RttS Reader Questions 9

3D racquetball is a zero-gravity sport that takes place in an enclosed dodecahedron-shaped court. Also, Jovia's currency is just called dollars (JVD) and in modern USD this bet is closer to 30 dollars.

Killian's pronouns are he or they. He doesn't have a strong preference for which you use. As unisex humans, tailed spacers tend to play it very fast and loose with gender and most are not terribly committed to any roles, behaviors, or personal aesthetics bisex humans associate with sex and gender. Tailers also often form "coteries" which are groups of 3 or more married adults. "Per," is short for parent, and is used by children of a coterie to refer to any of the adults married into it, though some tailers refer to their birth parent as "mom" and their sire parent as "dad." What's funny about that is for tailers, it's relative... if they had a sibling who was birthed by their dad and sired by their mom, that sibling would flip the terms, referring to the parent that gave birth to their sibling as "dad" and the parent that sired their sibling as "mom."


Zuorai asked: Tod and Killian, do you two hang out outside of work? What do you like to do for fun?

Tod: Oh, sure. Occasionally.

Killian: Pff, occasionally? You invite me over practically every night.

Tod: Just when 3D racquetball has a new match. Which reminds me. You still owe me 5 dollars for Enkhee's loss.

Killian: Yeah, yeah, yeah. ...I'll pay you back if Rosenbaum's still winning tonight.

Tod: Uh huh.

Anonymous asked: Killian, is it common in your time for women to have traditionally male-associated names?

Killian: Why are you asking me?? I'm a tailer, I don't understand the whole song and dance typs do about gender.

NOTE: Tailed spacers are a unisex clade, i.e. simultaneous hermaphrodites.

Killian: My per named me Killian because my grandper was named Killian. I've heard typs call it masculine.

NOTE: NOTE: "Per" is a diminutive for "parent," and can refer to any married adult in a coterie.

Killian: That works fine for me, when I have to pick a team I prefer being one of the boys.

RttS Reader Questions 9

3D racquetball is a zero-gravity sport that takes place in an enclosed dodecahedron-shaped court. Also, Jovia's currency is just called dollars (JVD) and in modern USD this bet is closer to 30 dollars.

Killian's pronouns are he or they. He doesn't have a strong preference for which you use. As unisex humans, tailed spacers tend to play it very fast and loose with gender and most are not terribly committed to any roles, behaviors, or personal aesthetics bisex humans associate with sex and gender. Tailers also often form "coteries" which are groups of 3 or more married adults. "Per," is short for parent, and is used by children of a coterie to refer to any of the adults married into it, though some tailers refer to their birth parent as "mom" and their sire parent as "dad." What's funny about that is for tailers, it's relative... if they had a sibling who was birthed by their dad and sired by their mom, that sibling would flip the terms, referring to the parent that gave birth to their sibling as "dad" and the parent that sired their sibling as "mom."


Zuorai asked: Tod and Killian, do you two hang out outside of work? What do you like to do for fun?

Tod: Oh, sure. Occasionally.

Killian: Pff, occasionally? You invite me over practically every night.

Tod: Just when 3D racquetball has a new match. Which reminds me. You still owe me 5 dollars for Enkhee's loss.

Killian: Yeah, yeah, yeah. ...I'll pay you back if Rosenbaum's still winning tonight.

Tod: Uh huh.

Anonymous asked: Killian, is it common in your time for women to have traditionally male-associated names?

Killian: Why are you asking me?? I'm a tailer, I don't understand the whole song and dance typs do about gender.

NOTE: Tailed spacers are a unisex clade, i.e. simultaneous hermaphrodites.

Killian: My per named me Killian because my grandper was named Killian. I've heard typs call it masculine.

NOTE: NOTE: "Per" is a diminutive for "parent," and can refer to any married adult in a coterie.

Killian: That works fine for me, when I have to pick a team I prefer being one of the boys.

24 thoughts on “RttS Reader Questions 9

  1. hey so, im sorry im so late on this, but as an intersex person would it be possible at all to change the usage of the word ‘hermaphrodite’ to ‘cosexual’? theres been a push from the community and several intersex advocacy organizations to pressure scientific literature to update to using this term as hermaphrodite has origins in intersexism and violence

    1. Tailers are not intersex, they specifically are born with sets of reproductive organs that can simultaneously produce sperm, produce eggs, and gestate a child. I use a fantasy term for this in RttS, ‘unisex,’ which applies to bug ferrets as well. The problem is that I have to explain what ‘unisex’ means to a reader before using it, and the word most people recognize for animals with a reproductive system like this is ‘hermaphrodite.’ While it’s never correct to refer to intersex people as such, I wasn’t aware there was a push to replace the word in unrelated biological contexts. I’m fine phasing it out (this is why I use ‘unisex’ for people in RttS) but ‘cosexual’ doesn’t really help me here because laypeople aren’t going to recognize it. I can replace it with a longer description, but that’s a lot clunkier than using a single word and comics aren’t very forgiving when it comes to dialog space. I’ll take this comment into consideration and seek out opinions from other intersex people.

    2. im aware theyre not intersex! i only brought up that *i* am intersex because i feel like it adds weight to my opinion on the matter, given the history of the word being used. the issue unfortunately is that no matter what context the word is used in, the word itself is tied to intersex violence. thank you for taking the time to respond and take what i said seriously, i hope you find a good word to use

  2. would different kinds of modified humans end up triggering eachother’s uncanny valley effect?

  3. Speaking of parents…what do infant tailers look like? Typ human newborns tend to be a bit fuzzy, so are tailer babies super fluffy as newborns or about the same?
    And, somewhat related, is it considered rude or racist to compare tailer humans to earth monkeys/apes?

    1. ‘Can’t answer the first one, but I think Jay has said before that when Tailers were first created, they were called “Simians” but nowadays that term is a slur, so yeah, it *is* racist to compare them to apes.

  4. Tailers are the main population of Mars’ space station, right?

  5. Killian I love u Killian <3 I love these bros

  6. TotallySomebody

    IM SORRY BUT “GRANDPER” 😭 THAT SOUNDS SO DEEP-SOUTH-ACCENT (i.e: “I went an saw my grandper yestirday”)

    1. No it don’t, not all that much.

  7. Possibly stupid question, but how is “Per” pronounced? Is it rhymes-with-pear as in “parent” or rhymes-with-purr as in “person”?

    1. I like to say it as “pear” or “purr” like a cat purring noise without the actual purring

    2. Depends where you are. Some dialects drop the “r” and give it a long “a” sound (“peh” or “pay-uh”) and some pronounce it more like the “per” in “as per my last email…” Most Jovians are in the latter category.

      1. “pay-uh” gave me the cursed idea of a tailer with a heavy Maine (Boston could work too) accent 💀

  8. I love how this comic continuously shows the strange space people are still just regular people. So So much

  9. Killian’s adorable. And yeah as pointed out in an earlier comment, he does not comb his whiskers.

    1. Speaking of which, how does that happen? I’ve never seen rumpled whiskers irl, are they just thinner or less stiff for Killian/tailers in general?

      1. I think he fidgets by pinching them.

        1. That sounds vaguely uncomfortable.

        2. Oh, I mean pinching in the middle, which bends them. Not tugging on the innervated base at all. Though, skin/hair picking habits frequently are painful… and yet people do them anyways…

      2. I’ve definitely had cats who occasionally had “rumpled” whiskers. More common with cats who have curly whiskers, which always look a little crazy, but some cats only have a couple curly whiskers and the others are straight, which gives the appearance of a bedhead-ish look at times. Perhaps Tailer’s whiskers are halfway between human facial hair and typical whiskers in stiffness, hence needing the combing?

        1. I had a cat whose whiskers grew in rumpled. Her brother used to chew them off her face, we eventually broke him of the habit, but by then her whiskers stopped growing in straight and grew in with kinks and semi-curls.

  10. Speaking of sports transmissions and Jovian currency, how expensive *is* a wormhole “cable” subscription to get to watch a match with minimum delay (couple hours, I guesstimate)? Or is Tod just getting a ration-it-yourself stack of VHS¹ delivered every quarter or so?

    ¹ Venerable Hypermodern Storage 😉

    1. I might assume that stations have someone who handles things like that, probably involving a server or two. They get a big dump of entertainment materials more frequently than any individual person could swing and certain things, (such as sports), get embargoed until specified ‘broadcast’ times. The bulk entertainment might even be downloaded as a side-channel to other connections, meaning they might be able to get time-sensitive stuff several times per day.

      Of course, there are probably going to be any number of little betting scandals when people find ways of getting results early. (Be that the entertainment admin making an extra copy of the game for themselves or someone simply taking advantage of a regular official call to get some late-game numbers).

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