, momentarily forgetting that there’s no atmosphere to carry *either* sound to us]

      1. Back at the start of the comic, iirc, Calceri was talking with speech bubbles that pointed to Talita’s tablet, despite the fact that the voice was presumably coming through her EVA suit’s intercom. So it’s very possible that that speech bubble doesn’t represent an audible sound, but rather a short-range radio broadcast.

        1. I’m pretty sure that the speech bubble’s tail is there for *our* benefit, to draw our attention to the front loader Bip chose to add gesticulation with. 😉 Which does *not* coincide with Bip themself (the servers are atop the habitat, well below the frame from our POV), the transmitter/antenna they’re using to broadcast the exclamation, *or* the receiver/speaker anyone biological would hear it coming out of. *And* happens to be behind Talitas back *and* underneath the platform she’s loafed on in the first place …
          “*Highly* illogical!” [/Spock]

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