Runaway to the Stars: Page 67

Bip recognizes that there's nothing more dangerous than bored nerds with no project.


Gillie: (ASL) …Yeah, unless you’re planning to forge many papers…
Bip: You two would be great help with that.  Seeing how writing those papers is your day jobs.
Gillie looks skeptical. Idrisah is deeply offended.
Idrisah: EXCUSE ME?
Gillie: (ASL) Sounds like a lot of work. What’s the pay?
Bip's avatar shrugs.
Bip: Oh, I’m legally dead. I have no assets. This offer comes without bribes. I just thought I would ask, since you three seem intriguing… highly skilled… and deeply bored.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 67

Bip recognizes that there's nothing more dangerous than bored nerds with no project.


Gillie: (ASL) …Yeah, unless you’re planning to forge many papers…
Bip: You two would be great help with that.  Seeing how writing those papers is your day jobs.
Gillie looks skeptical. Idrisah is deeply offended.
Idrisah: EXCUSE ME?
Gillie: (ASL) Sounds like a lot of work. What’s the pay?
Bip's avatar shrugs.
Bip: Oh, I’m legally dead. I have no assets. This offer comes without bribes. I just thought I would ask, since you three seem intriguing… highly skilled… and deeply bored.

56 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 67

  1. i swear i can HEAR that face idrisah’s making

  2. … i keep wondering how BIP can be legally dead.
    Like… if an AI-steered spacecraft gets heavily damaged, how is checking for the AI not the first thing you do? Did the salvagers who initially found the runaway just overlook the phones?

    1. There was definitely some criminal negligence involved on the part of the scrapping company who sold Ixion the ship, but to be uh… fair… ships this small rarely have AIs and Bip has no records. Invisibility isn’t always a good thing.

  3. May or may not be a typo – in the third panel, Bip is saying “you two would be great help with that.” Shouldn’t it be “a great help with that?”

    1. nah it still sounds correct

  4. I wonder what criminal penalties look like for AIs. Can you imprison that kind of entity? What do they do, put you in an air-gapped server room? Or maybe they’ve abolished prison in the future. What’s community service look like? There’s lots of boring but necessary tasks AI might be good at

    1. Probably take them completely offline, though that’s a bit grim as it’s pretty much like executing them. Other possible criminal penalties for an AI might be requiring it to split into different entities with no memories from the “parent”, kinda like breaking up a corporation which does something criminal- or just a plain old hard reset. The latter thing is also pretty grim as it’s also a kind of death.

      1. go the Questionable Content route – Seize physical assets (including the body), force the AI to run in a virtualized environment for a while.

  5. alksjgfjkh the contrast in Idrisah and Gillie’s expressions is sending me
    all the expressions in recent updates have been top tier tbh

  6. so many good faces have been drawn since bip’s introduction, lol

  7. aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA

    i’ve been trying to figure out what bip reminds me of, and it just hit me. shadow collector. fucking shadow collector. the owl house one.

  8. I love the expression, and oh gosh their logic XD

  9. “Quit your job. Join my emo band.”

  10. This feels like the start of a ttrpg adventure with a DM that is trying not to do another murder hobo situation by not offering money and praying that the good will of the adventures will help

  11. I sort of get the impression that up until now Gillie has been taking the path of “let’s see how much rope this Ai is going to give us” and only now has realised whose neck it is around.

  12. I think Idrisah is about to have an aneurysm

  13. “How dare you presume what my mental state is after reading through all my recent social media posts and my unencrypted diary!”

  14. wow ok Bip. Way to read them all like that

  15. I think somebody spit on the screen (Idrisah, probably? Can Talita spit out her trunk…?)

    1. I think that might be the camera? That said if it is a spitbubble it was probably Idrisah

      1. Oh yeah I think you’re right

  16. *throws some enrichment in their enclosure *

    1. I need you to understand this is likely the best description of all these comments

      1. Oh, definitely! LOL

  17. It was said before somewhere that the original thinking AI sprang forth spontaneously from a from a pool of code like Aphrodite from, eh ‘seafoam’ and that they must make the conscious choice to copy themselves to procreate, they can’t just be manufactured ad nauseam in factories.
    Considering their singular origins how commonplace are sapient AIs in a general sense? I suppose I’m asking if having AIs as part of a flesh and blood persons life would be considered mundane or more like crossing paths with a rare alien.

    1. To quote the “world” section of the site (a treasure trove of information but beware of spoilers!)

      “There aren’t very many AI individuals in the galaxy in comparison to squishy individuals but they usually have a wide reach, because they can communicate with so many people simultaneously and control huge areas like space stations and planet bubbles. Anyone off the street is probably familiar with the local A.I.s and has probably had a conversation with all of them, even if it was just the equivalent of talking to a DMV worker!”

      1. Thank you very much.
        I know the World tab is rich in ancient lore and awesome art but I’ve been avoiding it for fear of spoilers. What hypocrisy then that I frequent the comments which can have more spoilers than a Japanese tuner? I just can’t quit you guys.

        1. Very understandable, feel free to ask anything, someone will get it out of the spoiler box for you if it exists

  18. On one hand the offer seems very unrealistic. On the other hand Bip is a master manipulator and this is very tempting. Would I take the offer? Probably yeah XD

  19. (bip voice) oooooh you wanna go on an adventure sobad. Fix my ship girl

  20. bip with a mouth scares me

  21. His page has some of Idrisah’s best faces 😂. Gillie’s asking the real questions here, and Talita seems surprisingly chill with this proposal right now.

    I suppose that if the AI is legally dead and the Runaway is just for scrap it shouldn’t be too hard to claim it and fix it with minimal illegalities. The biggest hurdle is hiding/sneaking in Bip, really. I imagine that AIs are easier to track than most people.

    1. Last panel, Talita is anxious, the hand on throat is her version of nervously wringing her hands… she just seems chill because she isn’t excited (Gillie) or enraged (Idrisah).

  22. You know what? Tt’s terrifying to see how right Bip is.

  23. Rad Internet Stranger

    I can’t get over Idrisah’s expressions

  24. Honestly, still not a good enough argument. Well, maybe it is a good argument to repair a ship and bail together. But it’s not good enough to trust Bip. The whole pirate thing is just… Like, they might have killed people before for all we know. There’s just no way to trust that person, even if they owe you their life.
    For me the only legit way Bip can gain trust is if someone the girls know also knows them and can vouch for them. Like Calcery, maybe? There’s a good chance AIs have a tight community.

    1. Agreed. Joining Bip would also mean getting on the wrong side of the law, permanently staining their records, wouldn’t it? Their livelihood is a pretty big thing to risk just to alleviate some boredom. But we’ll see if Bip has any more incentivizing cards up their shelves.

      1. They’ll only get on the wrong side of the law if they become pirates or smugglers because of Bip. But I can see this crew sooner slaging Bips server then committing crimes.

        1. Let us hope so. If Bip did succeed in roping the girls into their criminal activities than they’d be running frightfully close to aiding and abetting.

  25. So Bip bribes them with adventure!

  26. Talita’s door being open the whole time… what if someone’s listening

    1. I knew I wasn’t the only one concerned about that!!!

      1. We can only hope she lives far enough away from anybody else for it not to be an issue…

        1. She does, she lives in the storage facilities, and it’s after BING BONG so its very unlikely anyone would be out…

          … but still! I’d be super worried about if I were Bip and hadn’t already hacked all the station networks since they’ve luckily just been abandoned by the only other AI in this region of space.

    2. Cheevwut comes in with bag of popcorn like “You guys doin’ crimes? That’s cool.”

      1. Cheev would lowkey be totes into helping out, Cheev is so cool.


  27. the contrast of expressions in panel 4 is incredible lol

    1. Very, Also panel 7, we have anxious, surprised/thinking about it, and enraged. Jay is a master with facial and body expression.

  28. The offer is a horse to ride away on.

    1. Run away where?

      1. To the cosmos

      2. I would suggest to the stars, but that’s just a preposterous idea!

      3. I hear Bruges is nice this time of year.

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