Mmmm nothing like some delicious magnesium carbonate to satisfy that bone growth induced craving. She saved this bone from her Eid present btw.
Talita wakes up to the sound of her alarm and scratches at one of the pointed, velvety brown nubs growing on either side of her lower jaw with a feeling of dull irritation. She gets out of bed shirtless and opens her freezer, taking out a long, thick bone in an opened plastic bag. Clamping down on the knobbed end with her sharp molars, she twists her head and snaps it in half like a breadstick.
She crunches on the bone happily.
SFX: bing!
Her tablet sounds out a notification and she picks it up to check the text message.
UNKNOWN #: Need help welding again.
94 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 139”
Talita I am madly in love with you
I totally understand Shyam tbh. Having a giant buff centaur woman to cuddle you to sleep sounds awesome.
[So dizzy I might pass out] Hey……………
Jurassic Park warden describing Talita badly
(down to ‘killing the rest of the team except for two’…)
At first I thought the box on top of the fridge must be full of Cliff bars, but then I realized that even if those are around 300 year in the future, Talita can’t eat them. It’s climbing chalk, which I think she actually can eat! XD
holy shit buff women
so true
so true
so true
so true
MA’AM ;//w//;
… say, wasn’t it said some time ago that Talita usually takes a vacation while her antlers grow in?
“It’s still my *days off*, you overclocked ingrate!!”
Gets top surgery so I can walk around shirtless like Talita
Didn’t expect to get secondhand gender euphoria from an alien centaur but here we are
Why is the bone cronch so gender
Sometimes you just need to rip and tear with your teeth
I love how she transforms from Menacing Muscle Monster into Cutie-patootie in the span of a single panel.
the most epic protein bar
…calcium bar?
Gar G
Honestly it feels like it’d be pretty cool to be able to eat bones like that
Nice and crunchy~
Wooby-faced innocence
The whiplash of those two frames always gets me
Rad Internet Stranger
Damn she muscly
i want to pet her feathers soooooo bad
Athelind Llewellyn Long
Her little happy face in panel 5. 💕
I read the package on the fridge as “Spores Chalk” and my mind was thinking of genetically modified fungi that grow chalk or something until I realized it probably says “Sports Chalk”. Dang mind. Thinking too complicated again.
Hmmm, bone
The munching cruncher
she eat the bone to greet the bone (antlers)
Talita’s bedhead is very cute. (also goddamn I wish I were that jacked.)
It wouldn’t help. None of the muscles would be attached in the right places on your torso.
stronk horse, wooo, mamma
Damn. I can’t help but imagine Talita’s ancestors doing that to some poor prey animal’s arm or leg. Brutal. I can’t remember off the top of my head if it mentions this in the centaur tab, but did the species evolve as pursuit or persistence predators? I could see both working honestly. Both are equally terrifying. Imagine being a prey animal and having something talita’s size and shape RUNNING you down in seconds. Then imagine being that same prey animal and having one of them just… follow you. For DAYS. I’d love to see more creepy art of centaurs. I know they are sophonts and all but I think in the right context they can be terrifying.
Considering how fast Talita can run, I’d say pursuit predators, though there is the possibility that Centaurs’ prey is faster somehow.
> did the species evolve as pursuit or persistence predators?
For the actual killing act, they seem to rather be *ambush* hunters:
“Centaurs’ evolutionary ancestors were savanna pack predators who used ambush to hunt prey, nomadically following prey animal herds as they traveled round the global continent every year.”
I suppose the nomadic lifestyle qualifies as a persistence *aspect*, but. Anyway, I guess the prey’s been seeing them peeping over the horizon ALL YEAR LONG. >;->
> imagine being that same prey animal and having
> one of them just… follow you. For DAYS.
I’ve evolved as a “specialist for non-specialization”. I’d try swimming across a fjord or crossing a terrain of jagged rocks preferably, and climbing a tree when out of other options.
There is a small comic on the tumblr where Idrisah expresses amazement at the speeds Talita can reach on the treadmill while Talita confesses that she still can’t believe that humans can keep running for hour(s) so centaur’s certainly aren’t persistance predators.
Peter Jensen
Link to the comic:
To be fair we humans are horrific persistence hunters. We may not have powerful jaws but we certainly dont know when to give up.
It’s good to see that Eid present again… we never really got to see her *enjoy* it, she was so nervous the whole time! And I knew people were not going to be normal about the panel where she snaps the bone, and the comments section did not disappoint!
I can’t get enough of the way centaurs faces are shaped
it’s so cool looking
I really love the transcript notes. I think it’s kind of a shame that you can’t include them in the printed book, but I guess they are intended to be an alternative/supplement to the pages. I really like hybrid comic/writing books like the Dragonbreath series and what Paranatural is doing. I also like clarification and Talita crunching on the bone happily
Dang, look at those STRONK MASCLES on Talita! Is she butch or what? <3
And then in the next panel? Cute little google eyes.
Muscular woman sleeping in undies… breaking bones with her teeth…
I like the emphasis on her alarm whenever she wakes up, like it’s a routine expectation for both her and the readers
Heh. Panel three doesn’t bode well for the RL folks trying to establish some kind of matrix code
as a successor for the current GTINs …
Delectable bone marrow :] Wish I could do that with bone, probably has a good crunchy feel.
You probably can – try a roast chicken. 😉
(I remember the time when dog owners were told that they shouldn’t give their dogs actual bones to gnaw, period, because they can splinter and the splinters threaten to perforate their guts. That was later amended to say that chicken bones are OK, because the bones of current-day farmed chicken have become too soft to splinter …)
Sorry to be this guy but this isn’t true, don’t feed any cooked bones to your dogs! No veterinary authority recommends it. I think you might be thinking of osteomalacia, which is the softening of bones in laying chickens due to nutritional deficiencies. This isn’t going to affect chickens commercially sold for meat as frequently and doesn’t make the bones literally soft in a way that would be safer to eat.
From personal experience gnawing on cooked chicken bones for marrow they absolutely can and do shatter past the soft ends of the joints. But yeah, as a human who knows what they’re doing the risk can be worth it.
I was taught the opposite. Do not, under any circumstances, give dogs chicken bones! Cooked or uncooked they splinter like mad. Other bones are fine uncooked. Though I wonder how this applies to chicken feet, since those seem safe but have bones in them….
A Box Of Fox
Vertebrate feet have lotsa little bones in ’em, maybe those are small enough to be digested whole?
has anybody ever eaten bones soaked in vinegar? i guess that would prevent splintering?
Peter Jensen
When I eat chicken, the bones all go in the freezer to make stock once I’ve collected enough. To help release the collagen from the bones, I add a little bit of vinegar, and by the end of the simmering, the bones are basically spongy and can be broken with just your fingers. I suppose cooked *that* way it would be safe for dogs to eat, but there would be no point in doing so, since most nutrition and taste went into the broth water.
> I suppose cooked *that* way it would be safe for dogs to eat,
> but there would be no point in doing so, since most nutrition
> and taste went into the broth water.
Considering the addition of vinegar, chances are that your dog wouldn’t *want* those bones anymore, too. :-3
(Disclaimer: Don’t trust any “advice” of mine re: animal husbandry without *triple*-checking it. I read up back when *my mother* had a dog, but you *don’t* want to trust a pet to *me* long term.)
Mr. Skeleton
That good cronch.
Scary.. but also hot. … Who said that
amazing panel of talita showing off both her muscles and bite power :3
and also… is that climbing chalk? for eating? I don’t think she needs it for weighlifting 🤔
I’ve seen my husband use chalk for weightlifting. Grip is also important there even if both feet are on the ground 🙂
can confirm
And yet, she’s keeping that box near her larder, rather than outside next to her workout doodads. 😉
yes, but I don’t think talita’s hands get sweaty like humans’ do!
Jay Eaton
They do. Naked palms!
Yup! It’s the easiest way for her to supplement her diet in magnesium carbonate, which is the stuff her bones (and the centraur-planet bone she is currently gnawing on) are made of!
Found the link!
for some reason i thought that they were supposed to be cliff bars, or some brand that talita can eat somehow
Accursed Dirt Boar
Man she is actually so ripped tho
Umh … the transcript says that she takes that bone straight out of her FREEZER. Is that meant to have it made *extra* crunchy, or does the centaur-homeworld-fauna biochemistry work with a different (lower) temperature as its typical “freezing point” … ?
Storing it in the freezer keeps it from spoiling, particularly if there’s still some meat on it. I could certainly see it making the bone crunchier as well.
Granted, I’m not certain the microbes on Dirtball would be able to do much to it, but better safe than sorry. Besides, she may have bacteria-analogues living in her mouth (humans certainly do) that would have gotten on it when she ate it, so freezing it prevents those from proliferating on the bone and ruining it for consumption.
Extra crunch also probably helps in filing down her teeth. Iirc centaur teeth are constantly growing and need filing down, I assume an extra firm bone helps with that naturally.
Maybe that’s the closest a centaur gets to something like icecream?
Perhaps, though I imagine if they had an ice cream-like food, it would be some kind of whipped and chilled animal fat type thing, maybe with meat chunks suspended in it
Phasma Felis
Freezing things only hardens them if they’ve got a lot of water in them.
I’ve got a brownie recipe, butter, chocolate, flour, sugar, salt, vanilla, and eggs. I tried freezing most of it so I wouldn’t be able to eat the whole 6000-calorie tray in one day. Unfortunately it turns out frozen brownies are *delicious.* I was expecting an ice cube, but no, it just turns real chewy and fudgy.
Heheh, you got “lucky”, then. I had to replace my fridge’s thermostat lately because it chose to go “full power 24/7!!!” and got everything to -12°C. It sure takes the fun out of snacking when you have to let sit even YOGHURT on the counter for a couple hours before you can enjoy it. :-3
It’s like a pitbull and a horse had a baby.
… and a somewhat quirky dentist.