Runaway to the Stars: Page 43 and 44


Cheevwut demonstrates the correct response to your job supervisor trying to contact you on the weekend. Meanwhile, the girls are.... meat-ing up.... ok bye. No rat in this one, sorry. I wasn't bored enough.

Transcript It's 10:30. Mel calls Cheevwut, stirring eggs in a pan. A Tiiliitian musical ringtone plays from the phone on Cheevwut's floor. Disgruntled at being woken up, Cheevwut picks up the phone, sees that the caller is "Mel (boss)," picks up the call, and then throws their phone across the room. Mel hears a muffled thud on the other end of the line and is confused.
It's 11:00. Talita waves from outside her apartment to the approaching human couple. Idrisah waves back, Gillie is holding a large bag. Talita is wearing a light flowy chiffon sundress and fancy sandals. Idrisah is wearing a black twisted headwrap and a pantsuit with a capelet and belly band. Gillie is wearing a shortsleeve romper with lace trim and and a long beaded necklace, and has a sweater tied around her waist.
Talita: You two look lovely!
Idrisah: Aw, you too! It’s been so long since we had an occasion to dress up! We brought more than ourselves, though…
Gillie pulls a massive shrink-wrapped piece of smoked shoulder meat out of her bag, and holds it over her head triumphantly.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 43 and 44


Cheevwut demonstrates the correct response to your job supervisor trying to contact you on the weekend. Meanwhile, the girls are.... meat-ing up.... ok bye. No rat in this one, sorry. I wasn't bored enough.

Transcript It's 10:30. Mel calls Cheevwut, stirring eggs in a pan. A Tiiliitian musical ringtone plays from the phone on Cheevwut's floor. Disgruntled at being woken up, Cheevwut picks up the phone, sees that the caller is "Mel (boss)," picks up the call, and then throws their phone across the room. Mel hears a muffled thud on the other end of the line and is confused.
It's 11:00. Talita waves from outside her apartment to the approaching human couple. Idrisah waves back, Gillie is holding a large bag. Talita is wearing a light flowy chiffon sundress and fancy sandals. Idrisah is wearing a black twisted headwrap and a pantsuit with a capelet and belly band. Gillie is wearing a shortsleeve romper with lace trim and and a long beaded necklace, and has a sweater tied around her waist.
Talita: You two look lovely!
Idrisah: Aw, you too! It’s been so long since we had an occasion to dress up! We brought more than ourselves, though…
Gillie pulls a massive shrink-wrapped piece of smoked shoulder meat out of her bag, and holds it over her head triumphantly.

45 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 43 and 44

  1. cheevwut you can’t do that!

    1. is there anyway to change my pfp? i’ve seen people with custom pfps and i’d like to change my pfp to the default bug ferret one

      1. People with custom profiles are using Gravatar accounts.

  2. Gillie holding the meat has religious icon vibes.

  3. Cerebrum_Cupcakes

    At long last… The Meat™ has made an appearance.

  4. Iirc from your posts exposed nape is considered racy in centaur cultures? Damn, Talita…

    1. Depends on culture, but I think you were thinking of slits going down the lower back and exposing some of the haunches. Centaurs don’t have any naughty bits on their their foretorso, Talita’s dress borrows a form of backless-ness from human dresses which is far more racy on someone who has breasts on the other side.

    2. you’re thinking of avians!

  5. I’m not good with words but I just want to say this comic has already become my number one favorite comic ever and I’m not exaggerating at all. Stories focusing on sapient aliens interacting with humans and each other aren’t exactly common, especially not with this level of detail and specbio content. I love this so much


  7. waaah meat for talita!!
    idrisah mentioned that islam is a minority religion on jovia. does that mean she grew up having a hard time looking for halal meat? if so, i feel like she’d empathise a little bit with talita in that regard, idk. fun to think about.

    1. Idrisah is not the strictest adherent to Islamic laws but she did grow up on a mostly pescitarian/insectarian diet because of this. Spacer Muslims in RttS disagree with some modern schools of Islamic thought; most of them consider all livestock insects halal (irl their status is ambiguous), and lab-grown meat halal.

      1. What’s the… thingies hanging out of Cheevwut’s phone? not the charging cable the other thingies.

        1. how did this comment end up here. istgeb i put it at the top level

      2. oh thats really neat. i like how the schools of thought could change with the times, to fit the needs and context of spacer muslims

  8. 11:00: Me bringing a Super Cucumber to the wizard in Stardew Valley.

  9. Talita looks so pretty!

  10. YES CHEEVWUT! That exactly how you need to handle any work call on a day off! Especialy the those by your boss!
    I think it also says a lot about Ohwitiil, because only another boss/manager would consider this an acceptable practice.

  11. No rat in this page… but isn’t what Gillie’s brandishing a haunch of rat?

  12. Behold! The Animal Chunk! A mighty present if there ever was one!

    1. Fan of Most Everything

      Worthy of the Zelda “Got an item” theme!

  13. You can’t slam a phone in a cradle anymore…
    But you can answer it and toss it at a wall.

  14. if i was an alien living abroad and someone gifted me a huge, expensive slab of smoked meat from my homeplanet id dedicate my life to them, no questions asked

  15. Cheev yes! If no one’s actively dying, it can wait until they’re back on the clock!

    lol gillie looks so smug presenting the present.

  16. You do you, Cheev. I’m so excited to be getting to the party in the webcomic! Friends TM

  17. That’s an appropriate response to being woken up on the weekend by a work call. Hopefully future phones are more durable than current ones… Hopefully future walls are more durable than current ones.

  18. I love Cheevwut so much.

  19. look at Gillie’s smug cat face. again. same face from the previous page.

  20. Cheevut has become my new favourite character, closely followed by Calcery. Hm, bit of a C theme going on…

    Talita’s lovely dresses make an appearance! She looks so good in draped fabric

  21. Cheevwut is so valid. It’s my day off, stfu

  22. Sparky Lurkdragon

    You tell ’em, Cheev.

  23. oh, I love the detail of Talita having moved the keypad of her unit further up the wall. thank you for all your lovely work!

  24. Bring me the meats

    I’m rooting for Cheev through all this. Shoutout to Cheevwut.

  25. There doesn’t appear to be a link to the full resolution page!

    1. Until the link goes up, if your right click menu has “open image in new tab” then that’ll give you the full size.

  26. Idrisah and Gillie know how to gift! A huge chunk of smoked meat would earn my undying loyalty. Also Cheev picking up the call before throwing the phone accross the room amuses me greatly.

  27. I love gillie I love gillie I love gillie

  28. Talita looks so pretty! but also MEAT MEAT MEAT MEAT

  29. Friends with meat are friends to meet!

    1. Thanks. New echolalia for me.

  30. Ohhh I love the ergonomics/grip stuff on Cheev’s phone!

  31. Hell yeah Cheev, off hours are off hours!

  32. Gillie goes :3 and I love that

  33. Cheev wins the idgaf war ❤

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