Runaway to the Stars: Page 6

Talita has a tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer behind her retinas that improves her vision in the dark. At some angles and lighting conditions, the reflection can be seen through her pupil aperture. Its color is an orangey red, similar to the eyeshine of crocodiles. She still uses headlamps in the darkness of the worksite because it's nice being able to see a less grey and grainy image.

Transcript Calcery: Not sure, it was part of a bulk deal from a scrap trawler. I guess the habitat capsule got busted enough that it wasn’t worth refabbing?
Talita climbs up the stairs on one of the jack's bracing arms, to where it contacts beneath the puncture wound in the habitat capsule.
Talita: Huh. It looks pretty spotless otherwise.
She peers into the dark hole.
Talita: Probably even sound enough to walk inside.
Calcery: Sure, if you want to risk getting trapped or crushed.
Talita: Oh, I’m sorry. Do you work here?

Runaway to the Stars: Page 6

Talita has a tapetum lucidum, a reflective layer behind her retinas that improves her vision in the dark. At some angles and lighting conditions, the reflection can be seen through her pupil aperture. Its color is an orangey red, similar to the eyeshine of crocodiles. She still uses headlamps in the darkness of the worksite because it's nice being able to see a less grey and grainy image.

Transcript Calcery: Not sure, it was part of a bulk deal from a scrap trawler. I guess the habitat capsule got busted enough that it wasn’t worth refabbing?
Talita climbs up the stairs on one of the jack's bracing arms, to where it contacts beneath the puncture wound in the habitat capsule.
Talita: Huh. It looks pretty spotless otherwise.
She peers into the dark hole.
Talita: Probably even sound enough to walk inside.
Calcery: Sure, if you want to risk getting trapped or crushed.
Talita: Oh, I’m sorry. Do you work here?

13 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 6

  1. Rad Internet Stranger

    I’m rereading this and I just realised that there must be a microphone under Talita’s chin or something so she doesn’t have to hold her trunk at a weird angle

  2. Her eyebawls…. they’re shiny….. she is looking……

  3. She’s seen things you people wouldn’t believe.

  4. ouh. this page is making me yearn now, what would urbex look like in RTTS? probably much riskier. I wonder if anyone working for ixion or similar organizations has encountered urban explorers or similar people lol

  5. I am looking second time and only now I noticed Talita’s eyes doing that “glowing” eyes effect. I love it.

  6. I see that tapetum lucidum!

  7. I’m so excited for this comic! I know a ton of love has gone into the design and worldbuilding, and into the comic itself. It’s incredibly refreshing to see a non-humanoid alien protagonist.

  8. I love all the details in the environment!!!
    Also omg Talita is so sassy!

  9. The backgrounds of this page are so nice that it feels like a real place. I want to go here and walk around and explore every nook and cranny, and I feel as though I could with how detailed it all is. Also, I wonder, if you scrap an AI unaware, does that count as manslaughter?

    1. At the very least it’s negligence. It’s the responsibility of the scrap collection company to make sure there’s no stranded sophonts or unaccounted-for bodies on derelict vessels. It would be quite unusual to find an A.I. on a vessel this small, though.

  10. Ooo the eye shining is so spooky!

  11. Love the detail the eyeshine!! Also excited to see where this is going :3

  12. HAH! Shes so snarky, love it

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