Runaway to the stars: Page 19

Calcery takes a dreamless nap. Moving is a pain in the ass when your brain weighs a couple thousand tons.

Transcript Talita: But it pays well, you know? I owe it to Mel for onboarding me right out of college.
Calcery: It’s been almost a decade. No one owes an employer that much.
Ferrets come over to tap Talita's side.
Ferret 5: Ninute is over.
Ferret 6: Electricity needs to go off.
Talita: I’ll text you, Cal. Safe travels.
Calcery: You too, Talita.
Talita: But I’m not—
Calcery disconnects with a click.
Ferret 7: TRILLLLL!
One ferret yells and signals frantically with a hand while another switches off the server power supply.
SFX: CHUNK, descending hum

Runaway to the stars: Page 19

Calcery takes a dreamless nap. Moving is a pain in the ass when your brain weighs a couple thousand tons.

Transcript Talita: But it pays well, you know? I owe it to Mel for onboarding me right out of college.
Calcery: It’s been almost a decade. No one owes an employer that much.
Ferrets come over to tap Talita's side.
Ferret 5: Ninute is over.
Ferret 6: Electricity needs to go off.
Talita: I’ll text you, Cal. Safe travels.
Calcery: You too, Talita.
Talita: But I’m not—
Calcery disconnects with a click.
Ferret 7: TRILLLLL!
One ferret yells and signals frantically with a hand while another switches off the server power supply.
SFX: CHUNK, descending hum

26 thoughts on “Runaway to the stars: Page 19

  1. Darn my dislexia. I keep read their name as “Celery”!

  2. Quit your job talita. join my emo band

  3. “Pull the lever, Frank”

    1. Wrong leveeee
      (it was good lever but the quote must be complete)

  4. I’ve read all the stuff on your Tumblr and Patreon for years, but boy does the webcomic format really change my perception. I find myself visiting this site nearly daily to check for updates and/or just admire the current page again and/or reread previous pages, like I do for all the webcomics I follow, and then I get attached to minor characters that only show up for a few pages since I’m looking at them on the reg. Now I want to know more about Calcery. Doe He Know Anything? How would he feel about Bip? Alas, he is not listed on the characters page and there are other things going on. Sleep well, Cal.

  5. I had no idea this comic had been properly started up and publicly posted! I was so used to using your work as a fantastic example of thoughtful alien design and worldbuilding, and linking people to your tumblr, and wishing wistfully for the ability to read the doubtless-remarkable comic that existed in your head, but! BUT!

    hERE IT IS! it’s here! it’s real and alive and beautiful! I’ve bookmarked this and I’ll be coming back frequently. An instant new favorite.

  6. Very ThRILLLLled to pull that lever, I see

  7. At least Calcery didn’t start singing “Daisy”

  8. Obviously there’s no way calcery could know whats in store for talita, but i can’t not imagine him just being like DoesSheKnow.jpg

  9. Despite the alien setting, there’s something eerily familiar about this situation. That quietly spooky “All your friends are leaving this place. Maybe you should too” feeling.

  10. Intellectually I know Cal is fine, it’s like taking a nap on a bus and waking up somewhere else but part of me is deeply unsettled by the conversation ending like that.

  11. Oooo that’s eerie, just the sudden chunk then humming and then silence.. (besides bugferret noises ofc)

  12. calcery helping our girl advance in her career! i hope we get to see more of him soon im already attached ;_;

  13. does Cal have a UPS?

    1. Yes, shutting him down requires a lot more preparation around than just flipping the big lever here. Assume the ferrets have been fussing with this extraction all day.

  14. Sounds like Talita needs to runaway… perhaps to the stars…

    1. Surely it could never happen

      1. “Well gang, that sure was a Runaway to the Stars!”

    2. “Hmm…! Now how did I do it last time?”

  15. I love the way Talita’s head turns across the first few panels. It gives such a lovely flow to the dialogue. Watching all the screens go dark is so spooky, like, here’s this sentient, living being that can just be ended with the pull of a switch. I hope cal has a safe trip and comes back online okay! Also I think I forgot to mention but Talita’s outfit looks so comfy

    1. A line from one of the Star Trek episodes.
      Data: If you had an off switch, would you tell anyone?

  16. cannot get over those two ferrets at the lever. PULL THE LEVER KRONK

    1. Wrong leverrrrrr!

  17. Safe travels, Cal!

  18. Hell yeah, cal is great, we love some respect for the workers

  19. Hell yeah Calcery. Get that girl in a union.

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