Runaway to the Stars: Page 23


They gesture between Talita's head and the area between her midshoulders. Another avian walks over, this one crest-less with simple pleated garb and a cap-like head covering.
Cheevwut: Stop having a hernia over dust and negotiate with our aluminum buyer, geezer.
Ohwitiil: Cheevwut. I can hear your disrespect, even if you use Jovian English.
Cheevwut: What, are you gonna dock my pay? Oh wait, I’m in charge of payroll now.
They scream at each other in Tiiliitian. Talita waves awkwardly to Idirsah, who is peeking over her cubicle wall to see the commotion. She scurries over to Talita and starts gently pushing her towards the exit, smiling politely at her arguing coworkers.
Idrisah: Excuse us!

Runaway to the Stars: Page 23


They gesture between Talita's head and the area between her midshoulders. Another avian walks over, this one crest-less with simple pleated garb and a cap-like head covering.
Cheevwut: Stop having a hernia over dust and negotiate with our aluminum buyer, geezer.
Ohwitiil: Cheevwut. I can hear your disrespect, even if you use Jovian English.
Cheevwut: What, are you gonna dock my pay? Oh wait, I’m in charge of payroll now.
They scream at each other in Tiiliitian. Talita waves awkwardly to Idirsah, who is peeking over her cubicle wall to see the commotion. She scurries over to Talita and starts gently pushing her towards the exit, smiling politely at her arguing coworkers.
Idrisah: Excuse us!

40 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 23

  1. did Ohwitiil fold their hands together to make a “one pointing finger” gesture? or is that just a coincidence? reminds me a little of how little Talita used the same tactic to give her teen bullies the middle finger

    1. I think they were referencing the shape of Talita’s nervous system but that’s funny too

    2. Avians only have two fingers on each hand; in the first panel, they’re “pointing” with the motion moving up to down, referencing that Talita’s brain is not in her head. Is that what you were asking?

  2. Ohwitiil’s clothing is so elaborate., love it! Must’ve been hell to draw it ^^”

  3. I know that avians sound awful and I REALLY want to hear them actually speak, or at least an approximate of it. Probs never will, but I like to hope.

  4. Oh.
    I… I think my family is avian.
    Hmm. Explains a lot.

  5. another great Talita face! she’s having a terrible time but I’m happy lmao. I see why Calcery was telling her to get out.


  7. In my head I read the Tiiliitian as just whistling (birds haha), and this is so much funnier imagining all the arguing as furious whistles.

    1. They sound closer to angry cat yowling with musical chords.

  8. oh no the girls are arguing! old married couple energy

  9. Oh, no. I’m starting to see why people can’t stand working here.
    Don’t de rude everybody, please, don’t de rude!
    What was Calcery’s job? I’d unconsciously assumed he was the boss just because he’s a big, disembodied AI and my fictional touchstone for that kind of AI is The Culture series where they are in charge of everything. Unfortunately this vicious little bird seems to be the boss. Oh no.

    1. Calcery was a manager but not the head honcho, that’s Mel. He was in charge of outdoors work and programming the automated work cycles for the facility. Talita was his assistant, basically, and helped in the junkyard when equipment broke down that was too tricky to fix with remote control vehicles. Ohwitiil is the administration wing (har) manager.

      1. Oh cool. I guess that explains why there are suddenly a bunch of inexperienced workers walking too near saw blades a generally making Talita stressed: because Calcery isn’t there to operate the automatic machines anymore? Tch. Companies don’t appreciate a skilled giant bank of servers like they should.

  10. Ah! Ah! That tail friendly chair in the background of panel 3! Yes!
    Excellent design. Love it.
    Our own starship/world has chairs like that (of various other designs).

  11. That moment when your friends recognize you’re in a bad situation and know just how to get the heat off you. Cheevwut, you had everything to gain and nothing to lose. Let the sass flow like wine. Also, Idrisah with the exit to Stage right ftw!!!

  12. Impressed by that tricky back of the head showing the underside of her face shot. Those kinds of angles are so hard to draw.

    1. The perspective on that expression is severely bastardized, but that doesn’t matter because it fulfills the much more important purpose of being funny

  13. I love the contrast between Ohwitiil’s volcanic rage and Cheevwut’s deadpan dismissal of it. Not even slightly scared of the scary boss.

    1. To quote from the character AMA #3: “Fun to bully.”

    2. it’s also in interesting contrast between the business suit (?) that Cheevwut is wearing and Ohwitiil’s elaborate frippery.

      1. Actually, that “frippery” is what all “bright” avians wear (they’re the ones with crests, while the “duns” are the ones without).

  14. really obsessed with both workers in the BG quietly watching the shitshow go down

  15. CHEEV <3 i wonder how often the office has to listen to the two of them yelling at each other

  16. Sparky Lurkdragon

    Oh. Oh, hmmmm…
    I have Future Knowledge and it’s making this conversation even more hilarious. Ohwitiil should listen to Cheev! XD

  17. reijnders/sunlight_mana

    the switch from jovian english to the avian language to argue more is so funny

  18. what’re ya gonna do? FiRe mE? :V

  19. I love the second panel, where Ohwitiil’s tusks aren’t exactly aligned, making them appear to be angrily mid-brux

  20. The shark gmh (I forget what they’re called) looking so annoyed in the bg haha

    1. They’re called ‘cetacers’ iirc. And yeah i would hate to be in the same office as Ohwitiil

    2. god I know that look so well. That is sooo the “can you have your LOUD AS FUCK conversation somewhere other than THREE FEET AWAY from where I’m talking to a client? THANKS” God I don’t miss the call centre.

  21. Species-specific insults! It is logical that such things would exist, and it really helps make this universe feel more real.

    1. Aah okay i knew it was ceta something thank you hah

      1. I replied to the wrong person mb-

        1. It’s fine! We are imperfect beings! We all make mistakes!

    2. Species specific insults in a way that doesn’t result in an HR call as well. Come to think of it it would probably be SR instead of HR.

      1. But of course! The English insult “it goes in one ear and out the other” does not make sense applied to an alien with both ears hidden in the front of the head!

  22. fun workplace lol

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