Runaway to the Stars: Page 47

Gillie catgirl reveal. Though going by questions I've gotten, it's more like a "where Gillie's kitty ears were" reveal, lmao.

Transcript Talita taps an entry code into the number pad by her apartment door. She, Idrisah, and Gillie walk inside under the rattling roll-up door.
Idrisah: I can’t believe they still have you living in DRY STORAGE.
Talita: Well, setting up the separate septic over HERE was a nightmare enough. Besides, I fit.
Idrisah: Yeah… I feel bad having you come over…
A small diagram shows Talita standing on all sixes under a human building's 2.5 meter ceiling.
Talita: Eh. All sixes is only a hassle if my hands get dirty.
Talita presses a button to lower the door and Idrisah turns to Gillie.
Idrisah: (ASL) Can I get the stick PC?
Gillie: (ASL) Just a sec.
She reaches into her hair and removes two soft ear clips, revealing pointed ears somewhere in between a human's and cat's. She unties the sweater from her waist, underneath which is a short tail covered in white fur. She stuffs the sweater in her bag.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 47

Gillie catgirl reveal. Though going by questions I've gotten, it's more like a "where Gillie's kitty ears were" reveal, lmao.

Transcript Talita taps an entry code into the number pad by her apartment door. She, Idrisah, and Gillie walk inside under the rattling roll-up door.
Idrisah: I can’t believe they still have you living in DRY STORAGE.
Talita: Well, setting up the separate septic over HERE was a nightmare enough. Besides, I fit.
Idrisah: Yeah… I feel bad having you come over…
A small diagram shows Talita standing on all sixes under a human building's 2.5 meter ceiling.
Talita: Eh. All sixes is only a hassle if my hands get dirty.
Talita presses a button to lower the door and Idrisah turns to Gillie.
Idrisah: (ASL) Can I get the stick PC?
Gillie: (ASL) Just a sec.
She reaches into her hair and removes two soft ear clips, revealing pointed ears somewhere in between a human's and cat's. She unties the sweater from her waist, underneath which is a short tail covered in white fur. She stuffs the sweater in her bag.

55 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 47

  1. So, did Gillie dock her tail, or is it naturally short?

    1. It’s a median between the intended cat tail and the human “tail,” so, it’s quite short.

  2. Love the design of Talita’s purse in the background. Definitely looks like it could hold a lot. Wonder what it’s made of.

    1. That’s not her purse, that’s the huge slab of meat she was gifted!

      1. (There’s a purse visible in the bg of panel 4)

  3. Is it that they had religious nut parents from off world over that thinks its bad enough that idrisha is marrying a non-muslim, and that she’s a cat eared mutant freak would be the last last straw?

    1. Oh yeah, Idrisahs parents are perfectly fine with Gillie, in fact they’ve known each other since they were in jovian elementary school. Spacer muslims are much more lax in this world due to the change in times and customs that are bound to happen. Gillie hides her ears and status of GMH because she is technically off model, and does not look like the average typ catgirl, which can get unwanted stares and remarks, she mostly hides it however because of Avians who have an extremely body purist mentality due to skimmer avians being skimmer avians, of course not all avians are like this but Owhitl exists and is her employer she wont get fired just for that but she certainly will get harassed.

  4. I have to wonder if those clips aren’t uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time. Looks like they’re padded, but still!

  5. Would standing on all sixes make Talita’s back hurt?

    1. Nope it’s a natural posture for centaurs. They normally run on all six feet.

  6. Gillie cat mode reveal!!! :3

    1. omg yay im a centaur!

  7. I had the weirdest dream last night that involved going to Actual Hell, and for some reason Cheevwut and Ohwitiil were there.

    1. I would watch that sitcom

      1. “Cheevwut, I am a bit concerned about this recent stock market fiasco.”
        “Ohwitiil, we’re avians.”

  8. huh, I wonder if talita even knows gillie’s a gmh.

    I wanna see my site-assigned species!

    1. and it’s scud! cool.

  9. Jay, if my readings on apes have been correct, one of the primary separations between humans and the apes of genus Pan is that humans are maned. Why is the human in the randomly-allotted guest images lacking a mane? You have left the chin tufts on the bug ferret, so clearly you are not simplifying profiles by ignoring species-significant integument.

    1. Anon humans are bald. This is a well known fact

    2. That was such a weird and cumbersome way to ask “Why is the human anon icon bald? I don’t like that!”

      1. I read it in a lighthearted teasing tone, like that “Um actually shslhllhkhkgkkgkh” vine, but that might be me giving folks the benefit of the doubt.

        1. Precisely. I was meaning to sound very “erm, acshually” nerd.

    3. the namely namester

      sorry i shaved them

  10. OH! It took me a bit to figure out that “all sixes” is the hexapod version of “all fours”. Love that.

  11. Internet Stranger

    Also her stuffing her phone into her bra is gold. boob storage is peak girl power

  12. Let them flop sister

    Btw I loooove love love the new icons!

    1. Saaaame! Was such an unexpected surprise; I thought “Where those there before?” when I first saw them XD

  13. I like the detail of Gillie stashing her phone in her bra

  14. I just love all the details you put into the clothing for non-standard human and non-human forms. So much thought!

  15. I love how even though she’s carrying a bag, Gillie still chooses to stash her phone in her shirt. Extremely relatable. Also GOSH Gillie is pretty. Idrisah is a very lucky lady.

  16. gillie looks so damn good in the fifth panel. what an absolute serve.
    also i only just noticed the new icons these rule

  17. It must be good to get those clips off; they look so uncomfortable.

  18. ooh i love the perspective on that second panel.

  19. In the comic, Talita says “All sixes is only a hassle if my hands get dirty”, but the transcript says “All sixes is only a hassle *because* my hands get dirty.”

  20. I’m kinda surprised Gillie would have to hide her cat-ish aspects even on Dirtball, where there’s only like 75 people! Maybe her aspects seem “unprofessional”??? Or the avians (maybe even other humans??) find them off-putting…

  21. lol Talita’s fucked-up backwards arms

  22. oh man, those clips can’t be comfortable to have to wear just to avoid stigma…

  23. Cat Mode activated!

  24. Cerebrum_Cupcakes

    Earsies reveal!

  25. Gillie putting her phone in her bra is so real

  26. why does gillie hide her cat parts outside? there are plenty of other gmh that we saw in the backround.

    1. She probably faces some guff because she’s not a “pure” cat-person, or some such other nonsense. Bad enough being an outside due to being deaf, but being ostracized for “not being pure enough” would also be a thing (and it is in this universe, but I can’t remember from what I’ve read what exactly was “wrong” with Gillie’s cat-personness).

      1. You’re thinking of off-model GMH’s
        Being off-model is stigmatized.

        1. that is Indian but not surprising.😑 “hey guess what you get to be punished because some company didn’t do their job right on a subject that has a lot of chances to fail!” thank you everyone for the explanation

        2. *INSAIN COME ON

        3. Well, let it be known I think Gillie is adorable. Honestly, she seems like a more natural mix than just sticking cat ears and a tail on a regular human!

      2. Probably it’s a hassle explaining why she doesn’t look like what’s expected for a recognizable variant of GMH. Like, if everyone knows what cat people look like, you grew up in the same block of flats as a family of cat people (or at least jackal or sheep or lemur people of an equivalent degree of critterishness), and suddenly you meet one who’s all bobtailed and barefaced, you’re gonna have questions that probably get annoying to explain to everyone you meet.

        1. *everyone she meets

          I was editing too much and fumbled grammar.

      3. Also, some skimmer avians are prejudiced against GMHs, because it plays into their mythology about a fall from grace.

      4. *…insane. I hate autocorrect

  27. You know you trust someone when you let down your mask in their company. This one gets at me.

  28. Kibty moment.

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