TranscriptTalita lies asleep in her bed, directly across from the 8 boxes of recharging phones. Unbeknownst to her, a single phone screen lights up, casting a glow over the foot of the bed.
TranscriptTalita lies asleep in her bed, directly across from the 8 boxes of recharging phones. Unbeknownst to her, a single phone screen lights up, casting a glow over the foot of the bed.
55 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 35”
And now we get to find out what’s so dangerous about a bunch of hypersmart phones that someone decided to lance an entire habpod through to get rid of them.
For some reason Bitdefender sends me a “suspicious connexion detected” notification when I visit this website- anyway this time the pop-up came up as I saw the phone lighting up and I thought that was fun timing
I too like to sleep with one arm curled under my head. I hope her nerves are arranged in a way that means she won’t wake up with a horribly numb arm like I do most of the time that I do that.
An excellent use of focus on this comic, Im really loving the truly fantastic amount of detail to look at in basically every page All the signs and icons in the hallways and hangar added so much
Do you have any tips on how to get that foreground/background focus on the page without loosing too much detail?
In addition to Talita looking cute in her sleep and the very good sense of ominous happenings, I also appreciate the detail of the box handle making that little trapezoid of light on the floor.
YEAHHH TALITA’S A FOOTIE FAN I KNEW SHE WAS BASED!! i wonder what the state of FIFA is in this alternate future, what with the WW3 and countries collapsing?
Sanctioned football would be interesting under Mars gravity.
They’d have to either ban genetically modified humans or allow them, which I would imagine would have similar arguments to the ‘should trans people be allowed to play sports’ debate. I’d imagine that a tailed spacer or a gmh designed purely for football could grab the ball with a foot, which I’m pretty sure would be legal under the current ruleset.
Probably if you’re different enough from baseline you get put in some specific category that has its own leagues. I can’t imagine it being all that safe for, say, members of the Magpie Bridge GMH clade to play soccer against beings with a denser build, and cetaecers probably simply can’t play basketball with a normal-height goal since they’re horizontal, so GMHs probably get their own sports leagues once they’re populous enough for there to be a demand for this kind of thing.
They talk about this on Tom Scott’s old show Citation Needed season one episode eight from timecode 6:33 to around 9:00. Sorry for just saying that but i’ve seen that show enough to just have it memorized and i have to use that knowledge for *something*
The mood of this scene is conveyed really well. I really love the intimacy of watching Talita fall asleep, this is doing a lot of heavy lifting with making her endearing, bringing her closer to the reader. That sense of, not exactly dread, but like, the prelude to *SOMETHING* with that one phone turning on in the dead of night. Like a bump in the dark during the witching hour. Very good composition and direction.
I am amused and horrified at the fact that the Big Nerd (emphasis on big) is a soccer fan. Hmmm, I wonder what human sports Centaurs would be able to play, assuming an all-centaur team to get around shoehorning them into a specific role like “well, if they played hockey they’d be the goalies, it pays to be huge and have extra feet to block the puck with”. A lot of human sports seem to be pretty reliant on being able to do distance running effectively.
55 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 35”
And now we get to find out what’s so dangerous about a bunch of hypersmart phones that someone decided to lance an entire habpod through to get rid of them.
Depth of field swap? In a webcomic? WELL PLAYED, SIR!
I love the way your aliens look.
awee she’s adorable!… …the Great Evil (<3) is awakening
FIFA’s continued existence confirms this setting is actually dystopian
comfy tall liter :]
No spoilers guys! Some people haven’t read all the old comics on Jay’s site.
Why does the phone on top light up first? surely the ones closer to the charger would charge fastest
“You’ve got 1.3k unread messages.”
*small dramatic sting*
Things always wait for characters to fall asleep before they begin to glow. This is how that monolith in 2001 started…*
(It is glowing blue to upset Talita’s circadian rhythms**, muahahaha!)
* in the novel, at least
** which may or may not apply to centaurs.
Must be a very powerful wireless charger
Gar G
So cute <3
Oh that can't be good
I love her squished up cheek!
everyone hollering about the bip activation while i’m over here pointing at the foot sticking out from under the covers like “she just like me fr”
Rubicon Art
Honk shoo honk shoo
No. It’s a sentient AI and mostly successful smuggler.
no it’s honk shoo honk shoo
Sorry, I reply odd to the wrong person
Criminals AI’s in your area. Click to get involved in their shady buisnass.
=:> they are coming..
For some reason Bitdefender sends me a “suspicious connexion detected” notification when I visit this website- anyway this time the pop-up came up as I saw the phone lighting up and I thought that was fun timing
more like bip defender
Hope there aren’t any unsecured wi-fi networks in range
Oof, that focus shift. The second panel is *beautiful*. Love the blurriness, the texture and the way light spreads.
THISSS!!! its so well done, really good to add to the dramaticness of the page
Love the juxtaposition of the soccer/football poster next to the mechanical diagrams(?). She really is a buff nerd.
Electronic schematic and vacuum tube! Pentode, i think
in the boxes!
What is it, like a plant, or an animal?
No, it’s a sentient AI that uploaded its consciousness to an excessive amount of phones
i want to see my little bip [here they come]
hi bip hi bip hi bip
Mr. Son
I too like to sleep with one arm curled under my head. I hope her nerves are arranged in a way that means she won’t wake up with a horribly numb arm like I do most of the time that I do that.
Jennifer G
An excellent use of focus on this comic, Im really loving the truly fantastic amount of detail to look at in basically every page All the signs and icons in the hallways and hangar added so much
Do you have any tips on how to get that foreground/background focus on the page without loosing too much detail?
hi bip
The Peet sticking out of the covers best detail
In addition to Talita looking cute in her sleep and the very good sense of ominous happenings, I also appreciate the detail of the box handle making that little trapezoid of light on the floor.
YEAHHH TALITA’S A FOOTIE FAN I KNEW SHE WAS BASED!! i wonder what the state of FIFA is in this alternate future, what with the WW3 and countries collapsing?
Sanctioned football would be interesting under Mars gravity.
They’d have to either ban genetically modified humans or allow them, which I would imagine would have similar arguments to the ‘should trans people be allowed to play sports’ debate. I’d imagine that a tailed spacer or a gmh designed purely for football could grab the ball with a foot, which I’m pretty sure would be legal under the current ruleset.
Probably if you’re different enough from baseline you get put in some specific category that has its own leagues. I can’t imagine it being all that safe for, say, members of the Magpie Bridge GMH clade to play soccer against beings with a denser build, and cetaecers probably simply can’t play basketball with a normal-height goal since they’re horizontal, so GMHs probably get their own sports leagues once they’re populous enough for there to be a demand for this kind of thing.
They talk about this on Tom Scott’s old show Citation Needed season one episode eight from timecode 6:33 to around 9:00. Sorry for just saying that but i’ve seen that show enough to just have it memorized and i have to use that knowledge for *something*
FIFA is probably a goddamn sovereign nation by now

also hi bip 
The mood of this scene is conveyed really well. I really love the intimacy of watching Talita fall asleep, this is doing a lot of heavy lifting with making her endearing, bringing her closer to the reader. That sense of, not exactly dread, but like, the prelude to *SOMETHING* with that one phone turning on in the dead of night. Like a bump in the dark during the witching hour. Very good composition and direction.
Both amused and horrified at the FIFA 2314 poster on her wall.
I am amused and horrified at the fact that the Big Nerd (emphasis on big) is a soccer fan. Hmmm, I wonder what human sports Centaurs would be able to play, assuming an all-centaur team to get around shoehorning them into a specific role like “well, if they played hockey they’d be the goalies, it pays to be huge and have extra feet to block the puck with”. A lot of human sports seem to be pretty reliant on being able to do distance running effectively.
A Centaur might be great at football but keel over from exhaustion halfway through the game
Sparky Lurkdragon
There’s a comic of her as a child where she was indeed so good at kickball she got banned from it for accidentally breaking another foster kid’s arm.
Sleeping Talia is so cute, one little foot sticking out!
Quantum Phone Popup, probably
Congratulations you win! Congratulations you win! Congratulations you win! Congratulations you win! Congr-
ah shit, the phones are all bip who’s stowed away and is going to cause some problems aren’t they