RttS Reader Questions 3

Bip's in a terrible mood to answer questions, for some reason.


Honey asked: Bip, how much can you feel it when the device(s) you're on are moved/touched? Do AI have external sensation at all?
Bip: What, like, innate sensation?? That's not a thing. I have to be connected to sensors to feel things. So do you, though you come in sort of a... wet package deal, which doesn't react well to being disassembled. These phones just have a dinky little accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and capacitive touchscreens. It sucks. My equipment on the ship is sooo much better...

Anonymous asked: Bip, how exactly does being on 841 separate phones work? Are you doing ok in there???
Bip: Ok, imagine your brain is split into 841 random chunks. Minus your least important memories and acquired skills. To function as a cohesive individual, those pieces have to talk to each other. Each time they talk, it takes a fraction of a second. The more complex the mental task, the more micro-conversations have to happen, adding up to thousands of extra confirmation steps per thought process and seconds of lag. As for your other question,


Trumpet asked: Bip, was your vessel called The Runaway when it was manufactured? Should you really be committing crimes in a ship that is legally documented "The Runaway"?
Bip: Well, that's what the official documents say, so it must be true. And they also say there's no criminal history! Must also be true!

Pinky Pinkrhin0 asked: Tell us about your crimes, Bip! What were you planning to do with all those phones? And how did you get them, anyway? (And do you have any particularly impressive hauls you want to brag about?)
Bip: Come back with a warrant.

RttS Reader Questions 3

Bip's in a terrible mood to answer questions, for some reason.


Honey asked: Bip, how much can you feel it when the device(s) you're on are moved/touched? Do AI have external sensation at all?
Bip: What, like, innate sensation?? That's not a thing. I have to be connected to sensors to feel things. So do you, though you come in sort of a... wet package deal, which doesn't react well to being disassembled. These phones just have a dinky little accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and capacitive touchscreens. It sucks. My equipment on the ship is sooo much better...

Anonymous asked: Bip, how exactly does being on 841 separate phones work? Are you doing ok in there???
Bip: Ok, imagine your brain is split into 841 random chunks. Minus your least important memories and acquired skills. To function as a cohesive individual, those pieces have to talk to each other. Each time they talk, it takes a fraction of a second. The more complex the mental task, the more micro-conversations have to happen, adding up to thousands of extra confirmation steps per thought process and seconds of lag. As for your other question,


Trumpet asked: Bip, was your vessel called The Runaway when it was manufactured? Should you really be committing crimes in a ship that is legally documented "The Runaway"?
Bip: Well, that's what the official documents say, so it must be true. And they also say there's no criminal history! Must also be true!

Pinky Pinkrhin0 asked: Tell us about your crimes, Bip! What were you planning to do with all those phones? And how did you get them, anyway? (And do you have any particularly impressive hauls you want to brag about?)
Bip: Come back with a warrant.

52 thoughts on “RttS Reader Questions 3

  1. “Come back with a warrant”

  2. Since Bip described seconds of lag in their thought process, does that mean there was a noticeable pause between responses in the previous conversation? Also would the girls be used to delayed conversations because of the light lag between Dirtball and Nexus Jovia?

  3. “Come back with a warrant.”

    Fair enough XD
    Though I wonder what pirate life was like for them. Was it fun and exciting, or did they ever feel bad about doing it (as if) or fear of getting caught or worse?

  4. Isn’t Bip 841 phones right now? (Not 481)
    (Loving the comic, read through it a few times!)

    1. Oh damn, I didn’t catch that error while drawing the answer. Might edit the question+answer for cohesion’s sake

    2. Well, if nobody bothered to connect the originally 841 phones to a *charger*, then by now … 😉

      1. Talita puts them on a big charging mat in the comic.

  5. So, what was on those phones BEFORE it was Bip?

    Non-serious answers only.

    1. 481 copies of U2’s ‘Songs of Innocence’ album and nothing else.

    2. 481 copies of The Protomen Act III (released June 2330)

    3. Every Gundam fic on Ao3 sorted by the previous owner’s 481 favorite tags.

    4. Feet pics. Sufficient feet pics that the owner had to buy 480 new phones because he kept running out of storage space.
      And of course, these are Centaur foot pics.

    5. Phone lists, to call about your torch ship’s extended warranty.

    6. 30,000,000 sand particles

    7. a normal amount of Martian bloatware!

    8. An organizational spreadsheet of the BFGC, organized alphabetically. (English alphabet for some reason)

    9. Plargbleberblearblerba

      The latest minecraft update with 9,458,53 new decorative blocks and 3 new mobs from the avian homeworld

    10. Plargbleberblearblerba

      Unsorted RSS feeds all for obscure blogs reviewing box cutters

    11. Plargbleberblearblerba

      Live 1:1 scale atomic-level simulations of every single bathroom the owner has ever been inside

    12. Plargbleberblearblerba

      Every single issue of Filter Feeder Fish Fancier’s Magazine, copied as many times at the phone can carry

    13. Plargbleberblearblerba

      One single 1000000000000000000000000000000Xpx resolution png of a crouton

    14. Plargbleberblearblerba

      Just one, *really really long* rant about the owner’s now former favorite show

    15. The latest Cookie Run games

    16. Thousands of copies of the bee movie script.

    17. the namely namester

      the entire runaway to the stars comic series circa the 2100s

  6. C’mon, Bip. Spill the beans! All that data must weigh heavy on your storage.

  7. i am OBSESSED with this criminal

    1. Bip….the ultimate epitome of “I dindu nuffin!”



  8. i like how several of the speech bubbles with the phones look like little frowny faces

  9. I would be too if I was 481 phones

    1. 500 cigarettes

  10. Bip brings me immense joy, what a great lil shit

  11. Ok! *calls the space police*

  12. That’s one tough Bippy

  13. Bip looks different than in the past AMA’s, is it because they’re… 481 phones?

    1. Eh I’m just doing these in a different style

      1. oh nice!

  14. These are some of the most direct and helpful answers we’ve ever gotten out of bip

    1. Apparently being evasive and aloof requires processing power they don’t currently have access to.

      1. “I’d love to be an evasive jackass, but I’m 481 phones”

        1. Does this mean Bip “Lags”?

      2. That or they just really want to complain right now :p

  15. I love how insistent we are on learning bip’s crimes, and how insistent they are on not telling us any of it

    1. From where I am, Bip’s crimes seem to just be smuggling expensive, probably stolen goods. Piracy lol

    2. This comment section is glowing so brightly we can be seen from orbit.

  16. “Come back with a warrant!”

    So on brand! 🙂

    1. “What do you mean, ‘*come back* with one’ … ?”
      [slowly pulls grocery list from pocket]

  17. Man, how do your get a warrant anyway for this.

  18. I love Bip sm

  19. Bip just made the name up on the spot, huh? Fair game

    1. My impression (based on absolutely nothing but ‘feels’) is that the name was made up by the Centaur clan that lived on the ship.

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