Runaway to the Stars: Page 45

Hey wait what do normal human teeth look like again

Transcript Talita: Woah, that’s huge.
Idrisah: Well yeah, it’s for you.
Gillie hands her the meat. Talita looks astonished.
Talita: Wait— this is from the centaur homeplanet!?
Idrisah: Yep! Smoked meat, express shipped!
Gillie looks at her phone's live transcription app as the two talk.
Talita: Idrisah, I can’t accept this! It must have been so expensive!
Idrisah: Well, we can’t eat it! It’s got the wrong molecules!
Talita: But—
Idrisah gets Gillie's attention.
Idrisah: (ASL) Hey! Ready to take photos?
Gillie: (ASL) Yep.
Gillie steps back to get both of them in frame on her phone camera.
Gillie: (ASL) Smiiiiile!
She grins, revealing cat-like pointed canine teeth.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 45

Hey wait what do normal human teeth look like again

Transcript Talita: Woah, that’s huge.
Idrisah: Well yeah, it’s for you.
Gillie hands her the meat. Talita looks astonished.
Talita: Wait— this is from the centaur homeplanet!?
Idrisah: Yep! Smoked meat, express shipped!
Gillie looks at her phone's live transcription app as the two talk.
Talita: Idrisah, I can’t accept this! It must have been so expensive!
Idrisah: Well, we can’t eat it! It’s got the wrong molecules!
Talita: But—
Idrisah gets Gillie's attention.
Idrisah: (ASL) Hey! Ready to take photos?
Gillie: (ASL) Yep.
Gillie steps back to get both of them in frame on her phone camera.
Gillie: (ASL) Smiiiiile!
She grins, revealing cat-like pointed canine teeth.

45 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 45

  1. I can’t imagine how that smile must hit if you’re getting to know these characters for the first time lmao

    1. Hello, it’s me. The first time reader. Her smile was startling and wonderful and I love her.

  2. Teefies

  3. I just realized you can see Gillie’s cat ears in one of her photos! She must fold them down or something to obscure her off-color gmh status.

  4. I love the expressions in Talita’s eyes! You can tell she wants it so bad at first

    Also, cool! A speech-to-text app!

  5. I want smoked foodstuffs now…

  6. I love talita’s big shiny eyes here, like a kid getting starry eyed seeing a giant sundae

  7. aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA

    i see someone’s been taking weevil pictures
    ironic, because i saw a weevil in person for the first time just yesterday. a pea leaf weevil inexplicably appeared in my house on the floor.

    1. Hey the exact same thing happened to me yesterday! Weevils doing their things.

  8. new lore: Gillie has seen at least one (1) cool bug at some point

  9. the way you draw gillie makes me so so so happy. i look like that!

  10. I just noticed that Talita isn’t in Gillie’s transcriber app and there’s an option to “add new voice”. What a cool detail; they really don’t know each other well yet, do they?

  11. I would eat alien meat I don’t care if it makes my DNA run backwards
    Also I love Gillie’s teeth because I always wondered if catgirls IRL would have wide smiles full of sharp teeth

    1. What kinda issues does eating alien food cause anyway? Bug ferry candies look tasty.

      1. Best-case scenario? Upset digestive system.
        Worst-case scenario? I’m guessing anaphylactic shock.

        1. Also, it will taste like a cocktail of random chemicals from the shelves of an organic chemistry lab.

      2. Depends a lot on the details of the chemistry. One factor could be the chirality of the molecules, even if they otherwise have the same chemical formula. Incorporating that into your body could result in misshapen (and likely nonfunctional) proteins and other structural molecules (e.g. DNA). Also it might literally be undigestible, which is almost a best case scenario. In Earth’s evolutionary history there was a significant gap between plants evolving lignin and cellulose, and something evolving to break those down, and even today humans can only safely eat and digest a fairly small selection of the available bio-matter on Earth.

      3. Wouldn’t taste like food due to being full of organic compounds humans didn’t evolve to be able to taste and missing a lot of ones we did. Would be mostly indigestible for similar reasons. Avian food would, if I am not mixing this up, have the additional issue of being outright toxic to humans due to high metal content and reverse-chirality sugars. I’m pretty sure that to a human, bug ferret candies, at least hard candies (the likeliest sort of candy to be at least somewhat edible due to simplicity. Since they don’t have lips I’m assuming their hard candies would probably a packet of little granules like pop-rocks than one round little candy like a peppermint, though.) would probably just taste like sugar and the kind of vaguely-unpleasant organic chemistry bitterness many pills have.

        1. AndyTeacupcultist

          Pretty sure the reverse chirality sugars are edible (though not digestible per-se) but the metals thing is true.

          IIRC Jay mentioned the sugar being a major trade good – possibly both directions – and is used in a similar way to out artificial sweeteners (Add sweet without adding (digestible) sugar).

  12. Not just Gillie’s teeth, but I always found her half human, half cat claws/nails super endearing. Does she have to file them down too? Imagine scratching yourself on accident with those

    1. She files them. Functionally they are just weirdly thin and thick human nails, they don’t get sharp or shed nail casings like a cat’s claws.

  13. I love how Gillie’s chubby in the same way i’m chubby!! It’s so real

    1. I’m glad! I feel like I don’t see apple-shaped bods on fictional women very much so I’m leaning into it with Gillie

  14. Been wondering for a while, don’t know if it’s been addressed elsewhere or not, but where are Gillie’s ears? A style change that isn’t updated on the Character page or is she hiding them in her hair somehow? Just curious, all 3 ladies are pretty~<3

    1. A sneaky detail on this page: she has her ears out in one of the photos on her phone.

  15. Gillie being a fellow weevil enjoyer is now my favorite thing


    1. Well who doesn’t have videos on their phone of them bothering a large bug with a stick. That’s standard human behavior right

      1. Well yeah to be fair I record bugs a lot, especially those weird cicadas and ants feasting on my offerings haha

  17. Talita you’d better accept that goddamned meat

  18. Gillie is so cute! And yeah like I said on the last page if someone bought me a giant slab of smoked meat they’d have my undying loyalty.

  19. Gillie’s phone is filled with photos of only the most beautiful things.

  20. honestly if someone bought me a giant smoked chunk of interplanetary imported meat after i’d only been eating insects for ten years i think i’d morally have to become their vassal. a guy bought me a jamon leg once and i fixed his car for him free of charge. talita you are so unbelieveably blessed to have such cool friends

    1. Pretty sure the insects are for the humans, not Talita. She eats food printer meat 🙁

      1. AndyTeacupcultist

        Both printer meat and insects actually. Guessing the insects are partially for dietary enrichment/possibly for a variety of trace foodstuffs that aren’t strictly necessary but still good for you?

  21. Hooray, meat! I love whenever Talita gets to eat something tasty instead of her usual eating out of necessity.

  22. gillie’s weevil photos <33333

  23. What are those black squares on the back of Gillie’s phone?
    Also, interesting stuff in her camera reel, seems she got a picture of a cool bug.

    1. i believe they’re batteries, it’s mentioned in one of the miscellanous worldbuilding posts that most people’s phones are modular with interchangeable parts for easy replacement

      1. seems in-character for her to need chonky batteries.

        1. The phone is being used as a disability aid, so it better have chonky batteries. Don’t want to be somewhere where no one speaks your kind of sign language and suddenly be unable to communicate.

        2. I meant it’s in-character for her to constantly forget to charge it XD

    2. I too have pictures of cool bugs all over my phone

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