Runaway to the Stars: Page 59

Idrisah is prone to going down nervous spirals.

Transcript Gillie: (ASL) What’s wrong?
Idrisah: (ASL) I heard Talita scream!
Gillie: (ASL) Are you sure she didn’t just see a spider? Your parents are gonna chew you out if you’re late.
Idrisah: (ASL) But what if she’s hurt? And can’t reach her tablet… Maybe… I’m doing that overthinking spiral again. But medical care for centaurs is SO unreliable in space…
Idrisah freezes up, sweating, touching her face, and staring into space. Gillie reaches out to hold her shoulder and kisses her cheek.
Gillie: (ASL) Let’s be quick.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 59

Idrisah is prone to going down nervous spirals.

Transcript Gillie: (ASL) What’s wrong?
Idrisah: (ASL) I heard Talita scream!
Gillie: (ASL) Are you sure she didn’t just see a spider? Your parents are gonna chew you out if you’re late.
Idrisah: (ASL) But what if she’s hurt? And can’t reach her tablet… Maybe… I’m doing that overthinking spiral again. But medical care for centaurs is SO unreliable in space…
Idrisah freezes up, sweating, touching her face, and staring into space. Gillie reaches out to hold her shoulder and kisses her cheek.
Gillie: (ASL) Let’s be quick.

16 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 59

  1. The Gillie closeup panel is so good!

  2. The story has just started and Idrisah is already facing the hero conundrum

  3. idrisah is so real for this love you queen xoxo

  4. Good girl, Gillie ❤️

    Definitely wouldn’t hurt to check, especially in the case of emergency, and you know if they don’t she’s gonna spend the rest of the night freaking out about this even if it’s over nothing, and if it *does* turn out to be bad she’s never gonna forgive herself over not checking…
    (Also as someone with anxiety I can relate)

  5. May everyone who gets caught in a panic spiral have someone like Gillie to help them out of it

  6. I like the tasteful uplighting. Very ‘airline emergency floor lighting’ except, you know, not terrifying in context.

  7. Gillie and Idrisah my beloved…

  8. Well Gillie’s not WRONG that Talita is freaking out about a bug of sorts…

  9. Gillie is such a good wife. It was always obvious to me how caring Idrisah is to the people she cares about. But sometimes I’m just hit with all the small ways Gillie shows she cares too (mostly by the comics with Gillie and Talita being friends). Its just so wholesome X3

  10. Kissing her better…..

  11. I really appreciate that Gillie is willing to check- especially for what is to her a new friend.
    These two are good.

  12. Look at Gillie supporting her anxious wife! They’re a very cute couple

  13. That brings up a good question. Is there anyone on Dirtball that knows of centaur medical care? Considering Talita is the only one of her species there it seems unlikely?

    1. Idrisah is fretting while Gillie is simply B) 👍

    2. I imagine it’s an “ask the AI to look up and explain step-by-step directions” situation, but the AI just quit…

    3. Talita has a dedicated GP at the medical center on Dirtball (though she also sees other patients). She is a human who is about as well-read on centaur medicine as a xenophysician can get. The main hurdle with centaur medicine is that it is under researched and more difficult to obtain specific materials and substances for. Local healthcare on the homeplanet is better in some ways, with thousands of years of ancestral cures and familiarity, but detailed scientific understanding of centaurs’ bodies is still far behind the other sophonts’.

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