RttS Reader Questions 17

The cast is here is answer your most pressingly urgent questions about oblong green cucurbit fruits.

If you want to make something like Idrisah's recipe, substitute feta cheese with a tablespoon of water for brined yeast curd, white wine vinegar for green vinegar, and canola oil for spira oil. And parmesan cheese for nooch, if nutritional yeast frightens you.


Anonymous asked: Rasheed, do you like zucchini?

Rasheed: Not really. They’re prickly, need frequent harvest, and the fruit is too delicate for bin storage. But I like them a lot more when Kern doesn’t assume we need one plant per human resident while planning rotations. ...Wait, you mean eating them? I've actually got a squash allergy I keep forgetting to get treated...

Anonymous asked: Idrisah, any zucchini recipes you care to share?

Idrisah: Haha, well, this is just an advanced version of the mom technique for picky kids where they blend up vegetables and hide them in other foods, but! Zucchini make a pretty good additive for pesto and dressings! Here’s one that I make a lot:


  • 2 cups zucchini (shredded)
  • 2-3 tablespoons sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup fresh basil leaves
  • 4 teaspoons nooch
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • ¼ cup brined yeast curd
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • pinch red pepper flakes
  • 1½ tablespoons green vinegar
  • ¼ cup spira oil

Just stick it all in a food processor and it's ready! It can be used for so much— pasta sauce, salad dressing, zesty topping for fried proteins, mixed into hummus, tossed into rice and lentils, dip for hawawshi, sandwich condiment, and more! And it freezes well too!

Anonymous asked: Gillie, what are your favorite zucchini recipes?

Gillie: Idrisah’s a way more inventive cook than me. I’d rather they become compost and turn into something better.

Veltzeh asked: Mel, would you like a zucchini?

Mel: Oh— ah— no, I couldn’t, I’ve not got the room in my fridge! …Maybe ask Idrisah if she needs more?

Anonymous asked: Talita, what do you think of zucchini?

Talita: Um… It… exists?




RttS Reader Questions 17

The cast is here is answer your most pressingly urgent questions about oblong green cucurbit fruits.

If you want to make something like Idrisah's recipe, substitute feta cheese with a tablespoon of water for brined yeast curd, white wine vinegar for green vinegar, and canola oil for spira oil. And parmesan cheese for nooch, if nutritional yeast frightens you.


Anonymous asked: Rasheed, do you like zucchini?

Rasheed: Not really. They’re prickly, need frequent harvest, and the fruit is too delicate for bin storage. But I like them a lot more when Kern doesn’t assume we need one plant per human resident while planning rotations. ...Wait, you mean eating them? I've actually got a squash allergy I keep forgetting to get treated...

Anonymous asked: Idrisah, any zucchini recipes you care to share?

Idrisah: Haha, well, this is just an advanced version of the mom technique for picky kids where they blend up vegetables and hide them in other foods, but! Zucchini make a pretty good additive for pesto and dressings! Here’s one that I make a lot:


  • 2 cups zucchini (shredded)
  • 2-3 tablespoons sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup fresh basil leaves
  • 4 teaspoons nooch
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • ¼ cup brined yeast curd
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • pinch red pepper flakes
  • 1½ tablespoons green vinegar
  • ¼ cup spira oil

Just stick it all in a food processor and it's ready! It can be used for so much— pasta sauce, salad dressing, zesty topping for fried proteins, mixed into hummus, tossed into rice and lentils, dip for hawawshi, sandwich condiment, and more! And it freezes well too!

Anonymous asked: Gillie, what are your favorite zucchini recipes?

Gillie: Idrisah’s a way more inventive cook than me. I’d rather they become compost and turn into something better.

Veltzeh asked: Mel, would you like a zucchini?

Mel: Oh— ah— no, I couldn’t, I’ve not got the room in my fridge! …Maybe ask Idrisah if she needs more?

Anonymous asked: Talita, what do you think of zucchini?

Talita: Um… It… exists?




47 thoughts on “RttS Reader Questions 17

  1. What is zucchini?

    1. … seriously? Or are you expecting an answer like “edible” … ?

      1. In the UK they’re courgettes, they have different names in different places.

        1. oh my god this entire time they were talking about fucking courgettes?! i was just assuming a zucchini was like. some vegetable I’ve never heard of. its a fucking courgette. im so stupid

      2. I thought it would be something more, now I feel like a fool, but thanks for the answer.

        1. If it makes you feel better, I just learned zuccini are also called courgettes.

  2. “It … exists?”
    I guesss that Talita summarized her colleagues’ existential horror quite succinctly there. 😛

  3. I love zucchini, but I also agree with Dillie. Feed it to the crabbits and let it get turned into real food…

  4. Growing zucchinis seems like growing cucumbers, understandable why they aren’t a favorite (one plant can create a whole ton of fruits, especially after it rains).

  5. I imagine Talita doesn’t have the biology to be able to eat zucchini.

    1. Yeah… Also it could kill her.

  6. TotallySomebody

    Hi Jay I had another dream about RTTS centaurs. This time I was laughing over the phrase “trunkless centaur”

    1. ..Somehow both funny and horrible sounding, I thank your sleepy brain

      1. Considering that the trunk is what centaurs use to speak, “trunkless centaur” should feel to them pretty much like the photos of empire-era early cannoneers who happened to have placed their lower jaw too close to the muzzle (but yet survived the high-speed amputation) make *us* feel …
        (Thanks to muzzle breaks, today’s cannoneers tend to stand *way* farther to the rear than that, lest they also get the wound *cauterized* in one fell swoop. 😛 )

        1. TotallySomebody

          The more I think about it the more it seems like an existential nightmare. WHY WAS I LAUGHING AT THAT 😭😭

  7. i think i am starting to understand why the chapter was called zucchini, or at least i have an interpretation now. i was struggling to figure it out, but my current take is that zucchini is the main trio’s current life. more and more of the same thing they don’t actually want and have started to dread, and maybe Nobody actually wants it that much on the dirtball, actually?

    1. Yeaahh maybe, and like it tastes fine and they’re all just dealing with it, okay with it, but some of them want to find something they like more. Or somethinf idk gjfhghdj

  8. I planet zucchini one year, and I ended up really liking it, for the first month anyway.

    Never again.

    1. planet zucchini? is the cast going to visit there sometime?

  9. Is there a non-spacer substitute for brined yeast curd? Not a lot of that at the local grocery…

    1. As said Jay: “If you want to make something like Idrisah’s recipe, substitute feta cheese with a tablespoon of water for brined yeast curd, white wine vinegar for green vinegar, and canola oil for spira oil. And parmesan cheese for nooch, if nutritional yeast frightens you.”

  10. I love when you draw food like that, it always looks so fun.

  11. what do you MEAN we don’t get bip’s opinion on zucchini too? (nah this is one of my fave reader questions pages so far. thanks for the recipe!)

  12. Okay so … allergy … highly “processed” … compost … out of space (double entendre intended) … one *valid* excuse … they sure had time and incentive to come up with those, didn’t they.
    Adam: “No, for the *fourth* time, I do *not* have any allergies or other food incompatibilities that my employer-to-be needs to know about! Why is this so immensely important to you!?”

  13. Who is Kern? Have we heard that name before?

    1. Kern is a plant ag supervisor, See the description under RttS Reader Questions 15

      1. Love that the AG supervisor is called Kern.
        What else should a person who deals with raising plants and harvesting them be called.

  14. I’ll take the zuchinni!! I LIVE FOR IT

    1. Baby zucchini, about an inch in diameter, are one of the best parts of Summer. If you think zucchini are “bland,” you need to try this.

      1. I can’t wait for summer because I’m growing all if the ingredients for a home made ratatouille!!

      2. Slice them finely, fry them in lots of olive oil until they caramalise slightly, add lots of fresh lemon juice and minced garlic… Although that is adding a lot of flavour. It’s very good though.

        The problem comes when you have enough to to eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner 7 days a week.

  15. for a second i thought Gillie was flipping us off– like damn she really hates those zucchini!

  16. Would Marmite or Vegemite also work as a substitute?

    1. Nnnnnnno, not for the listed quantities, both yeast curds and nooch have a much milder flavor and less salt than yeast extract. If you wanted to get more experimental. instead of substituting feta cheese +1 tbsp water for the yeast curds, you could do tofu with enough yeast extract to salt the whole batch (spitballing here, but maybe a teaspoon?)

  17. … I’m getting the impression that *somehow*, Idrisah is the *sole* accepter of those durn things. *And*, by consequence, has developed uses that the other people on Dirtball would *never* imagine possible. (As in, Yao only *thinks* xe knows what xe’s smoking in that weed pipe.)

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that image. I think that’ll help me get out of bed in the mornings for at least a week!

  18. With such an abundance they’ve had to get creative I’m sure 😅

    I imagine that being part cat Gillie might prefer meats over veggies, and course Talita can’t eat human food and probably isn’t too curious about vegetables for the same reason. Meat-based foods might look tastier to her

    1. Even if she could eat Earth foods (many species can’t process proteins from planets other than their species’ planet of origin) Talita is an obligate carnivore!


    1. Time to try the art of Japanese foodmaking!
      *Bonsai* zucchini. (Don’t tell Kern.)

      1. Just harvest the blooms, fill with protein-y salty filling of choice, eat with rice. Needs several flowers per person and so stops the plant from producing some fruits. Plus it looks like something a royal banquet would serve (How often do _you_ eat flowers? Me, basically never. Feels like I’m not allowed to, on account of not being royalty).

    2. Again, a perfect opportunity to harvest early, and give everyone a basket of fragrant, sweet, juicy baby zucchini no more than an inch in diameter!
      Although they probably don’t come off the vine quite so warm, under the UV lamps.

      1. Never once had baby zucchinis, but I might give them a try, from what you say. Thanks!

  20. recipes from rtts??? Oh let’s fucking GOOOOOOO

    1. gnome_artificer

      Not the first time either!
      *spoilerish short comic*

      1. Well.. less of a recipe, more of what’s in the dish, but same difference. Both look delicious regardless!

      2. Siriwit! Siriwit and Cheevwut are both my second favorite characters, right after Gillie.

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