Runaway to the Stars: Page 61

Talita looks very funny with her trunk uncurled.

Transcript Talita looks up with a completely flat expression and vacant stare.
I’m going to have a panic attack.
Bip: No need! I’m not gonna hurt you or your tablet. After all, you rescued me!
Talita: Rescued—your data is in all these phones?
Bip: Most of it! Some of it’s left onboard, but without power I can’t connect to it.
Talita: Wait—don’t tell me you were the shipboard AI of that new wreck!
Bip: I am telling you that. The damage cut off power to my servers, but luckily we still had all those contraband phones!
Talita: …Contraband.
Bip: Oh!
Bip moves one of their avatar's hands in front of its face, as if talking conspiratorially.
Bip: Don’t tell anyone, but… I was a pirate ship.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 61

Talita looks very funny with her trunk uncurled.

Transcript Talita looks up with a completely flat expression and vacant stare.
I’m going to have a panic attack.
Bip: No need! I’m not gonna hurt you or your tablet. After all, you rescued me!
Talita: Rescued—your data is in all these phones?
Bip: Most of it! Some of it’s left onboard, but without power I can’t connect to it.
Talita: Wait—don’t tell me you were the shipboard AI of that new wreck!
Bip: I am telling you that. The damage cut off power to my servers, but luckily we still had all those contraband phones!
Talita: …Contraband.
Bip: Oh!
Bip moves one of their avatar's hands in front of its face, as if talking conspiratorially.
Bip: Don’t tell anyone, but… I was a pirate ship.

52 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 61

  1. LOVE the uncurled trunk. the danglerrrrrtt

  2. Lmaooooo I relate to the first panel so much. Sometimes it really is like that, just, deadpan as hell, “hey I’m gonna have a breakdown real quick”

  3. Wait is Bip at all impaired by not having access to whatever of them remains on the ship? Is it like not having access to part of your brain or is it more like being low on spoons?

    1. Bip: ‘Ever have a night so wild that when you woke up you had no memory of anything that happened between 2325 and 2331?’
      Talita: ‘You have a six minute hole in your memory? That’s awfully specific.’
      Bip: ‘Oh no, not six minutes. Six years. I’ve also lost the ability to do long division or form opinions about music.’

      1. Disco Elysium

  4. i wonder what a centaur panic attack is like. obviously for talita she’d be a different case from a homeplanet centaur, but i kinda just wonder what sort of panic attack differences there’d be for each sophont

    1. They chatter their teeth and produce an infrasonic rumbling when they’re distressed (you can see Talita doing it while crying in one of the backstory comics on the tumblr)

  5. liquorice-woofbeast

    Talita looks so worm-on-a-string in that 2nd panel 😀

  6. I SEE the way it droops from the first to second panel.
    PIRATE SHIP???? Exciting!

  7. I don’t know if it’s been mentioned before but I like the way that light reflecting off of electronic screens is shown, I don’t think I’ve seen it drawn like that before but I think it conveys the message pretty well

  8. I wonder what Bip would sound like trying to whisper. Would it be like, a hissing whisper, or would they just lower their volume, or both? Just a random thought, I don’t think they’re even whispering in the last panel.

  9. Haven’t read ahead so I don’t know if Bip’s a smuggler type pirate who just moves illegal stuff or a terrifying keel-haul and walk-the-plank murderer type pirate.
    One of those seems more likely than the other considering the tone of the comic so far but perhaps we’re in for a wild tonal shift over the next few pages as Bip conquers Dirtball and becomes it’s pirate king by uploading himself into all the dangerous machines Calcery left lying around.
    The next time we see the residents of the dome they all have bandannas and cutlasses out of nowhere and they make Ohwitiil live in a big gilded birdcage.

  10. You’re right, Talita looks hilarious with a limp trunk 😂

    1. *balloon deflating sfx*

      1. Perfect. No notes.

  11. Awww. “Biprate” sooo KAWAII , as long as victims did not get killed (only slightly maimed) we cannot hold it against, him the little scoundrel! =)

  12. “I’m going to have a panic attack.” Can we just appreciate how *perfect* that line is, more specifically the expression she has while saying that? (Just realized that this is meme-worthy stuff!) And then next panel, with that drooping trunk and those eyes… chef’s kiss!

    Also the way she says “Contraband”, I can just picture her looking and sounding so annoyed or done with this or whatever the proper term would be

    1. Like, that expression comes off as her processing all this and coming to the conclusion that “Yep, I’m about to flip out right now” or her directly addressing the audience and letting them know what she’s about to unleash

    2. I absolutely saved that panel to my images the second I read it

  13. Wonder what happens if an ai gets caught on an illegally obtained server. My best guess is they’d probably just be booted onto a new cheap server and forced to pay for however much it costed along with whatever else they get charged with for theft.

  14. BIP FOR THE WIN!!!!!

  15. xeir pose in the last panel is so cute… very demure

  16. So he’s a… “pirate chip”?

    1. pirate bip

      1. Put ’em into a compressed file, call that a pirate ZIP

  17. Classic bip moment

  18. Floppy trunk Talita has got to be one of my new faves

  19. “Let me do it for you”

  20. Really love talita’s pose in the third panel, like she’s clearly mimicking a typical human gesture/pose, but comprising because of her own anatomy with stuff like the two fingers propping up her other arm. Idk really specific but one of the things I’m loving about this comic is how character’s physical differences are accounted for so I thought it was a neat detail.

  21. He’s saying “don’t tell anyone”, but I bet he’s simultaneously making it sound way cooler than it actually was.

    1. 100%, they’re probably “fell off the back of a truck” level smuggling

  22. Yes! My favourite Talita panel! XD

    “I’m going to have a panic attack.” is still the greatest.

  23. Second panel Talita reminds me of a tapir
    Also I love Bip’s little pose in the seventh panel!!

  24. BIP!!!! Stop tattling on yourself!

    1. His verbal inhibition subroutine is still on the ship servers

  25. Is he… you know… a pirate ship?

    1. Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of… um… compressed air?

  26. Same girl same
    But also talita looks so pretty in the “rescued” panel <3

    1. So true!! She’s such a pretty anxious mess.

  27. giggling my ass off at how Talita immediately looks disappointed at “contraband”

  28. So it was a pirate ship, with relations to both centaurs (writing) and bug ferrets? Interesting

    1. All AIs have relation to bug ferrets because in some jurisdictions they’re classified as a type of bug ferret. At least that’s how I’d imagine it works.

  29. Man. I really vibe w that first Talita. Feels like a perfect reaction image.

  30. A panic attack sounds reasonable at this point.

  31. Droopy droopy trunk

  32. (\.–./)
    ‘\oo/ Do crimes.

    1. (\___/)
      ⦣ ∠
      \0 0/ Win prizes!
      \ /

      1. Its a shame the previews arent formatted the same as the comments…

        1. Yup. And there’s no editing… I could have saved it on the edit.

          Trying again…
          ⦣ ∠
          \0 0/
          \ /

        2. Nope, it likes neither spaces nor blank symbols before characters in a line. Oh well… I’ll figure out it later. I’m just glad that angle and reverse-angle are working properly…

        3. On more time for SCIENCE!
          ..⦣ ∠
          .\0 0/
          ..\ /

        4. trough the power of an hour of free time and a unicode table, I SUMMON BIP

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