Yao's pronouns are xe/xem/xers/xemself. The grammatical form is similar to "they" but with a "z" sound at the front instead of a "th". This is the more common singular neutral pronoun for humans in Martian English. Jovians, who use they/them/theirs/themself as a singular neutral, tend to stumble on it.
Also, there is a space elevator going through Deimos and an ocean on Mars. Don't worry about it.
Anonymous asked: Yao, Since you use xe/xem pronouns, are you from Mars or a place with lots of tailed spacers?
Yao: Oh, both. I grew up on the Deimos loop.
Anonymous asked: Yao, are you a satanist?
Yao: No, I just think he's cool.
50 thoughts on “RttS Reader Questions 6”
I like the shirt! And I want detachable horns too
I get xem, interchangeable horns would give me gender euphoria the likes of which this world has never seen.
Same. That and a tail
living on a moon of mars is such a cool concept
Gar G
I’m pretty sure that’s Baphomet or Belphegor
(Thank you, Helluva Boss! XD)
It’s Baphomet, Belphegor is traditionally protrayed as a typical devil sitting on a chair/toilet.
Tyrone the Miner
“sitting on a Toilet”…So being cast out of heaven and turning to a demon but also having the eternal Squirts..?
Now THATS punishment!
Well, some categorize him as a demon of gluttony, and the main place revering him used to be called “Shittim”, so …
I want to swim in the Mars ocean so bad.
Apollo235 (Paraterraforming Enthusiast)
Damn… I was hoping for state-sized domes on mars ._.
Jay Eaton
There’s some very large sealed areas, because Mars’s atmosphere is still not thick and oxygenated enough to keep a human alive long, but they are more on the scale of cities.
ayyy!! Baphomet!! Agreed, Yao, he IS cool!! :]]
Excuse me, John Runaway, but I AM going to worry about it
Tyrone the Miner
“No , I just thinks he is cool”.
Yes but like most celebrities. Its until you meet them.
oh, he’s not as scary as he is painted.
Wouldn’t baphomet very much be a they?
Haha, yes!
Xeir style is cool. Turning a whole moon into a space elevator is quite extra even if it’s practical.
Damnit, this was meant as it’s own comment lol
We cool, brah. Dont worry about it.
has Mars been terraformed at this point? if so, thats quite a feat! i’ve seen discussions arguing that Venus may actually be relatively* more viable than Mars, due to some issues like the radioactivity of the dust being a notable hazard (though, i assume since humans were at least an interplanetary species by the time the bug ferrets made contact some way around this and other issues may have been discovered).
*the word “relatively” is doing a lot of work here. also, what terraforming looks like can be pretty different depending on what people have in mind; like, would making floating cities on venus count?
I wonder if it’s just an artstyle thing or if xe have shaved eyebrows
tibble zibble
or just ginger in which case they’re just transparent
Green Heron
I went back to check and Yao doesn’t have eyebrows in Chap 3, even in scenes where Dominic, Adam, and Clayton do. Also Gillie is ginger and consistently drawn with eyebrows.
Yes but Gillie dyes her hair
Omg of course xer horns are interchangeable, that’s so cool! Now I wanna see xer collection
That’s cool humans found a way to live on the potato moon.
Isn’t “I just think Satan is cool” the definition of being a satanist? I think very few of them actually worship the guy in traditional sense.
Satanism is more like a philosophy iirc? its not really a worship kind of thing with idols and such, its more of a set of thoughts and ways of life
Eh, I guess it’s more like thinking Thor is cool without being a neo-paganist.
If I had to guess, xe just like the ‘character’. Not really a worship or religion type deal.
Xe don’t even have Satan on xer sweater, that’s Baphomet.
Why did they terraform mars? Why…????
I suppose that the general answer will be a mix of “because it was found to be devoid of own life”, “because we could use the resources there” and “because it was easier than making GMHs who could live on the unmodified planet” … or are you thinking of a *specific* problem with such a project?
Well, GMHs are heavily associated with Martian society as well, so probably… Mars settlement was driven by people who thought a terraformed Mars was cool. The impracticalities and ethical questions were to be ignored.
well, ask elon musk or whatever the rtts equivalent of him is lmao
Bug Ferrets were OP enough to make it plausible.
Cool horns.. I imagine the attachment point for them is fused to xer skull?
Seemed like it when they detached their ram horns to do work n stuff. Honestly, I’d get something like that if the technology was available and I was more confident.
Whoops, used they instead of xey, I’m sorry
> Also, there is a space elevator going through Deimos and an ocean on Mars. Don’t worry about it.
You can’t just shoot a hole into the surface of ~~Mars~~ Deimos D:
They’re probably using Deimos as one of the elevator’s counterweights and/or because they’d rather have it integrated than having to monitor it for a potential collision for ever and ever, but *how* it is attached (without proving a major hurdle for any users of the elevator) ought to be rather interesting …
*Or* maybe they put it on a leash so as to prevent it turning Absent WithOut Leave? ;-P
lol I didn’t even think about asking the temps questions. I wonder how many people are using this opportunity to tear Adam a new one.
lol I didn’t even think about asking the temps questions. I wonder how many people are using this opportunity to tear Adam a new one.
Jay Eaton
Last I checked, I got one Adam question that was pretty neutral and one that was more “I hate you die instantly” lol
God the potential for swappable horns. I would have 20 different sets. I thought xe only had the goat set but no, of course not. I wonder if xe have like, a moose set.
For spacemas, or as training weights for going oryx?
and by the looks of things some sort of orbital loop