Open up!!! It's the police!!!
Okay, you all have to think of a different joke now.
Gillie: (ASL) I think they gave up. It’s not like there’s any slots for them to leave, anyways.
Idrisah freezes with her shoes in her hands, staring at Gillie, wide-eyed and sweating guiltily. Gillie stares back. She suddenly lunges at Idrisah, causing her to scream and reflexively fling her shoes in the air.
Idrisah: SHRIEK!
Talita, still in her apartment sitting at her drafting tablet, stares nervously at the ellipses animation that indicates Gillie is still typing a response to her text.
Talita: …Is she typing a dissertation?
She jolts upwards as there's a loud noise at the roll-up metal door of her apartment.
Talita: hgk
67 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 131”
** “Given the challenges of interspecies communication, how would you design a universal language system that accommodates the unique sensory inputs and cognitive processes of various alien species, and what potential ethical dilemmas might arise from imposing such a system?
LOL can we get that Gillie face on a sticker or something??
Different joke:
“Open up! We got a notice you disabled your screen time limiter app!”
GG Crono
I just happened across this comic and shotgunned the whole archive. Good stuff! Reminds me of Becky Chambers in the best way.
Everyone says you want catgirls, until you get catgirls.
(I started to do BING BONG… but that wouldn’t have ended well.)
Also, this is my second favorite Gillie page ever. So far. My first favorite Gillie page hasn’t aired yet.
BING BONG BANGing on the door?
(… nnnooo, I don’t think it’s the Love Shack.)
Love that “the other person is STILL typing” anxiety is still real hundreds of years in the future
Gillie reminds me of when I get really really hyper lol (I have combined type adhd and autism.)
Space Amazon was just tossing Talita’s delivery next to the entryway. Marked extremely fragile, do not bump or get wet. It’s a battered box sitting in the only wild puddle on Dirtball
“At least you didn’t outright *burn* the parcel, but still … !”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Dirtball has no atmosphere worth mentioning, we plain *cannot* do a fiery re-entry there. The punctured habitat dome has to do.”
Darth Biomech
> Is she typing a dissertation?
Oh damn, nothing is more nerve-wracking than seeing the other person typing for a very long time but not posting anything. °~°
This is my favourite Sign Language/Facial Expression combo so far. Since we can read the text it feels like she is screaming (and she is sort of) but in the room it’s just (very frantic) gestures.
Really great panel for the two!
Seriously though, the excitement is palpable and I am 100000% here for it.
Rad Internet Stranger
Gillie “sign yelling” and Idrisah shrieking tho omg
Does Gillie having mostly cat-like teeth hinder her ability to eat certain things?
IIrc she can’t eat chocolate, but that’s more digestive system issues.
OK well space just wants this. Space wants them to runaway
You could say the stars want them to runaway to them…
The comedy in this comic is peak
Did they just run all the way over to her place after that?
Have you ever closed your bedroom door with the cat on the wrong side of it?
“Excuse me, do you have time to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?” (I have no idea what Christianity’s relevance even is in this future lol)
Also for a moment I thought Gillie was verbally yelling lmao. Though I do wonder if there is an extent to which she can still vocalize even if she can’t hear it.
Jay Eaton
Well, the Catholic Church schismed again and there’s a unique Martian branch of it now, so jot that down.
Gillie’s vocal cords work just fine and she can holler as loud as she wants, she just doesn’t get feedback other than tactile/proprioceptive sensations and the reactions of people around her.
Common Handle
Watch out talita, one of your temp workers fucked up big time and now you have to pick up the pieces!
…that’s definitely not what’s about to happen, especially considering someone ELSE just fucked up big time. Two fuck ups in one day sounds like a bit much
“Open up! Here’s 30 zucchinis! You haven’t taken ANY yet!”
(It’s a temp who somehow didn’t get that Talita is a carnivore and the food has the wrong molecules. XD)
“Miss Dospaço, we’ve come to talk about your expired spacecraft insurance.”
“But I don’t own any spacecraft?”
“Not yet!”
“Uh, uh, who told you that??”
“Aha! So you’re planning on buying one!”
“(Shoot! Should’ve kept my trunk shut.)”
Green Heron
Alright, different joke:
Trick or treat!
Alright, now I’m picturing two or three kids dressed up as Talita.
Now I’m picturing 3 kids dressed up as *one* Talita. One on one’s shoulders, then the unlucky one in the back as the butt
Ah the Pantomime Centaur
Open up! I know you can’t eat these but there are no other options, you leave me with no choice, take the freaking zucchinis!!!
“But I can’t eat them!”
“You’re the engineer. Use them as batteries or something.”
[ducking behind the ruins of the human ag plant while Courgetteling Gun Killbot flattens another building]
“As much as this *does* solve the surplus problem, I’d wish I had *not* underestimated her … !!”
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!
here is your Different Joke: wow, they even get missionaries all the way out here.
Rubicon Art
What’s the bet that’s a very excited Mel coming to tell Talita about the new Centaurs moving in?
My car also makes lots of noise at the door after bing bong
We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.
Phasma Felis
I figure you’d want at least one big dude with a soothing demeanor and a taser, to deal with rowdy drunks and bar fights and the guy who catches his girlfriend cheating and goes apeshit. Maybe more of a bouncer than a cop.
I suppose 99.9% of “crime” can be dealt with through HR penalties and/or a night in the drunk tank. I imagine the very rare serious crimes might involve, like, a circuit judge? Or shipping the offender off-planet for trial? Whose jurisdiction is Dirtball under, anyway? I’m rambling now, I have no idea.
the Inmara
With as much cat that comes through in Gillie’s demeanor, we wonder if she gets the Zoomies.
It could be said that humans can get the Zoomies, too, but it really seems subdued compared to the other animals that do.
I will say as a person with ADHD i do occasionally get overwhelmed with so much energy that if I am home alone I will literally run across my home/do some hops xD
the Inmara
Yeah, at this point in our life, the main reason we don’t (as a people with ADHD and Autism) is that our chronic illness saps us of the energy before it can even build. We get the urge, but can’t follow it up at all. It’s frustrating.
It seems like the last time we had the energy to spend in a good hyper run was back in sixth grade. And we were losing it quickly even then.
But, we look around at a lot of human beings, and though they have way more energy than we do, most of them don’t seem to get the zoomies as adults. Seems like an ADHD thing specifically to keep having them.
It’s Ohwitiil who wants to reprimand Talita for dragging too much regolith dust onto the good hallway carpet. Why now? They got drunk or something to drown out the bad feeling of their failure and got the drug-induced idea that the failed negotiation was Talitas fault for distracting them by dragging the quantum phones in.
Speaking of regolith dust: mesothelioma rates must be sky high. If the dust is enough of a problem for the computers they clearly don’t go through decontamination showers when returning inside, leaving enough nasty particulates to irritate everyone’s lung lining. Do they have some kind of future super cancer cure? Or like, a vaccination against typical neoantigens produced by cancer cells but not by healthy ones? Or just a horrifying death rate?
Phasma Felis
I suspect that Ohwitiil is seriously exaggerating the amount of regolith that gets in. Talita is not one to play fast and loose with safety, and Calcery, whose actual *brain* is at stake if there’s computer-ruining dust around, didn’t seem to mind at all.
My guess is that whatever Talita brings in is well within reasonable safety standards and she knows it, but Ohwitiil likes to pick fights.
> Okay, you all have to think of a different joke now.
… three different insurances’ salesmen in a trenchcoat, wanting to discuss her spaceship’s coverage??
(On a slightly more serious note, there’s no way that Talita’s dwelling fails to have a door bell, even *if* the keypad she uses to type in her code and that would likely include the button for said doorbell is a bit high for humans. And Bip would certainly commandeer her tablet to start a video chat, rather than having something RC knock on her door. I suspect that she’ll either find someone who *cannot* reach the keypad in front of it – i.e., an avian – or some *actual authority* that deems itself above courtesies like ringing politely.)
the Inmara
We just figured it was Idrisah, who is just so incensed that she needs to bang something to make her presences known.
In any case, humans are known to skip or ignore doorbells and knock on doors anyway. It’s a very satisfying thing to do.
I *just* wondered whether it might be a ballistic Gillie who simply left her cell phone be because there’s *no way* she could type a message as fast as she’s going to machine-gun-ASL at Talita now
Gillie overexcitedly *gnawing* on Idrisah to get the “secret” out, who prompty ran over, olympic record speed and all, to ask Talita to GEDDEROFF GEDDEROFF GEDDEROFF!!
It’s a really desperate salesman!
Does Shikaviil Port even have police? I don’t think anything has been mentioned about a security force there.
Even if they have half a policeman bored out of his wits, would he have cuffs and a cell to deal with the one resident centaur?
(It’d sure solve the “what’s Talita’s motivation to *actually* leave” mystery, though.)
I think you’re more likely to have a fire brigade in colonies and stations than you are to have cops outside of maybe immigration officers and the people who deal with smuggling.
As for how to deal with a centaur, it’s only very recently that centaurs have made contact with other sophonts and centaurs traveling in space are rare enough to be remarkable. I imagine any security force would default to diplomacy because this is the far future and we’ve moved beyond hyper-aggressive policing, but if negotiations broke down they’d likely go for a tranquilizer of some kind or just a really big net launched from a safe distance.
Phasma Felis
I figure you’d want at least one big dude with a soothing demeanor and a taser, to deal with rowdy drunks and bar fights and the guy who catches his girlfriend cheating and goes apeshit. Maybe more of a bouncer than a cop.
I suppose 99.9% of “crime” can be dealt with through HR penalties and/or a night in the drunk tank. I imagine the very rare serious crimes might involve, like, a circuit judge? Or shipping the offender off-planet for trial? Whose jurisdiction is Dirtball under, anyway? I’m rambling now, I have no idea.
Anyway, yeah, I doubt there’s anyone on the planet equipped to detain Talita if she doesn’t want to be detained. On the other hand, I imagine her meekly cooperating with their questions anyway.
the Inmara
One time one of my friends asked me about a video game i liked and I was no joke actually typing for a full real ten minutes straight, producing the longest rambliest collection of paragraphs known to man, all notion of the passage of time or anything about the outside world lost to me. Luckily the friend just found it really funny. But I would not be suprised if during those ten minutes they wondered if I was typing a dissertation
Oh man, the “they’ve been typing for a REALLY LONG TIME” feeling.
how is the gang gonna get away with this when idrisah’s poker face is THIS bad
… upgrade to a niqab? Or are her eyes enough of a dead giveaway?
Home office and have Bip deepfake her normal face into any video streams?
(BTW, I note that their apartment seems to have only *one* computer desk, I guess that that’d make it difficult to have *both* avoid cow-orkers’ prying eyes.)
I love the “Is she typing a dissertation??” from Talita. sometimes when I’m typing for a while like that trying to figure out how to word something I get tempted to make the message longer than I originally intended to justify how long it took lol
Gar G
Gillie truly channelling that “cat that really wants you food” vibe <3
It’s Bip controlling one of the rigs to tell Talita he/they fixed the other one’s busted arm as acsign of good faith.
Bip uses they/them pronouns