Why if it isn't Gillie, my favorite ordinary human with no cat attributes!
Talita approaches the far end of dry storage, where her path intersects the bug ferret procession. In the distance, she sees a human conversing with a bug ferret in sign language. She is a fat freckled white woman with medium-short fluffy red hair. Her round face has a button nose, thick eyebrows, and serious expression. She wears a pleated skirt and white collared shirt. Gillie, presumably.Talita watches her intently signing as she walks by, assuming Gillie is too busy to notice her. Gillie spots her anyways and briefly waves hello. Talita, taken off guard, waves back with frantic nervousness.
37 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 29”
omg hi gillie
Gar G
I love the nervousness in her face
gillieeee!! this has probably been answered somewhere, but what is gillie’s job on site? since the bug ferrets don’t live in the station, i don’t imagine she’s a full time interpreter in person. does she even work for mel or is she just there because idrisah is there?
Seeing the Bugferret now compared to a typical human now brings home how big they are
Specifically that one that Gillie is conversing with is strangely cute at how attentive they are to her
They look like they should be about retriever dog size, and then they aren’t. They are startlingly large.
I never thought about how big the ferrets actually are until I saw them next to a person
Love this comic already!
GILLIE GILLIE GILLIE even with her cat features hidden, she still has that look about her
There she is!
What will she do!
Gillie! Where are your cattributes?!
also Talita’s goggly eyes are still adorable (8>–
the Inmara
Or, as they are known amongst the Inmara, catributes.
Hey Jay did you forgot to give Gillie her cat ears and tail ???
Patience, it will all be revealed in time.
the transcript says “a pleated skirt and white collared skirt”, I think the second one is a typo for “shirt”!
Jay Eaton
Talita’s eyes get me every time
Ok, I find it very fun/interesting from a character perspective that Talita actively tried to get Idrisah’s attention by talking and it didn’t work, but Gillie noticed her instantly. :3
anon y mouse
It’s really good characterization. Deaf people tend to have better visual perception than hearing people: https://www.handspeak.com/learn/228/
Agreed – am HI myself and I have to physically face the person to see if they are talking. Because of this I find my self looking at people as much as I can when moving through my coworkers
I have once encountered in conversation with a more philosophically-minded friend (who happens to wear thick glasses) that those who can see well cannot hear well, those who can hear well cannot see well, and those lucky exceptions who can do both well cannot think well. I asked my father, who works in the medical field, and who is badly farsighted from age and is hard of hearing in one ear due to mishaps in his youth, whether this is the case, and he said that there’s no medical reason it would be so besides simple distraction, but that he hopes it is, so that he would be turning into a genius as he keeps needing stronger reading glasses.
Thank you for reminding me of my friends and family in my homeland, it has been too long since I have met with them and will be longer still until I meet with them again.
I have always been attracted to intelligent women, even if they were plain-looking, and was always puzzled as to why I seemed to differ so much from most other guys. Then I read this somewhere: “You know why most guys prefer looks over brains? Because most guys can see better than they can think!” and it all became clear. I started wearing glasses in the first grade, and the only person I ever knew with a stronger nearsighted prescription than myself was my father (who had the advantage of being 3 decades older). Scholastically, though, I always scored in the top 2% of people my age. So clearly, I prefer brains over looks because I can think much better than I can see!
anon y mouse
Yeah, I think a lot of the visual gains happen if you’re born Deaf or become deaf early, not if you become deaf as an adult. Not a neuroscientist but I think it’s to do with brain plasticity. Glad I could remind you of home.
Ooh, we get ferret text! What are they saying?
Def need captions / alt text! I’m sure Jay has put out a translation guide out somewhere, especially for patrons? Hoping a patron can translate for us to get free clout
Jay Eaton
It might shock you to know I finished that BFL-2 text at 2am the night before the comic went live… the Patreon version of this page from over a year ago just had blank dialog boxes. I want to post translations for the conlang text in the comic but it’s also so likely to undergo revisions that I…. don’t want to, yet….
Oooh, I love the attention to the different footwear! I love how the bug ferret’s ler their claws out, and talitas are… okay, what *is* the situation there? Is it like compression straps with a sole?
They look kind of like work/gardening gloves, but with shoelike soles on them tbh.
Where are her cat ears and tail here? Also is there a translation of what she and the bug ferret are saying?
She puts them away in public for reasons I think she refers to later? It might also be on Jay’s Tumblr somewhere
Just wondering, and sorry if this has been asked before, but if the population is human, avian, and ferret, why are none of the signs written in the ferret language?
the permanent population doesn’t include ferrets, they’re just there for the day to move calcery, you can see on the prior page only avians and humans (and talita) are listed in the population count
i like that gillie’s neutral expression is a catlike < shape
Hi, Gillie!
The look on Talia’s face tho.
*Talita :v
gillie appears !! omg gillie hiii