Runaway to the Stars: Page 62

Oh hey all four main characters are in the same room finally

Transcript Idrisah: …Pirate ship?
Gillie and Idrisah stand at the still-open entrance of Talita's apartment. Talita turns around to look at them, shocked, and begins backing away from her tablet. Bip's avatar gestures invitingly.
Bip: Come on in! We’re discussing crime!
Talita: (enraged) I’M NOT PART OF THIS!!

Runaway to the Stars: Page 62

Oh hey all four main characters are in the same room finally

Transcript Idrisah: …Pirate ship?
Gillie and Idrisah stand at the still-open entrance of Talita's apartment. Talita turns around to look at them, shocked, and begins backing away from her tablet. Bip's avatar gestures invitingly.
Bip: Come on in! We’re discussing crime!
Talita: (enraged) I’M NOT PART OF THIS!!

57 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 62

  1. I smell a rat.

  2. How did people know about Bip before it introduced itself a few strips back? I saw comments talking about Bip as far back as page 8, and that was posted months ago.

    1. I’ve been posting about RttS online a good decade before this comic website went live. A lot of readers already have some familiarity with the characters from following my art during that time. If you’re curious to see more of the setting and don’t particularly care about spoilers, I recommend checking out the “World” tab in the header bar.

  3. Oh I love the last panel. It is super funny and you can see Talita’s face in an unusual configuration!

    1. Tyrone the Miner

      Yes….Somehow she has managed to get Kermit eyes from pure excitement. Poor Talita.
      Also she has a split-tongue ?
      Well, sometimes friends just now when to walk in at the most inconvenient time and Gillie manage to look judgy in the second panel =)

  4. Someone needs to do the “there’s a dead guy on the soundstage my soundstage” fandom animatic to this.
    “theres a dying pirate on in my dry storage apartment my apartment 0_0;”

  5. I love the white outlines on the distance models of the characters – that far away gillie and idrisah would make an excellent sticker 😀


  7. “Come on in! We are discussing crimes UwW” I love them.

  8. ⎾||⏋
    Come on in! We’re discussing crime!

    1. Oh, delightful!
      Where are you getting those semicircle and quarter circle characters? That’s not standard ASCII, but it seems to work well!

  9. Ahhh that last panel got such a laugh out of me XD

  10. Big Centaur != In control Centaur.

    So fun.

  11. That sure is a face talitas making

  12. This is the first time I’m seeing Talita’s trunk open so wide. She’s screamin!!!

  13. Bip: Drink up me hearties yo ho!

    Btw, are centaur tongues bifurcated for scent reasons like some reptiles?

    1. Nope, they are a pair of ancient derived limbs more like the palps of insects. They have little finger-like bones inside.

      1. Are they used for tasting, or are the taste receptors in other parts of the mouth?

  14. The scissors on Talita’s desk look like traditional earth-human scissors, which makes me wonder either A) how annoying are they for her to use and/or B) how incredibly dexterous are her hands that she can use a tool designed for an alien anatomy?
    I’m a left-handed human and there are some scissor designs out there that can be awkward for even me to use. (It’s not just the handles, sometimes even the blades don’t press against each other properly when closed from the opposing hand. Cheap scissors usually. A good, solid pair will be negligible with the effect. But still, I have human hands but some human tools are fussy even you use the opposing chiral appendage!!)

    1. On the other hand (haha) talita’s hand aren’t really chiral, seeing as she has two “thumbs” on each side. Maybe she actually has an advantage on us when it comes to using typical human scissors!

  15. So many quality Talita faces lately, she must be fun to draw emoting

  16. Oh man i love the expression on talita!!!

  17. At this point my concern would be how far it is from a pirate ship with a hole in it to a habitat with a hole in it, but I’m prone to morbid hypotheses.

  18. Wow, i never realized how much Talita’s eyes come out from her head. It’s like a solid 3rd of her eyeball, huh? Also Distance Gillie My Beloved

    1. Her eyes might be bulging out from the sheer stress

    2. The eyes could also at least partially be stylized for better effect :0

  19. Talita in the second panel looks like that scrunchy Kermit meme.

  20. You better not be discussing crime in there!

  21. Centaur AI! I’m loving this series SO MUCH!!!

    1. Pretty sure he’s a bug-ferret.

      1. Bip’s avatar is often described as a “stylised bug ferret with human or centaur eyes”

  22. 23 Vast Eyes Narrow At The Truth Of The Matter

    real “You’re not affiliated with me!” energy lol

  23. Very good succession of panels right there

  24. Gang’s all here!!!

  25. Tyrone the Miner

    “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”

  26. The first panel and the last panel.
    The first is pure shock.
    The last, woof, that is a large stressed carnivore and I’d be looking for a locking door.

    1. this kind of prejudice is exactly what talita was complaining about a few pages ago 😐

      1. As a large predator myself, sometimes we just have to understand when smaller predators get a bit overwhelmed because of the size disparity.

  27. Hey, Idrisah and Gillie, I’m pretty sure the mission parameters were to rescue Talita not make her even more stressed! Roll up a newspaper and smack the triangle pirate until it leaves your huge, jittery friend alone. Or wave a magnet near his screen or whatever you do to banish a rascally AI.

    1. Observe the quantum phones really hard maybe?

      1. *Glowers at phone*
        “I am destroying you with my mind.”
        “That’s not how Qphones wor-”
        “Shhhh. Let me have this.”

  28. “Come on in! We’re discussing crime!” XD That panel alone is so memeable

  29. I love the white outline over the far render of startled Talita, makes her look like a paper doll it’s v cute. Like she got so startled she became 2D

  30. I wonder, does Talita’s voice get airy/wooshy when she yells? like her vocal apparatus cant keep up with the volume of air she’s pushing out?

  31. I think a panic attack is still on the table for Talita

    1. Looking at that last panel… are you sure she’s not having one right now…?

      1. yeah i think it is starting

  32. (\.–./)
    ‘\^^/ It’ll be fun!!

    1. Bonus angry bip for evileeyore

      ”’\¤ ¤/
      ”””\ /

      1. Oh, oh! Bip’s ears are straight on the inside, not slanted!
        And they’ve got a gap between the triangle and the ears…
        Latest in the field of ASCII Bip research

        1. We appreciate your contribution to the field.

          Brace for BIpping!
          ”⦣ ∠
          ‘\0 0/
          ”\ /

        3. (*|___|*)
          ”⦣ ‘ ∠
          ‘\0 0/
          ””\ /

        4. I wonder, does html in comments get sanitized?

  33. No no, let Bip cook. Be gay, do crimes.

  34. This is going to be fun, I can’t wait!

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