Runaway to the Stars: Page 34

Talita gets comfy cozy 🙂

Transcript Talita: Ugh, I'll shower tomorrow then...
She walks back into her storage unit apartment. Inside, she puts down her tablet and glasses down at her bedside and gets under the covers, watching the tablet from a couple meters away in her bed.
In the video on the tablet, two humans sign to each other next to a board reading "ASL LESSON 74: Provided by the North American Republic College for the Deaf". The scrolling caption reads "—ODAY WE'RE LEARNING NEW SIGN VOCABULARY. REPEAT AFTER ME—"
Talita watches drowsily from her pillow, but slowly her eyelids slide closed and she falls asleep.

Runaway to the Stars: Page 34

Talita gets comfy cozy :)

Transcript Talita: Ugh, I'll shower tomorrow then...
She walks back into her storage unit apartment. Inside, she puts down her tablet and glasses down at her bedside and gets under the covers, watching the tablet from a couple meters away in her bed.
In the video on the tablet, two humans sign to each other next to a board reading "ASL LESSON 74: Provided by the North American Republic College for the Deaf". The scrolling caption reads "—ODAY WE'RE LEARNING NEW SIGN VOCABULARY. REPEAT AFTER ME—"
Talita watches drowsily from her pillow, but slowly her eyelids slide closed and she falls asleep.

40 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 34

  1. Mythic The Bookwyrm

    I’m literally obsessed with this series forever all of the details and thought put into every single part of it, it’s HshduHSDIAHSdiuAdyAYERYRYRHARJARHAIHG /pos

  2. she looks so kissable here… like when you see a kitty sleeping all cute and you just gotta give them the lil forehead smooch. so soft looking

    1. So true bestie

  3. Talita my so very beloved!!! She so cute ahhhh

  4. I love the detail of the velvet fluff on her tusks in the close-up!!

  5. I just noticed that little square of fabric Talita is holding has crescent moons and stars on it. Is that a childhood blanket? It’s cute either way. Talitaaaaa <3 <3 <3

  6. While I’m more into men I have to say, when Talita shows her muscles she’s sure hot. Shyam is so right.

  7. oooh she nakey 😛

  8. Hmmm, thinking about living quarters. Since this is a work station setup I would imagine space is given as per ones needs. That said, I am also curious how it must scale. Clearly Talita has more room (even if it had to be reworked from a storage shed) but what dictates how much someone gets? And I wonder how it scales too? If somehow human sized (that would be a TINY centaur) would she have space on par with a human home?

    1. The population is apparently a tiny fraction of what the space is meant to accommodate right now, so I’d guess it’s not too much of an issue.

      …in terms of square footage, at least.

  9. What’s the climate control like inside the dome? Do humans and avians fight over the thermostat, or are their comfort ranges similar (and how does Talita’s thermoregulation fit into that)?

    1. Shikaviil originally had very mild seasonal day variation, higher air pressure, and a subtropical climate. This is what the avian workforce likes. It’s currently splitting the difference with the human workforce, and the conditions are closer to a Terran temperate climate. Talita’s flexible when it comes to climate so it’s like, fine. The lack of extreme seasonal day variation messes with her antler growth cycles though.

  10. The details and shading are incredible, and Talita looks so cute!

  11. Love how many people are swooning over Talita in the comments with this one

    1. So called free thinkers when big muscular alien woman

  12. talita’s looking astonishingly cute. people often compare centaurs to horses but in this page she reminds me of a cat :3

  13. omg she curls up like a cat

  14. Aw that fourth panel closeup on her head is very cute. :3

  15. Aw, good bing bong!

  16. Odd thing to say perhaps, but her feathered eyelids are so pretty!

  17. oh my goddd how she sleeps with her arms folded up is so cute i’m die. i love you talita.

  18. she has such sweet eyes 🥺

  19. Honestly it seems like Talita’s got a pretty good setup here. It’s like a modest studio apartment but with an entire backyard. Dunno what the apartments look like for humans and avians but I bet they don’t get yards! (/unsubtly envious millennial)

    1. It does help that there’s no clouds to rain on the equipment outside.

  20. I love the detail that the ASL lessons are sourced from Gillie’s old college 😀

    1. ewwww why did it autocorrect my : D to an emoji

  21. Neat detail of some of the feathers on her face are squashed down from where her glasses sit.

  22. “Ugh I’ll shower tomorrow then” is such a mood

  23. this page made me realize how much i associate talitas normally wide eyed expression with identifying her specifically vs other centaurs… its like seeing someone you’ve known for awhile without glasses on for the first time

  24. Oh man she’s so pretty and looks so comfy and Ugh I’m jealous of Shyam who gets to huddle up with her

    1. by the end of this comic Shyam is going to have to fight thousands of us for Talita’s hand in marriage

      1. Oougghhhh she get snuggled

  25. Her eyes are so pretty 🙂

  26. good night, talita <3

  27. Man, if I didn’t think Talita was relatable before today, I most certainly do now.

    Gosh what excellent art of her sleepy eyes.

  28. The comment about showering made me wonder: does Talita even sweat? My assumption was that Talita needed to shower after sweating so much while working out, but as an alien, I can’t assume much about her at all!

    1. I mean, even if she doesn’t sweat like we do, she probably still has some secretion for her feathers. Plus labor makes you dirty in one way or another.

    2. Centaurs mostly cool themselves by panting ( ), but as Ruby says, most likely she has other secretions that can build up and pick up dirt (like the regolith that will definitely try to get everywhere).

    3. Even if she doesn’t sweat and maybe technically speaking doesn’t need to shower, I imagine Talita has adopted human cultural norms about cleanliness. What other centaurs consider typical personal hygiene might be very different (I wonder if they dust bathe, since they’ve got feathers?)

    4. As other people have commented, centaurs primarily cool themselves by panting, but when that fails, such as in hot air temperatures, they will sweat. Much like a horse, their sweat contains a compound that helps wick their sweat to the surface of their feathers, which can be worked into a foamy lather in areas their clothing chafes. Centaurs also produce oil from skin glands that can build up and get narsty like oil in human hair. All in all, plenty of reasons to go in the wet box on a regular basis.

      Meanwhile, avians shower infrequently and prefer to powder themselves. Bug ferrets HATE getting wet and will ordinarily only take powder baths.

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