Runaway to the Stars: Page 143 and 144

Hey Bip, your ears are sticking out.


The pair of triangular radiators raise up, then rotate apart, forming a split diamond shape. The highest tips extend above the edge of the building foundation's pit. Further away in the junkyard, where the temps have been left to their own devices, Yao notices the "ears" poking out of the hole in the ground. Behind xem, Adam and Dominic are sword-fighting with two long pieces of scrap, oblivious to the suspicious activity.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 143 and 144

Hey Bip, your ears are sticking out.


The pair of triangular radiators raise up, then rotate apart, forming a split diamond shape. The highest tips extend above the edge of the building foundation's pit. Further away in the junkyard, where the temps have been left to their own devices, Yao notices the "ears" poking out of the hole in the ground. Behind xem, Adam and Dominic are sword-fighting with two long pieces of scrap, oblivious to the suspicious activity.

47 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 143 and 144

  1. Was wondering if those would be noticed

    Also love the temps swordfighting; definitely something people would do xDD (though it’s all fun and games until someone ruptures their space suit)

  2. Rad Internet Stranger


    1. Exactly for the same reason….;)

      Also , those 2 interns doing stupid stuff while in Vacuum in the background…..Good thing Talita is not there to scold them! But then we would miss the future, sure to come , Ultra-Gore-Sam-Peckinpah style messy body explosions which we all are waiting for….Especially when Adam violently smears his guts on the inside of the helmet.! Goooooo Adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam !

  3. Hmmm was about to say deploying under a decent bit of gravity would be the “hard” test for em, but now I wonder how much force comes from acceleration, I also suspect when the engine is running is when they are most needed to be deployed anyway after all (Although wouldn’t be surprised if they default to “open” during most flight and just regulate their use as needed.)

    1. Dirtball’s gravity is said to be 0.8 g, and the “typical” acceleration of the Runaway to be around 1 g – with the caveat that at least *now*, Dirtball’s pulling in a direction at a right angle to the engines’ thrust.

  4. omfg not the temps sword fighting in the bg broooo

  5. I do wonder how Talita gets away with spending this much time working on the Runaway instead of doing her actual job. I suppose she is quite senior, and Bip is probably doing the majority of the work themself.

  6. The spaceship is a spaceBip!

  7. Suddenly Bip’s ears make a lot more sense.

    1. This is also just the normal bug-ferret ear shape though.

    hi yao

  9. Yao I love you please say nothing about the big ass ears in the scrapyard

  10. Holy SHIT

    1. TotallySomebody

      Holy SHIP!

      1. NO MORE hole-y ship! 😛

  11. I think Yao is both smart enough to figure out some extracurricular activity is going on and also smart enough to say “giant scary lady defended me when the jackass swordfighting in a spacesuit back there stole my horns.”

    1. And didn’t say anything when she caught me with a weed pipe

  12. Mad respect for drawing all this complex mechanical stuff dangggg

    1. Word.
      Extremely impressive.

    2. It’s traced over a 3D model. But making that model is no less of an admirable skill.

      1. The Runaway model is a Frankenstein’s monster of my design work, Jack Friedman’s design work, and Douglas Kehrly’s incredible hardscape modelling skills. The sled/jack it’s resting on is my own slapdash Blender handiwork, as well as some of the building infrastructure inside the pit and in the junkyard. 3D models make creating scenes like this… uh… completeable, on a timescale reasonable for comics. I even get to cheat at tracing, since Clip Studio has an “extract lines” tool (though getting that extracted linework to blend in and not look like ass takes a bit more work). The amount of cheating I can get away with varies though, since the slapdash models I make for rooms like Gillie and Idrisah’s apartment serve more as scaffolding for me to fill in with clutter and greeble, while the Runaway here is basically just traced. …Except the radiator waffle texture, I had to draw that in, it was a pain in the butt….

        1. Hearts all around.

  13. Bipship

  14. BIPSHIP!!!!
    Also man, don’t. swordfight with scrap metal. C’mon.

    1. In *vacuum*

  15. (grabbing yao) DO NOT BLOW IT FOR US.

  16. Get yo big-ass ears out of the captain!

  17. Peak ship design. Big ears

  18. Is Bip Runanay-shaped or is the Runaway Bip-shaped???

    1. Finally people asking the REAL deeplore questions

    2. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks the Runaway’s radiators look like bug ferret ears!

  19. Be cool Yao, remember how Talita didn’t bust you for weed 🙏

  20. I love how this is the second time Yao has caught something slightly off. First it was Talita in the apartment, now it’s these weird ears peeking out of the pit. Xe’s probably thinking ‘Somethin screwy goin on here’.

    1. When people like Adam bully people like Yao, it always makes the bullies look extra insecure and pathetic. Too bad it’s not as easy to see when you’re on the receiving end.

  21. aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA

    the runaway really is vaguely bip-shaped, huh

    1. Mmmmm… shape language…. :9

      1. [imagines Bip one day mistakenly emoting with the *wrong* set of “ears” while the Runaway is in powered flight]

  22. It’s their ears!!!! 😀
    So cute!

  23. Coolio.
    Also two idiots sword fighting with welding equipment.

    1. Two idiots sword fighting with *probably sharp scrap, while in space suits. Because playing with stabbies while wearing a balloon that keeps you alive is good and safe idea.

  24. the absolute idiots fencing behind yao are absolutely going to die at some point. i’m convinced adam or dom are going to kill themselves and blame will fall on talita for it.

    1. That would certainly be a way to push Talita and her friends to getting on the run away and booking it into the cosmos

    2. I feel like it’s not the right kind of comic for outright death. But I agree that there will likely be The Big Fuck Up™, Talita will have to deal with it ans she will absolutely not take any shit anymore afterwards.

      1. There doesn’t need to be a *real* BFU™ even. Talita returning from her Bipscursion, seeing the two trying to suicide each other, grabbing them, and THROWING them into the airlock to GTFI ought to be enough to *force* HR to get involved … whether they can get the event properly figured out or not.
        But that happening *now* would render the loose plot of the centaur accomodations getting erected entirely irrelevant, so.

      2. What, a ship of dead centaurs not enough outright death for you? I wonder if the explosive decompression was caused by space debris impacting the hab at relativistic speeds or if it was a deliberate attack…

        1. To be fair, the centaurs died off-screen and weren’t people we already know by name.

        2. What sugar-goat said, it happened off-screen and not to people we know, so it doesn’t really count

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