Much to think about.
Talita is preforming a rolling hexapodal gallop here, where only one foot is contact with the ground at a time. It is the fastest gait a centaur can achieve, and if they're workout freaks like Talita, they can reach highway speeds for a minute or two. This kind of sprint is extremely strenuous and rest and recovery is required before pulling it off again.
Someday, god willing, I will have the time to finish animations again, but here's a rough concept of what the gallop looks like in motion and the foot contact sequence (though this depicts the sequence starting with the left forefoot, and the comic depicts it starting with the right... and takes some additional liberties with posing for dynamism.... whatever)
The speed of the treadmill surpasses typ human limits, and Talita transitions to a hexapodal gallop, only one foot contacting the ground at a time. She breathes heavily, in through the nostrils on her face and out through the nostrils on her lower torso.
50 km/hr
70 km/hr
The sprint rolls down her body, and her muscles work in time with her breathing like the pistons in an engine. Her hooves dig into the surface of the treadmill, the steely elastic tendons of her limbs taking on the weight of her entire body with each stride, wrists practically bending to touch the ground.
90 km/hr
120 km/hr
The yard is gone. Talita is alone in her mind while her body works like a machine taken to its physical limit. Memories of the centaur script from the outside of the Runaway and its cluttered interior flash past, simultaneously meaning nothing and too much.
The sprint program begins to wind down.
100 km/hr
80 km/hr
40 km/hr
0 km/hr
She comes back to standstill, all six limbs touching the ground. Then she leans heavily on the tablet stand, panting with her forehead against her arms. The yard begins to fade back into existence. Talita puts her glasses back on and picks up her tablet to make a call.
Talita: Hey, Bip?
102 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 123 and 124”
God I love seeing that unique body in motion!
God I can’t wait to buy a physical copy of this
Gods, I love this comic, and all it’s fantastic worldbuilding!
The static running art STILL looks like it’s moving! I am in awe of your craft
I love the text in the background of the darker panel. I don’t recognize your world’s languages yet, but to me the addition of the text is like a callback to Talita’s ancestry, running as an essential part of being Centaur. Makes sense if she’s self-regulating with exercise. That’s my read, anyway, excited for more as always.
Jay Valenz
i think shes thinking about the centaurs from bip’s old crew! if you look on the left side, youll see a pictograph like this: <:= which was on the walls of the habitat module of the runaway seen in page 105, it was the clan's symbol for bip (cause it looks like their avatar!)
I hope they go into more detail about centaur physical stats and how they compare to humans, GMH and other species.
The anatomy and biomechanics here are fascinating. I was initially impressed by her definition when she gets pumped up, then I realized that her feather-like fur (is that the right term?) is probably smoothing out the edges quite a lot. That woman really doesn’t have much body fat, does she?
As an animator, I’m really impressed that you put the shoulder height difference into the moving diagram. I love seeing attention to detail like that. I also find myself trying to work out the blur levels and patterns on a “finished” version.
Spectacular work!
I’m not sure what’s more amusing to me. The idea that Talita purchased some kind of treadmill for horses and somehow had it dropshipped to Dirtball, or that she jailbroke one to reach highway speeds
Ohwitiil: “Say, Talita, how are those evaluation tests coming along? Can we finally request quotations for some light cycles, or do they still exhibit problems on the test stand?”
I suspect it’d be difficult for her to get enough exercise without it. And that could well mean it’s a medical necessity, particularly if Dirtball’s gravity is lighter than the centaur homeworld.
I’m going to be honest, seeing Talita’s musculature move like it does when she is running made me have a major lesbian moment… unrelated, but I’ve since taken up running as a hobby again. But seriously, the way you’ve thought out and made her speculative biology come to life through this comic makes her feel more real than some real-life people I’ve met.
She could run laps inside the dome, but I guess that would scare a lot of people, because she would be the fastest thing there. Would be awesome to see though. I guess I’ll have to wait for the centaur olympic games on TV.
Let me put it like this, the habitat’s ring road is *not* banked
and for a *train* going at that speed with no banking, the tracks are required (in Germany) to have a curve *radius* in the order of 2 km …
Athelind Llewellyn Long
I find myself reminded of the Gallloping Thoat animation that Bob Clampett and his crew did back in the ’30s for a John Carter of Mars project that never got off the ground: https://youtu.be/bTAlgZlqwnQ?si=kubGzpSNrfckKBLY&t=86
Clampett’s work is lovely and impressionistic, but it doesn’t have the same weight and realism that Jay’s scrupulous anatomical studies give to her animation.
Ough.. loving all the details in this. The way the musculature is highlighted, the background with the centaur writing, the feathers on her neck and crest, very good!
I know this is a serious page but I’m actually crying laughing imagining being on the highway and seeing a centaur run past your car incredibly fast
I second that with this being a really impactful page and yet, she’s calling Bip in underwear only (not that they can see)
this page is so gorgeous, damn ;w; <3333
in the shaded middle panel, she actually does look somewhat relaxed and stress free, for the most part – poor girl always looks so stressed tbh ;; of course, the humans and other species might not necessarily know it from her body language, but as a reader i can compare it to the information…. two times now talita has found escape and release through workout. its a good way to clear the mind.
this page is absolutely GORGEOUS, probably the most beautiful in the comic so far, and the transcript did such a good job portraying it! a fully awesome experience
I love reading each page with all the extra details of the making and the way the transcripts have their own life to them as well!
I am looking respectfully
and the transcript description is not helping ;w;
She’s so beautiful I will cry
It becomes harder with every page she’s in
Talita is the powerhouse of the comic
Run, run as fast as you can, you can’t outrun your anxieties ma’am!
No matter how you can deal with the fast tiger, the slow tiger will always catch up. It’s best to face that slow tiger head on and face it down.
Athelind Llewellyn Long
But Talita’s a pursuit carnivore. On her species’ homeworld, she IS the tiger.
10 years from now when RttS becomes really popular and is adapted into a TV series, this will be one of my most anticipated scenes. I can see it in my head so clearly.
10 years?! That’s optimistic. I’m still waiting for my Animorphs animated TV series 25 years on.
I do love this scene in RttS. I always imagine a rising crescendo and a “scare chord” or some momentous sound for the middle panel.
So how long would a race have to be before a human could beat a centaur?
Common Handle
I wish I could sprint 120km/hr. It’s probably therapeutic.
Also the transcript for this page… ough. Poetic
As in, everyone, you GOTTA read the transcript on this one.
You’re not kidding. That is one great transcript.
my phone won’t let me, what does it say?
They are probably mostly refering to the middle paragraph…
“The sprint rolls down her body, and her muscles work in time with her breathing like the pistons in an engine. Her hooves dig into the surface of the treadmill, the steely elastic tendons of her limbs taking on the weight of her entire body with each stride, wrists practically bending to touch the ground.
90 km/hr
120 km/hr
The yard is gone. Talita is alone in her mind while her body works like a machine taken to its physical limit. Memories of the centaur script from the outside of the Runaway and its cluttered interior flash past, simultaneously meaning nothing and too much.
The sprint program begins to wind down.
100 km/hr
80 km/hr
40 km/hr
0 km/hr
She comes back to standstill, all six limbs touching the ground. Then she leans heavily on the tablet stand, panting with her forehead against her arms. The yard begins to fade back into existence. Talita puts her glasses back on and picks up her tablet to make a call.
Talita: Hey, Bip?”
Sorry, I somehow failed to grab the first paragraph as well…
“The speed of the treadmill surpasses typ human limits, and Talita transitions to a hexapodal gallop, only one foot contacting the ground at a time. She breathes heavily, in through the nostrils on her face and out through the nostrils on her lower torso.
50 km/hr
70 km/hr
The sprint rolls down her body…”
See, last page when she reached 40 km/h, I was thinking it would hurt so bad if she took a spill and got rocketed off the treadmill.
Imagine stumbling at 120 km/h. You might straight up murder yourself.
Just yesterday I was talking about how impressive it is that you’re able to like perfectly draw a jacked species that does not exist, and then today you drop this image and like what the hell man

runaway to the stars (really fast on a treadmill in your underwear)
… what’s Dirtball’s escape velocity again? Not quite like the Martian moons’, I fear … ?
really beautiful page….
Bruce Mickelson
Outstanding art! The detailed musculature and attention to locomotion pattern is amazing! I have witnessed polo horses go charging past me within a few yards and the impression of mass and power will grab your attention – to see an even larger creature moving at freeway speeds that close would be frightening.
I’ve had this experience with an orca. The matriarch rammed a tuna right in front of our boat.
It’s hard to believe that such a huge living being can move at that speed until they do it right in front of your face.
VERY fast Talita moving at incredible hihg speed
Holy shit.
centaurs are so fuckin cool man
Look at all that awesome musculature… this page is bringing out the geek in me big time, I can’t stop thinking about how you drew it
This might be one of my favorite pages so far. Beautiful illustrations of centaur anatomy, heavy emotional implications, and excellent panel layout. Talita is such a wonderful character. Have a feeling she’s finally taking things into her own hands here.
Phasma Felis
They can do that, too. Different situations. Ready tool or all-out speed. (And toolmakers can make belts and harnesses to hold their tools while they sprint.)
I think I hauve covid
The words from the ship…
It’s worth noting how amazing you’ve drawn how the muscles move. How they contract and unclench. And the whole bio-mechanics of the Kentarves reminds me a lot….Alabaev (Middle Asian avdarki ). Especially the limbs on the ” belly ” . But I have a question: why do they use their hands as an additional pair of legs? Wouldn’t it be better to use them to hold a spear? Yes, to be honest, there are a lot of questions about your setting.
Jay Eaton
Because running on six legs is cool
Эээээээ OOK.
Did they ever develop spears actually? I kinda headcanon that they didn’t, because they never really needed them.
This actually makes me quite qurious about how this would affect their tech tree as well, as I’m sure early weapons technology in our case was largly driven by hunting rather than warfare. This leads me to consider if a predator species like this with both super speed and big chompy teeth like the centaurs would probably lag behind quite a bit in that field, not really figuring out weapons until way later than we would, being a species with no natural weapons to speak of at all.
Am I around about-ish right on the money?
> Did they ever develop spears actually?
You might want to have a look at this image and the text underneath:
Thats a bolt-action rifle.
It’s a bolt-action rifle in a setting where people are traveling around with space ships and wormhole technology.
Literally proving my point.
> It’s a bolt-action rifle in a setting where people are traveling
> around with space ships and wormhole technology.
> Literally proving my point.
Well, if *that* was your point, OK. Not that it weren’t canon that the centaurs were discovered during their “radio age”, contacted though the BFGC deemed them not ready for that, and often getting exploited as cheap (but uneducated) muscle when they choose to leave their home planet.
I was suggesting that a species that had firearms *before* First Contact would likely have used primitive weapons earlier as well, whether we’d liken them to a spear, lance, halberd, naginata, or whatever.
shit, I forgot about the radio age thing. Youre right then.
Big chompy ones.
Green Heron
*Insert workout montage music here*
Also I gotta say, you don’t really notice how much Talita’s downturned head is a part of her character mannerisms until she’s not doing it, like here.
It seems to be part of sprinting, to lower the head and facial disc to improve streamlining. At that speed, it’s probably worth it!
Ooh the transcript for this page is particularly nice
Tyrone the Miner
If that treadmill stops with a “BANG” as in a stuck bearing, it will end badly….inside the wall….Or through!
You know what’s missing from that treadmill? A safety cutoff line (a dongle attached to talita that shuts off the treadmill if she starts going too far backwards)
if Talita is a true fitness nut she probably wouldn’t use it anyway… half the runners I run with never use it even at a dead sprint because they’re worried about pulling it out accidentally (which I have also done midsprint lmao it absolutely jars you when the ground stops keeping up with you suddenly). don’t copy us kids! use the safety cord if you like your face to not get sandpapered!
Also I LOVE the Centaur text from the ship behind her
Oh excellent addition to send my animal tracking group chat
WOOSH she’s fast, and yeah sometimes it’s easier to think about tough things while doing the speedy speedy
Is that her hitting a sort of natural hunter animal meditative zen state once she reaches max speed?
I also love the animation. It’s like she’s basically flying and just occasionally pushing off from the ground.
think its just runner’s high
oh….the text from the centaur ship…girlfriend ;____;
God that animation is SO COOL!!!!
Holy shit, the sprint posing and animation is fucking sublime. Incredible work, Jay
Phasma Felis
(Reading the text post) It never occurred to me that runners with 4+ legs have a chirality/handedness.
I wonder if it’s awkward to switch, or if evolution makes it seamless. If you see a predator/prey and have to dash to one side, you wouldn’t want to stumble over your own feet because you’re not used to starting with that foot.
Hmm. Do horses always start running with the same foot?
> Do horses always start running with the same foot?
Can’t find info on exactly *that*, but it wouldn’t surprise me:
i know they can do “flying lead changes” where they switch lead foot mid-stride, so i assume they can change which hoof to start with as they like. then again, a lead change is a high level skill to teach… for humans, you can swap legs easily enough, but you’ll always have a dominant foot
Are those the centaur “words” behind her in the second page? I love it, it really shows the mental strain they are putting on her!
I think this might be my favorite page so far, the ship’s interior looking large over Talita as she’s pushing her body to its limits really encapsulates how much this whole situation is weighing on her mind.
I can also relate very much to putting off hard decisions by doing chores, but in my case it’s cleaning the kitchen and doing laundry instead of running 100km an hour.
Wow that’s faster then the fastest cheetah we’ve recorded. (Of course we can only measure a small number of cheetah instances, so faster may have occured before.) Still insane to imagine, go Talita you giant nerd and jock all in one.
whoahh mama
(also, really appreciating the extras and animation, thank you)
Rad Internet Stranger
How much distance could she cover with this kind of speed?? I love Talita sooo much. Big buff nerd
Two minutes max, and IIRC her top speed was given as a little less than 150 km/h in an older tumblr post, that’d make for (noticeably less than) 5 km (3.1 mi).
(Yes, I first made that kind of guesstimates back when Talita and her team, including mishap magnet Dom, were out in the slag field with only the – much slower – rigs for emergency returns, why do you ask … ?
I love the detail you’ve put into her musculature here, especially the ways it flexes/changes shape as she moves.
imagine being in a car chase down a highway and you look in your rearview mirror to see talita catching up with you.
[pulls into next rest stop to find out what the *bleep*’s wrong with the engine]
I would cry, because she’s an apex predator and i am not and the genes of my ancestors would scream at me that i’m going to get eaten (even though she can’t consume earthling meat). Our girl is crazy fast, and we’re so lucky she’s a sweetheart!
Gar G
In the middle panel with her neck all stretched out she looks very aerodynamic XD
Question: So the rolling gallop isn’t sustainable and is really only a quick sprint. Are there other gaits that a centaur can do that are easier to maintain for long periods of time?
I guess it’s kind of like with cheetas.
I was just thinking about this, and my headcanon is that Talita is so winded because she used full acceleration to hit 120 km/h as fast as possible. I’m speculating that a Centaur hunter’s tactical sprint would use a slower, less exhausting acceleration. Also, I’d speculate that a nomad hunting on the homeworld would be experiencing a different mix of hormones to the ones Talita is trying to work off.
Because I’m thinking that a Centaur hunter chasing a large prey animal for a physical takedown, like a leopard on a water buffalo, would need to have energy reserves for a fight, while Talita is instead trying to clear her head and work off her emotions.
And, yeah, flattening herself down like a cyclist going down a hill, probably worth it at this speed if actually running, it might even be a natural part of the gait!
Athelind Llewellyn Long
It’s almost certainly a natural part of the gait — since she’s on a treadmill, she isn’t actually encountering the air resistance that would need that level of streamlining.
Phasma Felis
IRL horses have a surprising number of distinct gaits. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_gait
She’s faster than fast, why, she’s Greased Lightning~!
VERY fast centaur running at incredible hihg speed
So last update, I was impressed, now I am scared. Cheetah style short burst or not, that is a LOT of ground covered in mere moments.
gotta go fast
Phasma Felis
Do Talita’s incurrent breaths take longer than the excurrent ones, due to the different nostril sizes?