A cute little 200 meter long spacecraft! The one on the ground here, that is. The bug ferret vessel in orbit is probably closer to half a kilometer long.
SFX: (radio click)Talita: Aaauuugh Cal! I hate being a supervisor!
She scrambles away on all sixes.
Calcery: My condolences about your promotion.
Talita: I hope working on a ship full of bug ferrets drives you nuts.
Calcery: Haha!
Talita: Then you’ll be stuck back on Dirtball with me again.
Calcery: Hey, you could come with!
Talita: Very funny. You’d have to saw me in half to fit me in that stupid hamster tube maze.
Talita: Also, sorry to bring up work… But why’d we get this fancy little torchship?
She approaches a large spacecraft sitting on a a massive sled jack. It's sitting on the rails next to the berm between the launch loop and the junk yard.
27 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 5”
don’t be mean to the bug ferrets
PANIC SCUTTLE highly relatable, girk
best part about this being a public website now is I can use Talita hating being a supervisor as a reaction in personal chats and if people ask where she’s from I can link them to the comic. Very much relate to being put in leadership positions you never asked for!
Poor Talita having to be the one to be “mean” in order to keep people safe and on task. 100% understand the feeling. Don’t enjoy being in charge of people.
I just found out about this comic and I am adding it to my list!
Hhhghgh Ive been looking forward to this for so long <3<3
Congrats on going live <3
Oh HECK YES. I’ve been following your stuff for years and I am SO excited to see the living world of it!!
So happy we can read it now. Also looking forward to the published book!
her running away after less than a minute of being confrontational <3
OMG I found your story on tumblr during april fools and have been obsessed about your world building and narratives since!!!!
This is so epic and cool and omg!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations!- Looking forward to seeing where you go ^_^
Oh hell yes!! I’ve been following your blog for years. It’s finally here!! How bodyplans and culture alter the way things are built and designed is a major interest for me, so this is a dream come true. In awe of the detail in the backgrounds, and not least of all Talita’s suit.
Aaaa, I’m so excited!! I’ve been following RTTS on Tumblr for a while and have been anxiously waiting for the print release, and I can’t wait to get into this story from its real beginning
The detailing on the machinery is incredible!
is that an avian seal I spy on one of those containers? the bug ferrets in the tube look so silly, your distance models are so endearing. The comedic juxtaposition of “fancy little thing” and this massive machine. and we already know talita is huge…
Jay Eaton
Yep, that’s the seal of the Dominion of Tiiliit.
I’m getting a good grade in RTTS!!!
Athelind Llewellyn Long
I fear that I am bouncing up and down in a most undignified manner, and it is entirely possible that, were anyone in the vicinity, I might have damaged their hearing with the volume and intensity of my SQUEE.
I am, in other words, very much looking forward to this.
Ahhh, I’m finally getting to read it!
So excited to see this launch! I was looking forward to it for a long time and I was so excited to buy the graphic novel. I’m still gonna do that, of course, but I didn’t think I’d get to see it as a webcomic first! Yay!
Oh gods oh gods, I am so excited!!!, been following the development for a long while, glad to be reading the comic
supervising people when they clearly haven’t read the risk assessment must be frustrating
Seepsky Stormchaser
It’s even more frustrating then the HAVE read it and don’t take it seriously.
I’ve been following the development of RTTS for years, and I am so excited to see it going public!! Can’t wait to see more of these funky aliens(and humans!)
Aahhhh! I’m so excited! It looks so good already!
I’m so interested to see where this is going! Let’s get official introductions and the cast together! Came over from Tumblr so pretty sure I’m walking in with some backstory under my belt. But excitedly looking forward to seeing how right I am!
Jay Eaton
Yeah, this’ll be interesting. Timeline wise this book is basically a backstory for most of the little comics I’ve drawn for social media, so it’s gonna have a lot of characters people haven’t met, and be missing some characters people might expect…