Runaway to the Stars: Page 33

It used to be a joke among the employees to refer to the day-night transition by the chiming sound, now they all just call it that.

Transcript Talita looks up in surprise from her bench at the large central pillar of the habitat as it emits a loud chime.
Overhead, the dozens of bar lights on the habitat ceiling begin to noisily switch up, abruptly plunging the city into nighttime.
Talita: Goddamnit!! How is it bing bong already?

Runaway to the Stars: Page 33

It used to be a joke among the employees to refer to the day-night transition by the chiming sound, now they all just call it that.

Transcript Talita looks up in surprise from her bench at the large central pillar of the habitat as it emits a loud chime.
Overhead, the dozens of bar lights on the habitat ceiling begin to noisily switch up, abruptly plunging the city into nighttime.
Talita: Goddamnit!! How is it bing bong already?

40 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 33

  1. For the past several years, I’ve used an alarm on my tablet, set for midnight. This reminds me to stop creating or playing or scrolling, and go to bed. It’s the most soothing of the default Android alarms, a little lullaby played on chimes, and since I read this page and everyone’s comments, I’ve gotten into the habit of muttering to myself, “It’s bing-bong ALREADY?!” every night when it goes off.

  2. *laughs*
    Right when I switched to this page, my husband had a timer go off, with similar sound.

  3. BING BONG!!!!!


  5. “It is bing bong already! >:( ”

  6. Oh this is EXACTLY how I felt once. Got super into a really long fanfic, one of those really heartfelt soul-on-page works…and then suddenly there was a sunbeam on the last page! It was literally like 6am, so I had been reading for NINE HOURS. Thank goodness I didn’t have any errands or whatnot, I was a WRECK all day.

    I’m sure that Runaway will someday be that long, as it’s more than already That Good! (I promise not to ‘hurt’ myself enjoying it, though.)

    1. Not me going through Jay’s Tumblr till 5AM when I first found them…

  7. Is there any particular reason she pulls the weightlifting bar with her wrists instead of her hands? I noticed that with her midlimbs in the last page, too

  8. XDDD

    Also pretty abrupt transition for the inhabitants, but I suppose they’re probably used to it by now. More or less. Hopefully

  9. oh every londoner knows the feel of bing bong. usually doesn’t come with the sun going out though (because there is no sun)

  10. Big Bada BONG!

  11. If “dusk” goes BING BONG, does dawn go BONG BING? That would drive me mad, the loudness would be very intrusive… either that or I’d have to routine my day around it, crash out at midnight to one, get up when the clock tower strikes “dawn”.

  12. I was confused what she’s seeing here, but I think I just realised—do these places have “back yards”?

    1. Yeah, it’s not exactly clear in the previous page, but this seems to be a clearing behind the quonset hut.

    2. if you look on page 27-28 you can see that the first/lowest dry storage compartment has a space behind it with stuff in it. Seems like the prefab medium units simply left a gap in the layout and Talita took advantage of it when she set up her unit.

    3. yeah, i didn’t realize she apparently went outside at some point?

      1. Yeah, Talita has a “backyard” where an outside-row storage shed would go. It seems to house her entire water system as well as stuff that’s too bulky to fit in the shed. It probably feels more like a basement than a backyard, considering that it’s still under the dome. Other than the isolation and sophont-dignity problems, it’s a pretty good solution to housing someone who’s several times the size of the sophonts the station was built for. I would LOVE to have a living situation as independent and private as Talita’s, and the space, too!


  14. Darkness falls across the land.
    The ‘bing-bong’ hour is close at hand…


  16. For every mildly cool Talita moment there needs to be atleast one panel of goofy googly-eyed Talita to balance it out. I’m pretty sure this is a law of the universe.

    1. It’s literally a rule I follow, lol

  17. Oh! It’s just like when my phone switches to “bedtime” mode on me!

  18. Okay I have to know, how on Dirtball are those little headphones staying on her head??? They look like they’d just slide right off!

    1. I’d guess they get a bit of friction from her feathers, plus the cups are kinda nestled inside the “lip” of her facial disk.

    2. They are gently squeezing the top crest of her skull. If she leaned far enough back they’d slip off but so would most human headphones on a human head, to be fair. You can see their structure a little better when she takes them off in this short comic.

      1. “Scrumptious!” Killed me

        1. Oh, I linked to the wrong comic. The headphones are in this one:

        2. I was also very confused by where this comic had earbuds xD

  19. ASLDFKJADSHKF ITS BING BONG!! Everyone’s (least) favorite time, Bing Bong.

  20. im curious – if the sun goes down at 8 pm (well, not the sun… you get what i mean) does ‘sunlight’ come again only at 8am or are the nights and days not the same length? id be so bummed to live somewhere that always has short nights and long days… an eternal summer…

    1. There is a warm temperate seasonal cycle similar to the home archipelago of skimmer avians. Also, you are the only person who has ever told me they’d be sad if nights stayed shorter like they are in summer! Personally I get terrible seasonal depression in fall when I notice the nights getting long. I’m solar powered.

      1. damn, i didnt even think about seasonal cycles! also, i live between a tropic and the equator, a winter-length night here means the sun is out 6:30 to 18:00 , compared to the summer where it’s 19:00 and 5:30, so very little variation, and since its so damn hot and humid half the year in here the less sunlight the better 😅

        1. Yeah, us equatorial tropicals* yearn for longer, cooler nights, while the northern temperate inhabitants tend to prefer more daylight, less long nights.

          I’m a long night lover myself, it’s just never been profitable to leave my near-equatorial sub-tropical swamp.

  21. Ha Ha! Immediate day-to-night with no warning is the funniest way that could possibly have been implemented. No lead up, no gradual dimming or change in mood lighting, just an industrial clank and: Boom – 8.00PM!! TIME FOR SLEEP, PEONS!!
    ‘How is it bing bong already?’
    You and me both, Talita. Leading physicists will agree there is no period of time shorter than that part of the day after you get home from work.

  22. What is happening here? Is it changing to some dimmer lights to simulate a ‘night time’?

    1. yeah, since Shikaviil is in the perpetually dark side of the planet, they have to simulate night/day manually. it operates based on a 24-hour day i believe, because that’s what Jovia uses.

  23. Mmm, big relay noises.



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