Runaway to the Stars: Page 32

Talita lifts weighs to burn off anxiety. She is often anxious.

Transcript Talita puts on headphones and selects a podcast on her tablet, tapping the touchscreen with her trunk.
Podcast: Welcome back to J-tech labs, your one stop shop for Jovian polity tech news. I’m Mark— And I’m Kylie. As you may have heard, aerospace company Vspear acquired–
Talita puts away the junk on the floor into boxes.
Podcast: –their competitor Unitine, though it’s unknown if they’ll continue Unitine’s revolutionary material science research–
Talita vacuums underneath the couch cushions.
Podcast: –It’s certainly on our minds after the wormhole station failure at Mars L5 caused 11 month shipping delays—
Talita hangs up some laundry on a wire. A commercial sized laundry machine tumbles clothes.
Podcast: –But the element still needs to to be mined— by infamously slow chemical rocket drones—
Talita lies supine on her workout bench and lifts weights in her backyard next to the laundry machines. The weight machine has heavy duty chains connecting the push bar to the weight stack, and the metal plates she's rowing with her midlimbs are several inches thick and about a meter wide. She pants in exertion, the air leaving her body through the excurrent nostrils behind the ribcage of her lower torso.
Podcast: –So it may be decades before enough is commercially available to lower prices and raise ship speed— that is, unless ship recycling operations can step up to the demand—
Talita: Yeah, right.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 32

Talita lifts weighs to burn off anxiety. She is often anxious.

Transcript Talita puts on headphones and selects a podcast on her tablet, tapping the touchscreen with her trunk.
Podcast: Welcome back to J-tech labs, your one stop shop for Jovian polity tech news. I’m Mark— And I’m Kylie. As you may have heard, aerospace company Vspear acquired–
Talita puts away the junk on the floor into boxes.
Podcast: –their competitor Unitine, though it’s unknown if they’ll continue Unitine’s revolutionary material science research–
Talita vacuums underneath the couch cushions.
Podcast: –It’s certainly on our minds after the wormhole station failure at Mars L5 caused 11 month shipping delays—
Talita hangs up some laundry on a wire. A commercial sized laundry machine tumbles clothes.
Podcast: –But the element still needs to to be mined— by infamously slow chemical rocket drones—
Talita lies supine on her workout bench and lifts weights in her backyard next to the laundry machines. The weight machine has heavy duty chains connecting the push bar to the weight stack, and the metal plates she's rowing with her midlimbs are several inches thick and about a meter wide. She pants in exertion, the air leaving her body through the excurrent nostrils behind the ribcage of her lower torso.
Podcast: –So it may be decades before enough is commercially available to lower prices and raise ship speed— that is, unless ship recycling operations can step up to the demand—
Talita: Yeah, right.

47 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 32

  1. so, now we know where her ears are! i love the headphones design :3

  2. Love that Talita has fragrance free detergent. Looking back on this page after seeing Jay talk about how smells get wonky across sophont species, it makes total sense! Space gIn probably won’t smell floral and fruity to her, it might be RANK, or even irritating to her lungs. It’s such a small thing but it says so much about the level of thought and care that goes into creating this universe

  3. shyam is a lucky lady. that is a nice looking alien ń_n

  4. just wondering, what is the standard of fitness for centaurs? is tali considered fit by their standards because she lifts, or are they all more or less muscular? i know shes strong compared to humans, but how does her weight class differ to the average centaur?

    1. Talita is literally a body builder, she is shredded compared to an average centaur’s physique. She also has unusually low body fat, both because she’s extremely active and because she generally finds eating to be a chore.

      1. Hmmm. She seems to hold her head differently than the other centaur. Does she really, or is it an artifact of how the other centaur was drawn to better show the neck or something?

  5. When it’s laundry day but also leg day so you just gotta lift with no pants on. (I assume taking off her pants is to keep her exocurrent nostrils clear for better breathing while exerting herself, but also maybe the pants just needed a wash!)

    1. Maybe it’s like gym shorts. Tho it’s kind of funny imagining Talita working out in her backyard with no pants. Maybe that is what she’s doing.

      1. No she is absolutely just working out in her underwear here

  6. This isn’t on topic for this page but I was wondering about flight. The avians consider flight to be a lot of work. Does that mean that those that really like to fly are gym bros?

    1. Less gym bro more like marathon runners, or people who are really into jogging, or like. …Backpacking? Outdoorsy types. Or, types who are just to poor to afford other means of transportation.

  7. were the several washing machines a major financial investment on her part to make her life easier, or does the fact that this space station has a much smaller population than designed for mean they had a few hundred of the things lying around?

    1. They have extras of everything lying around (in various states of neglect)

  8. Oh I just noticed the detail of her eyes glowing, nice touch

  9. *guy from that one video voice* DUDE. you look huge (i love that talita is buff sm lol)

  10. Is that a treadmill next to the weight machine? I imagine talita must get up to impressive speeds though she wouldn’t be able to sustain a steady pace as long as a human.

    1. Apparently she can sprint up to 137 kph, but just in short bursts. Wouldn’t be able to even do the equivalent to a jog for hours, like humans can. In terms of hunting strategy, think cheetah vs. wolf pack.

      1. Well that’s terrifying. One bonus thing I’d really like to see is what hunts look like on the centaur’s planet

  11. I’m at the laundromat.
    I’m at the fitness center
    I’m at the combination laundromat and fitness center!

  12. i always forget that Talita is a Nerd Jock™

  13. She has HOW MANY laundry mashines?

    1. This made me realize you could probably put a Talita shirt over a twin-sized mattress like a bedsheet

    2. Looks to be one washer and four dryers

  14. Feeling relaxed and lived in reading this.

  15. Self-care!!

  16. Hum, I wonder what the material they’re describing is used for? That would increase ship speeds.

    1. Thank goodness I don’t actually have to come up with it 😗

      1. Eatonium!

    2. Eleven month shipping delays? Sheesh, that must have been rough for the martian folks that needed essentials to be imported.

      1. Sorry, this was meant as a comment 😅

        1. No no, I completely agree haha!

  17. I love the four regular washing machines and the single big industrial one it’s like a mama and her babies. Getting laundry done must be a pain in the ass when most of your clothes are the size of horse blankets and you have to make sure the soap isn’t going to kill you.

    1. i think chidi anagonye and talita should have an anxiety nerd workout sesh together

      1. sorry that was meant to be a comment, not a reply >_<

    2. Soap kills horses?

      1. since talita is an alien, her biochemistry is completely different, and chemicals that are harmless to humans might be irritating or worse to her. at least, that’s what i assume is going on.

        1. True! It’s a concern even among terrestrial fauna of the same taxonomic class! Pet owners know this struggle, being aware of the things that are harmless to humans, but are irritants or poisons to their cats or dogs.

        2. I wish all pet owners were that responsible. So many horror stories of the “vegan owner” who insists their cat can eat tofu just fine and they accidentally starve it to death, or the one who dye their pets using human hair dyes killing it’s liver and kidneys, or… It’s saddening.

  18. Shoutout to talita cleaning up though. I’m proud of her

  19. Talita is the centaur embodiment of the “I do one pushup whenever I have an anxiety” meme isn’t she

  20. Why does Talita have so many washes and dryers? I’m surprised personal ones even exist – I assumed there’d be one (or several) shared laundry facilities there.

    1. There’s laundry facilities in the apartment buildings with the 2.5 meter ceilings that Talita barely fits inside. She also has hers on a different water processing loop than the human and avian buildings, which is a safety measure against exobiotic water contamination.
      She’s got one commercial sized washer, and 4 regular sized dryers. The dryers barely fit two shirts of hers, but Dirtball didn’t have any commercial dryers when she moved in and she hasn’t bothered getting one.

    2. It’s a bit of a trek from her place to the main housing blocks. Also, her clothing is big! Maybe it’s easier for her to have the machines here rather than take all that stuff all that way, then wait around for several loads to be washed and dried?

      1. I suppose she doesn’t mind walking, being a centaur (?)

        1. judging from pg 27-28, talita seems to find the walk around shikaviil more boring than anything. can’t say i blame her lol

        2. Sure, but doing all that walking back and forth hauling a normal amount of unusually-large laundry is likely a time-consuming pain in the hindquarters. My partner and I are just two ordinary humans but one of us is overweight (not telling which, as either way it would sound complainier than I mean it) and as such keeping up with our laundry is troublesome because there is less room on the drying rack for shirts than there should be.

        3. humans are also designed for long walks but most people find long walks carrying heavy laundry bags a pain in the ass lol

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