Idrisah can't say no to a cute freckled face with widdle kitty cat fangs.
Talita pushes up the shutter of a slot-shaped peephole on her door and sees that the bright, grinning face of Gillie is behind it. Talita opens the door. Both Gillie and Idrisah are standing on the ramp of her apartment.
Talita: ...Idrisah?
Gillie gestures excitedly while Idrisah watches her with a disgruntled expression, blushing slightly.
Gillie: (ASL) A bunch of gaps opened in the outgoing schedule! There’s nothing stopping us now!
Talita stares knowingly at Idrisah, suppressing a grin. Idrisah sweats nervously, and turns a darker shade of red. She folds her arms and scowls, looking away.
Idrisah: I’m here to make sure you two don’t get arrested.
Talita: (grinning sardonically) Whatever helps you sleep at night.
64 thoughts on “Runaway to the Stars: Page 132”
Cutie pies, the lot of them
Hey Jay can I ask you 3 questions?
1Did you are angryvat me?
2 Did you seen my previous questions about what would benonhuman lifespans with technology simillar to 21st century?
3 Did humans have found “cre” For autism? Because I myself auristic and I would like to stop being autistic. I understand that sone autistic would like to stat in that way, but for me autism made my life hard and lobely
I can answer the last one: no, autism have not been cured. There will be a major character later on who is autistic, and I love her with all my soul.
I understand that being autistic can suck, hard. I am autistic too. But the only cure there will ever be if science is right is a more accessible society. And this webcomic is great at showing what can be made for everybody to live together with the accomodation they need. Mostly, sometimes the accomodations aren’t here, but the comic let you know that the situation isn’t normal.
I hope you enjoy the story!
Idrisah, that’s the most “trying to put on a really serious face in spite of fawning over the cutie patootie” ever
… Where’s Gillie’s ears?
She’s out in public, and hides them under her hair when she’s in public.
She keeps them pinned down under her hairline when out and about because being an “off-model” catgirl is too much of a headache to deal with from other people. She hides her tail as well as plucks her whiskers (though the whisker thing is more of a personal preferance thing)
So this is it? It’s happening? The ship is about to… well get repaired and rebuilt… but after that it sets sail across the infinite black ocean of space.
Black seas
That I can’t navigate.
The great starlightbriigaadee—
god I love that song.
Man that video needs to be turned into an actual cartoon series. Every year I coment on the video that we’re still waiting for the show. Don’t format your music video like the opening for a tv show that doesn’t exist if you don’t want fans begging you to actually make the show.
Joey Two-Eyes
I just realised I’ve been passively taking Talita’s mouth shapes into account in how I read her voice, even though they realistically wouldn’t have any effect. (In that last panel, her voice “sounded” to me the same way a human’s voice sounds when they speak with a grin.) Really, I just noticed that my brain takes mouth shapes into account when imagining character voices, period – I never noticed it doing that! Thanks for using a cool character design to inadvertently draw my attention to something really cool, Jay.
Man, now I’m thinking about all the ways Talita’s trunk positions would passively affect her voice tone. I bet that’s part of why she doesn’t use it to emote very often, isn’t it? (Aside from just not having the behaviour modelled for her by other centaurs.) If she used her trunk to emote while speaking, it could inflect her voice, and those inflections might not parse to a human the way they would to a homeplanet centaur.
It’s possible Talita has picked up ‘alien’ facial cues from her upbringing?
Like you wouldn’t believe
Joey Two-Eyes
Oh, yeah, that’s definitely the primary reason.
Phasma Felis
Of course we know they’re all leaving on the Runaway, but do *they* know that yet? I can’t recall if there’s been any discussion of it, other than Cal telling Talita that she’s ready to leave even if she won’t admit it to herself.
Phasma Felis
Also, I’m 100% on board for all of these antics, but are people in the future not afraid of, like, being blacklisted from their industry? I realize this is more or less a victimless crime in actual fact, but employers take a very dim view of people who make free with company property even if it’s not *teeeechnically* illegal.
> are people in the future not afraid of, like, being blacklisted from their industry?
You’ve *seen* the temps they hired, and if Ohwitiil really has a yellscalation level *above* the one used for the aluminium meltdown, I don’t want to be on the planet when we find out …
Keep reading.
I’ve wondered this too. I don’t recall it being discussed yet.
I’m pretty sure that Idrisah is *not* considering that an option … yet.
Gillie … she seems sufficiently on board of the whole thing to do *that* as well, for reasons unknown, *possibly* not even being entirely aware of it.
Talita, in that respect, still is the big mystery. To herself as well:
Distance model Idrisah reminds me of Ikea man
Gar G
I just noticed the logo on the shirt
Gar G
That smile <3
Really all their expressions here XD
I love her excited stimming.
I believe that’s her signing rather than stimming
“Idrisah can’t say no to a cute freckled face with widdle kitty cat fangs.”
Understatement of the year, Jayrockin.
i super duper love the expressions on this page oh man
I think at least 60% of the panels with Idrisah’s face have it simplified to comically exaggerate her expression. I take it to mean she just doesn’t have a poker face.
Gillie looks like that one picture of It in the sewer
The Hollymonster
The Hollymonster
*Gilliewise, rather. I no spel gud today, apparently.
Now that I think about it, leaving in a ship planed to be scrapped by cannibalizing others shipwrecks that you are supposed to treat too, is a hell of a letter of resignation.
Bruce Mickelson
They must have broken the sound barrier getting from their apartment to Talita’s door that fast!
the Inmara
Gillie was probably typing her dissertation while the two of them fast walked over there.
Every page a rich opportunity for great reaction expressions
I love the implication that they immediately went to Talita’s apartment, with Gillie never even finishing her text
Common Handle
Talita’s face in the last panel… she knows exactly what’s up lol
First, love, love LOVE their expressions!
Second, thank you for making me snicker.
We know why you’re really here, Idrisah :]
Loving her and Talita’s expressions near the bottom, the ‘we both know’ kind of face
Jay I would like you to know you made me start making alien worlds again!!!
Likewise, RTTS has made me dust off some newer concepts I started after discovering Becky Chambers, but actually had been kicking around my head since the first half of _Titan A. E. _ (bad movie, pretty good worldbuilding).
I’ve been designing alien civilizations most of my life. Jay’s inspiring me to pay attention to far more dynamics and do a better job at it. I’m pretty certain that this is the best alien world building.
“I’m here to make sure you two don’t get arrested.”
And I presume that it’s *not* a coincidence that it’s too high up to double-serve as a uni^H^H^Hcat door … ?
… then you should’ve held up a blanket behind Gillie’s back, Idrisah, because following her ASL with binoculars probably is *much* more viable than fiddling with a directional microphone from the opposite side of the habitat …
An actual speakeasy-style peephole (sliding and pair-of-eyes-sized, rather than a flap like a mail slot)? Talita, do you have a bit of shady history from *before* Bip showed up, perchance?
“There’s nothing stopping us now!”
Famous last … umh, gestures.
I suspect that the pinhole style peepholes you see in human architecture might not work super well for Talita’s huge distance-vision-prioritizing eyes.
yeah and there are only so many options for a garage door that opens upwards and takes like 15 seconds to do so
The peephole is level with the outside keypad, it’s visible in Chapter 2, pages 44-45. I know you guys are at least half-joking, but I expect it was installed when the storage unit was converted into Talita’s house.
Although… on pg. 113, no peephole is visible in the Touati-Sharpes’ apartment door. Doesn’t mean there isn’t a camera, or it didn’t get drawn, but we can’t see one.
Also, Idrisah is 6’0″, meaning the bottom of the keypad (and the peephole) are set about that far from the bottom of the door, and a bit farther from the pavement. That peephole definitely doesn’t conform to Human or Tiiliiitan residential building standards.
Whoa. I… I’ve never analyzed details in a piece of media quite like this, no matter how much I like it. I guess I *really* like this?
I’ve been the same – the setting feels really physically real and grounded in a way that makes it very analysable.
> That peephole definitely doesn’t conform to Human or Tiiliiitan residential building standards.
Of course not. Before Talita, that … erm, shed? … was “dry storage”.
> I know you guys are at least half-joking
My, the insinuation! [alert: unidentified monocle detected in orbit]
I’m still wondering whether the *intended* purpose might actually be that of a mail slot (which would be unnecessary in Gillies and Idrisahs *flat* door if there’s a flock of mail*boxes* on the building’s ground floor), but if so, Talita would still have had to plan for it to *double*-serve for something (otherwise it’s be at the proper height for a *non*-centaur mailman) …
Jordan Aster
Famous last words. Please just say that. :/
The truth come out, does Idrisah is love her wife?
Gillie and Idrisah are great here, but panel four Talita is stealing this page.
Personally, I’m more on board with her sardonic grin in panel six, but like she says in that very panel …
I’m a girly girl with a girly secret
If I tell it to you, promise that you’ll keep it?
I’ll tell you now, my little secret is, is, is, is
I accidentally refurbished, repaired and fully agreed to commandeering a downed pirate ship.
talita Knows…..
I love Talita’s ‘trunk squished against her hand’ pose in panel 4; adorable!
You like krabby patties, don’t you Squidward
Lol, Idrisah don’t lie, everyone can see your true motivation
She is being a good wife supporting her catwife. She just can’t say no to Gillie Crimes.
Idrisah’s face in panel 2 is great.
I don’t think I could say no to a cute freckled face either. Also a huge fan of how sassy Talita is in that last panel!