Runaway to the Stars: Page 22

Geriatric bird bullies an alien hypercarnivore about 20 times their size.

Transcript Idrisah begins to walk away. Talita enters the office space to follow her, pulling the cart.
Ohwitiil: TALITA!!
Talita: (shocked) ee
Talita looks down at Ohwitiil, a wrinkled old avian with a crest and fancy clothing. They are furious.
Talita: (miserable) Ohwitiil, please don’t yell.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 22

Geriatric bird bullies an alien hypercarnivore about 20 times their size.

Transcript Idrisah begins to walk away. Talita enters the office space to follow her, pulling the cart.
Ohwitiil: TALITA!!
Talita: (shocked) ee
Talita looks down at Ohwitiil, a wrinkled old avian with a crest and fancy clothing. They are furious.
Talita: (miserable) Ohwitiil, please don’t yell.

34 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 22

  1. What is depicted on Ohwitiil’s wing-sleeves? Is it a boat in the ocean as seen from above?

    1. Based on some ink doodles Jay Eaton posted to their tumblr awhile ago, I’m guessing it’s supposed to be an avian “fish”.

  2. Poor Talita

  3. – the big ol nostril flare on startled Talita
    – the spooky dark doom lighting on that same panel
    – the sad way Talita’s expression drops when she realizes she hasn’t been noticed
    – Ohwitiil’s ears out as the species common way of displaying anger- great use of perspective on that panel
    – all the little eye wrinkles and the ruffled fluff on his head

    ee :3

  4. A handful of pages in, and I’ve got the need for an actual show, mostly because I just wanna hear the non other languages. I love hearing about conlangs and hearing them actually spoken would be amazing.

  5. The last panel looks like when a really tiny dog is barking at a larger dog and the larger dog is just like, “I’m sorry!”

  6. Now I want a chart of what species can make what other species language noises. Like a matrix where the columns are species and the rows are languages and the cells are coloured by unassisted / with implant / impossible

  7. Ah, yes. There’s always that boss. I guess some things never change.

  8. whats regolith?

    1. Probably actually referring to Reg O’Lith, the company’s deeply incompetent IT guy.
      To force myself to be serious for a moment; regolith is what they call broken up rock bits and rock dust when it’s FROM SPACE!!!

    2. You know moon dust? That’s an example of regolith. It’s the soil on terrestrial bodies like the Moon or Mars, or asteroids. The problem with regolith on the Moon or bodies like the story takes place on is that it’s fine not by erosion from wind or water but because it’s blasted into tiny pieces by micrometeorites. The grains of this sort of regolith tend to be very sharp. It’s very abrasive, sticky, and staticky, so it’s pretty rough on electronics and anything with moving parts. It’s also pretty rough on people.

      1. The closest thing we get on Earth is volcanic ash. It’s very fine but incredibly sharp on the microscopic level, because it has not had time to weather yet. I once set up a server room in a place where a volcano had erupted nearby some months before. The place was still a construction site and the building was not entirely sealed from the elements yet. Workers would track mud in all the time, and because it was mud with significant amounts of volcanic ash, when it dried that ash would again become fine airborne particulates. It got everywhere, but particularly inside the servers. I came back to the site half a year later and while inspecting the servers found that their innards were uniformly covered in orange-brown dust. Got them cleaned, but I still suspect it shortened their lifetime significantly.

  9. From my experience around more than two legged animals around Talita’s size… Making that much noise is a good way to get turned into mush, ha. Talita is a lot more careful, and much nicer than them.

  10. Huh. Is Talita capable of shouting? Obviously she can make infrasonic noises and chatter her teeth and make other like, large-hypercarnivore-noises, but can centaurs force enough air through their trunk to shout or yell?

    1. They can scream or shout with their trunk. Their vocal lungs have a smaller volume than an adult human’s lungs, but, I feel like we are all aware exactly how loud a distressed child can make themself.

  11. i love it when talita looks a little bit like a worm on a string

  12. Lol the tiny door for Ohwitii.

    1. Most of the hinged doors in this place have two sections. The upper handle opens the entire human-height door, the lower handle unlatches the bottom portion and opens at a height suitable for avians. The lower handle is easier to reach for an avian and doesn’t force them to push open the entire, kinda heavy human door. The appearance does bring doggie doors to mind, unfortunately,

  13. Talita getting scared by a stylish space chicken

  14. The visual of Ohwitiil scolding Talita feels reminiscent of a picture I saw hanging up on the walls of a Jack in the Box once where an employee was being terrorized by a parrot.

    1. Pretty sure a parrot could also successfully terrorize Talita.

  15. Successfully intimidated by a creature an eighth your size. :3

    1. The boss’s goose type aura is extra effective against Talita’s horse type aura.

  16. Man but Talita is so expressive.

  17. Pinch beak shut. A gentle pinch.
    With care and respect apply elastic band.
    Place bird gently back in office. Safe. Warm.
    Close door and other half of door.
    Quietude restored! Enjoy.

  18. I can’t explain why, but I read Ohwitiil’s angry voice in the voice of Ertha Kit as Yzma.

    1. Omg, Now I hear it too XD

    2. Really? I read it like a Skeksis.

  19. Oh yeah…I *definitely* work here…

  20. Meanie bird 🙁

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