An overabundance.
It's the next morning. The bing bong chime sounds and the lights turn on in the dome. Later, Talita is outside in her exosuit with the temp work crew, staring in astonishment at a row of new junkyard arrivals on the rails. It's a wide variety of ships in different makes and models, but all appear completely undamaged. After she returns to the plant, Talita pays Mel's office a visit. They are discussing something with Ohwitiil with the door ajar. She knocks cautiously and ducks though the human-height office door.
Talita: …Mel? What’s with the fleet of immaculate ships in our yard?
Mel: Oh! You know Vspear, that Martian aerospace company?
44 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 126”
i know the little airplane guy on the third panel is just an easter egg but honestly it’d be pretty funny if aeromorphs or other anthro aircraft existed in RttS, maybe if they were bugferret AI in an animatronic body. makes me wonder where this guy came from.
I mistook the train of salvage plant moving down the lane between the cradles and the scrap piles as a sound effect reading “schmooooo” on the first two glances
the way you inset the bing bong panel really nicely conveys passage of time!
Oh man, that one in the middle with the star on it is cute. It looks like something some dad would make for his son in the 50’s or something.
You can see the parts of the runaway we’re familiar with from the site sitting right there.
Why bird so angry? Talita did knock.
And all the pieces are falling into a place it seems XD
I don’t think Ohwitiil is specifically angry, they just have resting angry-face.
“If you think they’s angry *now*, you might want to leave before they’s finished their nap!”
Can I just say. Talita looks so attractive in this outfit
Mmmmm, fresh parts.
I smell a sudden increase in opportunity.
I’m surprised there’s so much variety with the ships instead of one specific design winning out with some slight modifications for aesthetics and such.
the Inmara
It’s going to be so weird for anyone leaving Dirt Ball to not have Bing Bong anymore. Unless, of course, they program their own Bing Bong into their ship’s systems.
BING BONG hype train!
I have a feeling Bip’s Bing Bong would be… different.
The Hollymonster
Bip Bong…
Ooooooh the avian drip……..
Oh, Vspear! The company mentioned in that podcast Talita was listening to in Chapter 1! Nice seed planted.
Time to “step up to the demand”, Talita.
Also, the reference to them having taken over a former competitor and possibly dropping that company’s “revolutionary material science research” on the ground …
… a ground known as “Dirtball”, mayhaps? God-powers-hiding spare parts ex machina?
I like how you draw Mel. It’s very realistic. Honestly, your grasp of anatomy is remarkable. The quality of the artwork in this comic is so high I haven’t seen another comic that has surpassed it yet.
There are a couple of typos in the transcript. “variety ships” should have an “of” in the middle, and the door is “ajar” (unless there’s a jelly-like seal or something that’s not visible, I suppose).
Jay Eaton
Hm. Aside from the plot development, Ohwitiil and Mel both seem dressed to impress this morning. I think that’s the fanciest, foofiest thing I’ve ever seen a bright wear. I wonder what it looks like in color…
So you’re telling me right after Talita tells Bip that she won’t work for them because all the parts in the junkyard is rusted a bunch of non rusted ships show up? Bip who has a criminal history and has shown multiple times they can hack into things? Hmmmmm…
Because, yeah, this… this is too good to be true. But also, Idrisah was talking about this, about a whole bunch of new shipments that the rail needed to be cleared for!
Maybe Bip anticipated Talita’s concerns? Preordered it as it were. Or maybe that’s giving Bip too much credit…
Aaargh, that’s the thing, we don’t really KNOW about Bip yet! Also, subsonic airplane with animal legs in the scrap piles.
Startups tank all the time! And if a bunch of prototypes happen to get sent to one scrap yard and not another, hey, that’s not a crime is it. Anyway you can’t prove anything.
I feel like this is too fast for that. They couldn’t have gotten there so soon. These ships should have been on the way since before Bip’s phones were even charged.
The podcast Talita was listening to near the end of chapter one mentions that Vspear got acquired by a bigger company. this was put into motion probably before Talita took the phones out of the Runaway, considering light delay, the time it takes to script a podcast, and the fact that the podcast is seemingly pre-recorded and ready to play once Talita puts on her headphones
(No, *they* acquired their competitor Unitine.)
It’s too fast. Even for a legendary hacker. You don;t just teleport ships across space in this comic. Distance has meaning, this isn’t new Star Wars or Star Trek.
This page (and another coming up later) is why I’ve suspected Calcery for awhile now. That and their goodbye to Talita, as though Cal knew Talita would be getting tempted to leave Dirtball…
Cal could easily have known Bip was stranded in need of rescue, hired a salvage crew to tow Runaway to Dirtball with orders not to loot it, arranged for this allotment of ships…
Ooookay. Time for some typical technician pastime (disassemble six and a half, reassemble into EIGHT)!
I love the word Immaculate it’s silly and I like seeing talita say it. Thats all I have 2 say this time hgdfgdsdgh
Gar G
(and look how tiny they are compared to them!)
Lotsa spare parts it looks like… Wonder what lead to them all getting sent here ;)c
Love watching the plot unfold :3
Oh, so Ohwitiil CAN take their tusk ring off!
Why are they dressed like a pinata, though… and Mel is sleeveless… Is there also a V-spear representative sitting in a corner of the room?
And the Universe said; you ARE going on the adventure!
Hm.. lot’s of ships you say? Certainly could be useful in times like this. (Wonder if they’ll try to either convince that the Runaway is one of the ships brought in once it gets fixed or take some parts from the new ships to help fix the Runaway.)
Mel looks thinner than usual
… also, Mel’s smile in the last panel looks outright *devilish*.