Runaway to the Stars: Page 83

These are all electric vehicles. It's much less of a hassle to charge equipment from the same energy system everything else uses, than manufacture or import algae ethanol.


Talita: Uh, I'll try...

She walks into the vehicle hanger of the plant and starts preparing for the day's outing. She unplugs a modular frontloader and leans into the cockpit to press some controls inside. Her foretorso is about the same size as the entire chair in the vehicle. Talita then uses a remote to control the frontloaders and line them up ready for use.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 83

These are all electric vehicles. It's much less of a hassle to charge equipment from the same energy system everything else uses, than manufacture or import algae ethanol.


Talita: Uh, I'll try...

She walks into the vehicle hanger of the plant and starts preparing for the day's outing. She unplugs a modular frontloader and leans into the cockpit to press some controls inside. Her foretorso is about the same size as the entire chair in the vehicle. Talita then uses a remote to control the frontloaders and line them up ready for use.

38 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 83

  1. Crazy respect for how detailed those vehicles are. The lighting on the ridged tires is insane.

  2. Was that remote custom built for Talita? It seems to fit her too well to be a human remote, unless it’s just huge.

    1. If that remote is *hard vacuum proof*, to be used with spacesuit gloves on, it could well be “human sized”. Some basic mechanics work in unexpected ways in vacuum, it took NASA a while to figure out space-worthy bolts, for example, chances are that you have to use special (not-quite-as-miniaturized) buttons, too.

      (That latter might override ergonomy as well, so I’m not going to comment on *that*.)

      Otherwise, the part of that remote I’m wondering about is the telescopic antenna. Its length is indicative of the radio frequency used, so the vehicle should have one of similar dimensions, and *not* hidden under some (metallic) hood. Or, rather, I’d expect year-23xx space-worthy work equipment to use higher frequencies (= shorter antennae = less range) than current-RL-day toys’ RC, closer to those of modern cell phones, which usually don’t need an *external* antenna at all anymore.

      Just imagine that Talita drops the remote somewhere in the scrapyard, the antenna snaps off, and she has to trek all the way back to just get the vehicles under control again …

  3. The transcript has a typo for “foretorso” as “foretoso”

  4. overalls talita my beloved

  5. Man, it sucks that she can’t actually use the vehicles as intended, if just for safety reasons. I’d much rather be behind a windshield of (presumably) reinforced glass than standing off to the side somewhere when talking about flying shrapnel.

  6. Not much reason to use anything but electric – the main benefit of fuel is sheer energy density, which gives you operational range. That doesn’t look like a high priority here in comparison to more pressing concerns, like not making exhaust, efficiency, or (maybe) being usable in vacuum.

    1. Well, they may not have a need for “operational range” as in *distance* to drive, but going for an entire shift (while powering a circular saw or somesuch) is still something I wouldn’t want to try with our RL EVs of today …

  7. I don’t remember if we’ve seen it before, but the Ixion logo with the launch loop is just exquisite graphic design.

  8. Oh my god you draw detailed vehicles so good

    1. There’s a decent amount of 3D modeling for scenery. Not easy either, but it explains the hyper detailed stuff, like accurate tractor tread geometry & lighting. It’s very impressive.

      1. Oh my god you model detailed vehicles so good

  9. This is what I meant by my bip comment last page – my bet is on Bip doing some shenanigans during this shift. I know he can’t literally be within her tablet, but it’s still a decent jumping-off point to hack into neighboring equipment, audiovisual systems, sensors, etc.

    Bip isn’t stupid. He won’t do anything to make himself noticed. But I bet he wants to make talita annoyed so that he gets her attention. I also bet he needs to have some fun / blow off some steam… his previous crew did die suddenly and *violently*, and he nearly died too. And also, though he isn’t stupid, he’s thinking slower than usual, so he might be a bit reckless…

    1. remember, bip uses they/them!

      1. Heck, forgot!

  10. Dot eye talita my beloved

    1. She’s giving Tina

      (And it’s perfect)

  11. was half hoping to see a very skrunkled talita squished into the cockpit of a front loader lmao

    1. Unfortunately I think her spine would not bend enough.

    2. LMAO like Mr incredible driving his tiny car

    3. She stopped doing that after hearing her back-then human cow-orkers making “clown car” jokes when they thought she couldn’t hear them. 😛

  12. On the backs of the vehicles, are those radiators or antennas?

    1. They look like they’re supposed to *fold open*, which makes me think of either solar panels or anti-meteorite shields, both “just” for emergencies, of course …

      1. … and IIUC the surface around the habitat is supposed not to get any noteworthy lighting, so solar panels should be out as well …

    2. I think they might be counterweight blocks, or maybe batteries. Or both; I can tell you from experience that lead-acid batteries make dandy counterweights.

      1. Umh. Are we talking about the 2×5 chunky vehicle-colored blocks at the level of the “Ixion” logo (I agree that those likely are batteries double-serving as counterweights), or the darker “butterfly wings” above … ?

    3. Those are radiator panels.

      1. Rad, I love big ol radiators

  13. Running combustion engines would probably make the station’s systems have to work that much harder to keep the atmosphere breathable and healthy for everyone aboard. Electric vehicles make a LOT more sense.

    1. Ack, I hit post before finishing my thought: Even for the brief time the vehicles might operate indoors, on their way outside or whatever, it would foul the atmosphere with combustion byproducts. And any vehicle operating outside in vacuum or a non-oxygen atmosphere would be unable to even use a combustion engine, because that requires oxygen.

      1. I figured right off that combustion engines are right out for any vehicle operating in vacuum, but that it might be possible for a ethanol (or other fuel type) fuel cell to work. It would need bottled oxygen to react with, and a means to collect the byproducts, so it’d still be overall more complicated than using battery packs.

  14. ______..______
    |___•_| | |_•___|

    1. Oh, niiice!

    2. ([ •]|[• ])

      1. Didn’t I do it for you… Kermie?

  15. Ah, so that’s how Talita uses those vehicles when the cockpit isn’t big enough for her.

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